


Wageningen UR

We asked Wageningen UR to repeat a transformation experiment. The plasmid names were dCas9-AID and dCas9-eAID which contain several proteins that were necessary for the functionality of this mutation mechanism. AID is Activation induced deaminase and chemically alters DNA by changing Cytosine to Uracil. eAID does the same type of mutations but on a larger locus of the DNA. The transformations of the AID and eAID plasmids showed no colonies. Wageningen contributed to our project by transforming these plasmids using our protocols.

In return, we reproduced Wageningen's findings of a fluorescence loss assay they performed. The graphs shows the repression of mRFP and GFP fluorescence by dCas12a. mrfp and gfp were under the control of the early transcripts regulatory region of phage Lambda. The importance of the experiment was to show the reproducibility of our approach to gain control of phage gene expression and proliferation via targeted operon repression.

TAS Taipei, Tuebingen & Costa Rica

iGEMxSDGs video challenge and concluding video conference organized by TAS Taipei, Tuebingen and Costa Rica .
Team TAS Taipei’s idea was to incorporate the UN Sustainable Development Goals in a video by each participating team designing and shooting a video on the goals relevant to their iGEM project. A video conference with multiple participating team was organized to conclude the SDGs video challenge by sharing our knowledge and ideas.


Our team has participated in a collaboration with Team Düsseldorf and many other teams. For this collaboration, every team had to design their own postcard with a message and send it to Germany. Team Düsseldorf then has sorted the postcards out and sent a copy of them to every team.

TU Dresden

TU Dresden proposed another video collaboration idea called How to iGEM?

This is a video series containing a short explanation of the most important points and challenges that students face during the iGEM competition. Our team chose the following title:
How to get sponsoring in 6 steps? The mini video of each team was about 1-2mins long and was made in order to help participating and future teams to navigate through the requirements of the competition. The script and visual appearance were determined by each team.

UNSW Australia

iGEM UNSW Sydney provided us with a scaffold for a professional business plan.

We have filled in the details of our project as much as we can to develop ideas on how ROCKit could be turned into a business model. All in all, we would like to thank our friends in Sydney for the scaffold. It has helped us discover strengths and weaknesses of our project and what would be necessary steps, if we were to turn ROCKit into a startup.

To take a look at our businessplan, click here.

TU Eindhoven

On October 25, TU Eindhoven will organize the BeNeLux Mini Jamboree. This event will take place as a final rehearsal before the real deal in Boston a week later. We want to thank TU Eindhoven for organizing and inviting us to this final rehearsal!

TAU Israel

On October 6, TAU Isreal organized a mini jamboree in Tel Aviv. The aim of the meet-up was to provide a platform for all the participating iGEM teams to present their project and get feedback and tips for improvement. We want to thank TAU Isreal for organizing this event and having one of our team members participate!