

Basic Parts

This year, our team submitted four new basic parts. The functions of them are shown below.

Part Number Name Type Part Description
BBa_K3205001 Pare promoter region Basic A promoter induced by aromatic compounds such as benzyl alcohol.
BBa_K3205002 AreR_Acinetobacter sp. Strain ADP1 Basic Encoding the regulatory protein of Pare.
BBa_K3205003 luxPR_3A Basic Mutate the C on the third site to A comparing to the original luxPR promoter.
BBa_K3205004 luxPR_3G Basic Mutate the C on the third site to G comparing to the original luxPR promoter.

Composite Parts

We combined the two basic parts above with GFP and other necessary parts as a new composite part. You can check the link below to find more details.

Part Number Name Type Part Description
BBa_K3205000 A device for detecting benzyl alcohol by producing GFP. Composite A composite part that can report benzyl alcohol by producing GFP.

Characterization Parts

This year, we characterized the binding intensity of LuxR and HSL by setting a set of concentrations of HSL and expressing LuxR by constitutive promoters of different intensity.

Part Number Name Type Part Description
BBa_C0062 luxR repressor/activator, (no LVA?) Basic Encoding the LuxR protein.

Improvement Parts

This year, we improved luxPR promoter to obtain a mutation with low leakage but without losing its highest intensity.

Part Number Name Type Part Description
Promoter (luxR & HSL regulated -- lux pR)
Improvement Improvement part from point mutation of the luxPR promoter, which needs a higher homoserine lactone (HSL) concentration to be activated and decreases the promoter’s leakage.