Team – opcion 1 – iGem Madrid

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Wave Wave


S tudents

Irene Guardiola Luna

In charge of: Hardware
Studying Electronics for Communication Engineering. Fun fact: uses the knife and fork to eat hamburgers

Jorge Fernández Méndez

In charge pf: aptamer application for sensor developing.
Chemical Engineer in progress looking for a greener technology solutions.
Believing that taking consciusness it's now more necessary than ever. Proud lover of nature and green stuff in general (GFP's & Avocados included!).
Fun fact: My friends use to told that in other life I should have been a contorsionist, you will never find me staying on a comfortable position for more than 10 minutes.

Pablo Villalobos Sánchez

In charge of: Software
Mathematics and Computer Engineering, most of the time I'm typing code on a computer.
Fun fact: I want and expect to live at least a thousand years.

Laura Sánchez Lara

In charge of: SynBio
Studies Biotechnology, and she is creating the adorable E. cholira (and more).
Fun fact: I still believes green fairies of the forests exist.

Andrea (Uki) Palanco

In charge of: Design
Graduated in Art and Design by Complutense University of Madrid. Multidisciplinary designer in charge of: giving this project "The Look".
Fun fact: I know how to say thank you in more than 15 languages.

Laura Armero Hernández

In charge of: aptamer automation.
Graduated in Pharmacy by the Complutense University of Madrid.
Fun fact: she had a briefly acting career as E.cholira (debut in iGEM spring fest 2019)

Carlos Bilbao Muñoz

In charge of: Software.
Studying Computer Science and Engineering. My job is to look cool programming in a green over black screen.
Fun Fact: No matter how hard I try I will never learn to whistle

I nstructors

Paula Palanco

In charge of: Human Practices.
Anthropologist and journalist, master in Development Studies.
Fun fact: I could be friends with a postbox if you let me enough time. And I am NOT here to judge.

Manuela de las Casas Felgueroso

In charge pf: aptamer application for sensor developing.
Studied Biology and is currently studying a master's degree in Neuroscience, I hope to never stop learning stuff. As part of the team, my job takes part in developing the sensor attached to the strip (so lots of trial and error with our dearest friend streptavidin).
Fun fact: I always wondered how growth media taste and, in case of a zombie apocalypse, if I could survive on them.

Guillermo Fernández Rodríguez

In charge of: Automation protocols for aptamer characterization and biosensor developing.
Graduated in Biology and Master in Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology.
Fun fact: Robot tamer by day, guitar tamer by night...

Claudia Sofía Troncone Clemente

In charge of: protocols development for specific aptamer discovering and automation.
Technical Pathology and Cytology specialist and science lover. I trust on dreams made true... and that’s what I do in the lab.
Fun fact: I think I’m already GFP+.

Elena Núñez Berrueco

In charge of: Modeling
From the Polytechnic University of Madrid. I participated in the development of the model for aptamer folding.

Ana Matesanz

In charge of: Modelling.
Biomedical and Telecommunication system engineer and a master in Artificial Intelligence student.
My job consists in creating aptamers in a computer and perform evil experiments with them, I mean, to save the world. Fun fact: I am able to move all the toes of the right foot independently.

Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou

In charge of: fieldwork trip logistics
From the African Institute of Open Science and Hardware. My role in the team was helping with the logistics of the fieldwork trip to Cameroon, and lend my work space (MboaLab) and materials for running workshops and experiments on the ground.

T eam leader

Francisco Javier (Paco) Quero

In charge of: Making the team not desintegrating into stellar dust (Team Coordinator).
Graduate in Biology (Mention in Biotechnology) and Master in BIO3 (Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics and Information Technologies).
Funfact: My superpower is opening beer bottles with my mouth and to not have broken (my) legs while dancing bachata. My mother was a Cactus and my father a Tucan.

P rincipal Instructor

Mercedes Echaide

I promoted the creation of the High School Madrid_UCM iGEM team and participated as the PI of both teams, ensuring their mutual collaboration.