Team:SASTRA Thanjavur/Notebook


Throughout our struggles and hard work, people came and people left, but one thing stood by our side - Our notebook. Errors, mistakes and perfect results - Our notebook has seen it all, documenting our entire journey, every step of the way. Here it is - Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it.
02-JulyPreservation of E.coli MG1655 Culture for plasmid transfection
09-JulyPlasmid isolation by alkaline lysis method
13-AugustPlanning and protocol discussion for PCR experiments
15-AugustAnalysis of DNA Distribution kit for parts characterization - to study the effect of pH on GFP expression on the selected plasmid- pSB1C3
22-AugustHigh efficiency transformation of pSB1C3 using NEB C2987I - protocol design
Preparation of experimental requirements and its sterilization
Requirements - Distilled water for preparation of antibiotics, LB agar, eppendorf vials & tip boxes
23-AugustImplementation of DNA resuspension protocol
24-AugustPlasmid transformation into the competent cells provided
26-AugustRepetition of transformation experiment due to poor transformation efficiency.
1st PCR experiment - Toehold for miR20a
28-AugustPreparation of experimental requirements and its sterilization
Requirements - Distilled water for preparation of antibiotics, LB broth, LB agar, eppendorf vials & tip boxes
29-AugustSubculturing of the formed colonies of plasmid transformed competent cells
30-AugustRepetition of transformation experiment - We noticed some precipitation in the SOC broth and decided to repeat the experiment using LB broth and decreasing the RPM to 150.
07-SeptemberFluorescence analysis of DH5 Alpha and the transfected cells (Strain 8) after 48 hours of incubation
09-SeptemberTrial 2 - Inoculation of colonies from Strain 8 and DH5 Alpha into freshly prepared LB broth
10-SeptemberFluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 09-Sept, after 24 hours of incubation
11-SeptemberTrial 3 - Inoculation of colonies from Strain 8 and DH5 Alpha into freshly prepared LB broth
Fluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 09-Sept, after 6 hours of incubation
12-SeptemberPerformed OD normalization to set the number of cells for fluorescence measurement after 24 hours
Fluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 09-Sept, after 24 hours of incubation
2nd PCR experiment - Toehold for miR 21, miR 29
Inoculation of Strain 8 in different CAMP (chloramphenicol) concentrations
14-SeptemberPerformed OD normalization at 595nm to normalize the number of cells for fluorescence measurement after 48 hours
Fluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 12-Sept, after 48 hours of incubation
Planning and protocol discussion for pH study
15-SeptemberPreparation of LB broth media in varying pH (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and sterilized
Preparation of 20 µg/mL of CAMP stock
16-SeptemberTrial 1 - Inoculated Dh5 Alpha and Strain 8 in varying pH media (with CAMP for Strain 8)
Preperation of LB broth media in varying pH (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and sterilized
17-SeptemberTrial 1 - Fluorescence study after 24 hours of inoculation
Trial 2 - Inoculated Dh5 Alpha and Strain 8 in varying pH media (with CAMP for Strain 8)
3rd PCR experiment - Toehold for miR20a and miR 21 (sample 1 in 3 dilution)
19-SeptemberTrial 2 - Performed OD normalization at 595nm to set the number of cells for fluorescence measurement after 48 hours
Trial 2 - Fluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 17-Sept, after 48 hours of incubation
21-SeptemberPreparation of LB broth media in varying pH (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and sterlized
22-SeptemberTrial 3 - Inoculation of colonies from Strain 8 and DH5 Alpha into freshly prepared LB broth
23-SeptemberTrial 3 - Performed OD normalization to set the number of cells for fluorescence measurement after 24 hours
Trial 3 - Fluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 22-Sept, after 24 hours of incubation with LB broth as reference
24-SeptemberTrial 3 - Performed OD normalization at 595nm to set the number of cells for fluorescence measurement after 48 hours
Trial 3 - Fluorescence analysis of the samples inoculated on 22-Sept, after 48 hours of incubation with LB broth as reference
4th PCR experiment - Toehold for miR20a and miR21 (1 uL sample directly without dilution)
26-September5th PCR experiment - Toehold for miR20a and miR21 (1 uL sample directly without dilution)
03-OctoberTrial 1 - Fluorescein Standard graph plot for instrument calibration & GFP reference (Auto gain and gain set to 70)
04-OctoberTrial 2 - Fluorescein Standard graph plot for instrument calibration & GFP reference (Gain set to 65, 70, 90, 100)
09-OctoberPurification of PCR product
Characterization of toehold for miR-200a ( Trial run 1)
10-OctoberQuantification of purified PCR product
Characterization of toehold for miR-21 ( Trial run 2)
14-OctoberCharacterization of toehold for miR-21 ( Concentration and specificity Study). Performed by the sensor team.
16-OctoberCharacterization of toehold for miR-20a ( Concentration and specificity Study) Performed by the sensor team.

The "blueprint" of the House of Wetlab and Sensors can be accessed here for your reference.

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