Team:MSP-Maastricht/Public Engagement


Education &

Public Engagement

To insight a better public understanding of Synthetic Biology and GMOs, it is beneficial to organise events to stimulate the public’s engagement and promote education. O team organised several events in which we offered information on Synthetic Biology and iGEM in form of lectures, workshops and discussions to students, the public and younger high schoolers. In this way were were also able to gain knowledge about the questions, understanding and fears people have about synthetic biology. We realised that even though Synthetic Biology and GMOs are already in our daily lives most people are not aware of that, which confirmed that awareness about the need of events that inform the general public about Synthetic Biology.

To get more information on our education and public engagement, click on the icons below:

MSP Workshops

MSP Lecture

PAS Festival

Week of Biology


1. NIBI. (2019). Week van de Biologie. Retrieved from Week van de Biologie: