Our project Xylencer and all its parts were conceived of by the team of students working on the project. All experiments were performed by the students under the supervision of our supervisors. All of the wiki has been written and designed by the team of students. That said, we would like to thank all individuals and groups who have advised and supported us throughout our iGEM journey. Without these people, Xylencer could have never been realized. Dr. Raymond Staals and for bringing us together, their support both during and in between our weekly meetings and their continuous trust in our team.
Carina Nieuwenweg, for their day-to-day individual guidance and unabashed enthusiasm. prof.dr.ir. TJG (Thijs) Ettema, head of the Chair group Microbiology, for allowing the iGEM team to be affiliated with the Chair group of Microbiology, allowing us to work in the Laboratory of Bacterial Genetics and for providing us office space. prof.dr.ir. VAP (Vitor) Martins dos Santos, head of the Chair group Systems and Synthetic Biology, for the allowing the iGEM team to be affiliated with the Chair group Systems and Synthetic Biology (SSB), providing lab space and resources in the SSB lab and office space for the iGEM team. prof.dr. J (John) van der Oost, head of the research group Bacterial Genetics (BacGen), for hosting the iGEM team and providing both resources and laboratory space at the BacGen lab. A (Anja) van Holland, the secretaries of MIB and SSB, for helping us book rooms for our endless meetings and assisting us with all of our financial struggles regarding invoices and declaration forms. PGB (Philippe) Puylaert, the Microbiology safety instructor, for giving the complete team a safety tour and ensuring a healthy and safe working environment throughout the iGEM project. ing. R (Rob) Joosten for providing all the necessary laboratory and technical support to ensure a streamlined and proper working environment for each individual in the BacGen lab. ing. T (Tom) Schonewille for providing all the necessary laboratory and technical support to ensure a streamlined and proper working environment in the SSB lab and ensuring that we could order oligos every day. B (Bart) Nijsse for providing troubleshooting support on all sorts of computational matters and for maintaining the necessary server architecture. dr. V (Vittorio) Saggiomo for his continuous support and advice on the detection tool and allowing us to realize our prototype in the laboratory of BioNanoTechnology. dr.ir. JWM (Jan) van Lent for allowing and assisting us to visualize our own produced bacteriophage particles with a Transmission electron microscope (TEM). dr.ir.ing. K (Klaas) Bouwmeester for providing space in the greenhouse of the plant research group, a chairgroup that iGEM Wageningen is not usually related to, space in their ML2 lab and advising us on the setup of those plant experiments. W (Wasin) Poncheewin for supervising and advising Dennie in his subproject on predicting non-pathogenicity. JD (Jan) van Walsem for providing us materials for the capture and storage of insects. All working in the Bacgen lab and for their advice and troubleshooting both in- and outside the lab. Amongst these a special thanks goes out to Sjoerd C. A. Creutzburg for his extensive advice on the use of Crispr. dr.ir. JJ (Jelke) Fros (Chairgroup of Virology) for advising us on phage biology and its mechanisms in the early stages of the iGEM project. prof.dr.ir. RAA (Rene) van der Vlugt and for advising the team on conducting insect transmission assays and providing insight in the use of bacteriophages as a plant therapy. dr.ir. RWHM (Rob) van Tol (Department of Biointeractions & Plant Health) for his advice on conducting insect experiments. dr. PJM (Peter) Bonants (Department of Biointeractions & Plant Health) for advising us in his expertise of the diagnostics and detection of Xylella fastidiosa and providing x. fastidiosa genomic DNA and sequencing data. dr. F. Luzia de Nóbrega (Delft University of Technology)
for providing insight in conducting bacteriophage experiments and associated protocols.
prof.dr. B (Britt) Koskella (University of California, Berkley) for providing insight and guidance in the use of bacteriophages in the agricultural sector during a workshop and a meeting with part of the iGEM team. Lambert van Horen for providing us with financial advice and the awareness of the financial tragedy for Dutch farmers during a x. fastidiosa outbreak in The Netherlands. dr. Eiko Kuramae for advising us on the genomics of x. fastidiosa and insight in the current situation of x. fastidiosa in Coffea in Brazil. Mario de la Fuente for providing insight in the current status of x. fastidiosa in the Spanish wine industry and the control measures in place against it. Jan Veltmans for providing insight in the current status of x. fastidiosa in The Netherlands, the point of view of the Dutch farmers and current status of how we control a potential outbreak. RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)
for providing us with advice regarding all safety aspects within our research project.
dr. CJB (Cécile) van der Vlugt
for helping us understand regulations and the use and of genetic modified organisms within our project.
dr. BC (Bob) Mulder
for supporting the team in their human practises efforts. Especially on how to approach stake holders and to perform stakeholder analyses.
dr.ir M.F. (Martijn) Schenk
for providing insight in the current control measures of the Dutch government, the detection of x. fastidiosa and the potential use of our system in a legal manner.
Eva Garrote García
for providing insight in current research into methods of control and prevention of x. fastidiosa and regulations regarding the introduction of a new (synthetic biology) cure.
dr. Dick Verduin
for providing advice regarding safety, biosafety and security within our project.
dr.ir. JVM (Jose) Vogelezang
for advicing us on how farmers would react upon a x. fastidiosa outbreak and providing additional contacts to discuss potential implication of our technology.
prof.dr. RPP (Rodrigo) Almeida
for providing insight in insect-borne plant diseases and their transmission and the utility of our project in combatting these.
prof.dr. L.O. (Louise) Fresco
for helping us gain contacts within the University, addressing the socio-economic impact of x. fastidiosa in olive trees and the consequence to the potential loss of this cultural heritage.
dr.ir. M. (Maria) Bergsma-Vlami
for her advice concerning current research on x. fastidiosa , the requirements of highly specific x. fastidiosa detection in low quantities and the potential use of our system to combat x. fastidiosa.
ir. AYE (Arianne) van Ballegooij
for providing guidance in setting up our crowdfunding.
dr.ir. JM (Jan) van der Wolf
for providing us with pictures of X. fastidiosa infected trees and sceneries.
Biology Olympiad for the opportunities these organizations have given us to interact with individuals outside the synthetic biology community to foster mutual learning. In addition, we would like to thank all of our sponsors in a special page, who have made this endeavor financially possible.We would like to thank...
Principle investigators
Dr. Jasper Koehorst Supervisors
Despoina Trasanidou,
Enrique Asín García,
Joep Houkes,
Jurre Steens,
Lyon Bruinsma,
Maria Martin Pascual,
Nicolas Vecchini Santaella,
Rik van Rosmalen,
Thomas Swartjes and
Wen Wu
General support
H (Heidi) van den Top and
W (Willemijn) Ramondt, (dry)Lab Support
dr. M (Maria) Suarez-Diez and
dr. E (Edoardo) Saccenti
All working in the SSB labScientific council
JHW (Jan) Bergervoet (Department of Biointeractions & Plant Health)Human practises
Project Support
Outreach & Education
Free Masonry Enschede
Holland bio
Students from systems and synthetic biology minor
Organization of the "Weekend van de Wetenschap"