

. Collaboration with XHD-WS-Wuhan-A

You can also find our collaborations with XHD-WS-Wuhan-A on their wiki:

 o   Meetup with XHD-WS-Wuhan-A

On July 5th, 2019, our team held a meetup in Huazhong Agricultural University with three high school teams, including XHD-WS-Wuhan-A, XHD-WS-Wuhan-B and Worldshaper-Wuhan. During the meetup all teams presented their preliminary designs and expectations. We also exchanged some suggestions to each other. We were interested in their project and promised that if they encountered some technical problems, we would do our best to help them.


 o   Offer characterization circuit to XHD-WS-Wuhan-A

Team XHD-WS-Wuhan-A had encountered issues on part characterization. They couldn't find a proper part to characterize on. We helped them find two candidate parts. One was BBa_J01008, the other one was BBa_K2771000. Finally, they decided to characterize BBa_K2771000. We helped them design primers. We also told them how to characterize this part by offering them a reference protocol.

. Collaboration with XHD-WS-Wuhan-B

You can also find our collaborations with XHD-WS-Wuhan-B on their wiki:

 o   Help XHD-WS-Wuhan-B with their project design

At the beginning of Team XHD-WS-Wuhan-B's project, they came to us for suggestions about their project design. We suggested on the optimization of the three constitutive promoters that they need to select the optimal one to lead and send it to the determination of the function. We also recommended them to eliminate one promoter in Psid+PpbrA+mCheery circuit. In order to make them carry out their experiments more efficiently, we taught them how to arrange the experiment.

 o   Collaboration on experimental techniques

Team XHD-WS-Wuhan-B came to the conclusion that PbrA was not the promoter they had expected to function properly. Then, they decided to replace PbrA with a more conventionally used lead-promoter. To speed up their experiments, we suggested them use homologous recombination and overlap PCR to reconstruct their plasmid. Since they didn't have experiences on homologous recombination and overlap PCR, we decided to teach them hand by hand. Siyang Peng from Team XHD-WS-Wuhan-B came to our laboratory, and we taught her how to design primers, how to run regular PCR and Overlap PCR, how to do DNA agarose gel electrophoresis, how to do gel extraction, how to do homologous recombination, how to do transformation and how to do colony PCR. Xinyun Hu from our Team majorly provided these assistances.



 o   Sharing experimental instrument platform

They constantly came to our laboratory to borrow spectrophotometer and microplate reader for the detection of their phenomena.

. Collaboration with HBUT-China

You can also find our collaboration with HBUT-China on their wiki:

This year Team HBUT-China construct an engineered S. cerevisiae that can absorb nickel ions. The cytotoxicity of nickel ions to S. cerevisiae cannot be ignored. So, they use TgMTP1t2 gene from hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goingense to transfer nickel ions from cytoplasm into vacuole as one of the solutions. To measure the alleviation degree of TgMTP1t2, we help them establish a model. We build three growth curves separately (See the figure below). The first one is in the absence of nickel ions. The second and third curves are respectively in the absence and presence of the TgMTP1t2 while the concentration of nickel ions is 7.5mg/L to see how TgMTP1t2 works. Through the growth curves we can find that the TgMTP1t2 is necessary.

For more details, please view: This is collaboration_1.png

Collaboration with NJTech_China

You can also find our collaborations with NJTech_China on their wiki:

One of our PI, Prof. Jin He, came to NJTech_China to communicate with their team members during their brainstorm period, providing them with sufficient guidance on project design and experiments design. For example, he taught them how to select vectors and promoters. He also patiently answered all their questions. During CCiC, our team and NJTech_China jointly conducted a seminar, presenting our projects and giving suggestions to each other. We had received a lot of useful suggestions on the seminar.


. Meetups

 o   Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC)

We attended Conference of China iGEMer Community held by Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Tons of iGEM teams attended the conference from all parts of China, including students, professors and other experts. During the conference, we presented our project on stage and displayed our poster. We also received lots of suggestions, including controlling the leakage of our circuits and making the smells our machine can memorize more various. Such suggestions have directed our project since the conference.


 o   iGEM Meetup of Central China Area

We also attended iGEM Meetup of Central China Area. Team HBUT-China, HUST-China, HUBU-Wuhan, WHU-China also attended the meetup. On the meetup we presented our project by PPT and acknowledged each other's progress. We told team members of HUST-China, HBUT-China and HUBU-Wuhan how to do parts characterization and parts improvement since they seemed unfamiliar with such affairs. Due to our help, the meetup became very meaningful.

