General Instruction: Mr. George Owino instructed the team about the principles in scientific research as well as introductions to genetic experiments. Dr. Cao provided detailed “courses” about the team’s specific experiment design and help checked the final protocol design. He also helped find out problems in the experiments.
Lab Contact: Dr. Cao helped contacted available lab in CPU (China Pharmaceutic University). Dr. Guo was in charge of the lab. Two students of her helped guide the team during experimental process, providing safety precaution trainings and lab skills to use different apparatus.
Project design: All the members from the Biology group are in charge of the project design. Among the ideas they provided, Janet (the team leader)’s idea was accepted by the whole team.
Experimental protocol: Janet was responsible for protocols. She searched essays in various sources, collecting information from Chinese websites as well as foreign ones. After the protocols were collected, Joyce, Janet, and Justin organized all the information and made a good categorization. They translated the research materials into English as a final version.
Poster Design: Wennie was responsible for designing the posters. She learned multiple software to process the image in a really beautiful way. Ingeniously use the structure of flower bouquet and intercepted with slogans, she made the whole team impressive.
Team LOGO Design: Sunny was in charge of the team LOGO. Using the vivid colour and combining the team name with the plant branches, she successfully demonstrated the team’s identity as well as main principles. The team LOGO was viewed by all three artists (Wennie, Susan, Sunny) in the group to made some editions.
Wiki Design: Susan took the role of wiki design. Using the colour green boldly, she combined scientific seriousness with cute images. What’s more, she masterly added Chinese elements into the pages. Janet, Joyce, and Justin helped provided with the text part.
Experiment Material Purchase: Janet contacted all five companies and bought the materials.
Lab: Among all the days in the lab, Janet completed the whole period. Justin and Joyce took part of the experiment due to time inconvenience. The senior Miss ZHANG in the lab helped supervise all the time and provided with safety precaution trainings.
Safety Precautions: Senior ZHANG from CPU taught the whole team about lab requirements.