Team:MADRID UCM/Sponsors

Our Sponsors – iGem Madrid

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Main Sponsor

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The AEGIS Project is part of the current wave of change and entrepreneurship that is taking place in Madrid, with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) being of the pioneering institutions in this.
With the spark that the university gave us, two years ago we were able to create the first Madrid iGEM team and, thus, becoming part of the enriching iGEM experience.
This project has only been possible thanks to the incredible reception that all the university staff gave us, and to the involvement of, first, the two departments of the Faculty of Biology (at UCM) and, subsequently, the rest of the faculties and rectorates that have helped to create this transdisciplinary project.
Currently, the iGEM team Madrid_UCM counts on the economical support of four of the main faculties of our university and four of its main vicerectorates.

Other Sponsors

Promega Biotech Ibérica

Promega Biotech Ibérica is the section of the Promega Corporation that covers the Iberian Peninsula area. Promega is one of the global leaders in its sector, providing innovative solutions and technical support to scientists in a wide range of academic, industrial and governmental settings.
We are especially thankful to Promega for being the first private sponsor to believe in us. Not only did they give us financial support (both with funding and materials) but they also offered us their technical assessment and the help of their public relations team.

Aptus Biotech

Aptus is a biotechnology startup originating in Madrid, focused on the development of new aptamer-based apps. It was founded in 2010 from a collaboration agreement with the Ramon y Cajal Hospital Foundation (FIBio-HRC).
The scope of their support is wider than can be put in words. Our collaboration was carved out during the 2018 iGEM competition, where they instructed the Madrid-OLM team in the subject that would be the basis of our future knowledge and performance: aptamers. They have constantly backed us throughout these two years, providing us with funding, technical assessment, contacts and emotional support.
Thanks for everything, with all our hearts.


Opentrons is a cutting-edge company that is turning upside-down the lab robot’s market with their extremely affordable pipetting robots. Their roots are in iGEM and, for the last two years, they have supported the competition by donating free equipment to some lucky teams all over the world. Opentrons’ flagship is the OT-2 robot, a central piece in our project.
This company has contributed with generous donations to our project, including technical assistance and backup for the staging of our team stand for the Giant Jamboree. Thank you!


Double Helix Technologies (DOULIX™), an official iGEM 2019 sponsor, is part of EXPLORA BIOTECH Srl as their unit for the development of innovative technologies. Their main goal is to develop a comprehensive and coherent bioengineering platform so that scientists, students and, of course, iGEM teams can develop and order DNA parts to carry out their SynBio experiments.
Collaborating with the DOULIX team has truly been a pleasure for us. We hope that their help by providing us synthetic DNA, technical assessment and valuable advice can be (at least partly) reciprocated by our feedback as users of their platform. Thank you for your infinite kindness, particularly to Sota Hirano and Davide de Lucrezia. Ciao!

Twist Bioscience

Twist Bioscience is another official sponsor of the iGEM 2019 competition. They offer a free 10kb of Gene Fragments to each participating team. Thanks to the efficiency and the accuracy of their work we have attained the successful outcome of the cloning experiments, which would not have been otherwise possible.
Thanks for your patience and for helping all the iGEMers to do good science.

Integrated DNA Technologies

IDT is one of the leading companies in the custom manufacturing of oligonucleotides. For the past five years, IDT has been providing free DNA synthesis to all iGEM teams. We are not an exception.

Thank to IDT, our team saved $3000 in gene synthesis, which allowed us to explore a wide range of different and exciting new ideas.

Madri+d Foundation

Madri+d Foundation is one of the main stakeholders in the Madrid’s model of technological, scientific, educational and innovative entrepreneurship.
We are more than thankful to this foundation for their help with the costs of the team’s inscription to the iGEM 2019 competition and several team members' enrollments to the Giant Jamboree.

Ramón Areces Foundation

Ramón Areces Foundation is one of the main Spanish private foundations providing support to scientific research and excellence training.
The foundation contributed with economic funding that paid for the journey of several team members to Boston’s Giant Jamboree. We are very grateful.

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

We aim to integrate all Madrid’s universities in the quest for one goal: providing all the students of our region with the ability to live the iGEM experience.
To achieve this, we have tried to expand the student members of our team beyond the limits of a single institution, attracting people from all over the Community of Madrid. The students of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria are among the best prepared in the biotechnology field, and including them was the next logical step after the creation of the first team in 2018. Furthermore, the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria has generously covered part of its students’ expenses for the trip and inscription to the Giant Jamboree.


Altium Designer is a PCB design software known for its simple, modern and powerful performance. It also stands out for its ability to achieve fast results in complex circuits.
This year we got the opportunity to enjoy this tool thanks to the free licenses that Altium offered to carry out our project. Because of that, we attained great and promising results.

Medialab Prado

Medialab Prado is a citizens’ laboratory that functions as a working space for the production of open cultural projects.
We have always found Medialab-Prado a truly inspiring institution, as we share its most fundamental values and ideas. We absolutely appreciate all their support, not only through material resources, but also in the form of values, learning and guidance.

Microfunding : drops that makes the river

We would like to thank all the individual people, who believed in our project and his potential. Each of them collaborated and donate to our crowdfunding to cost the expenses that make possible the trip to Cameroon.
Jordi Pla
Lidia Lombardero Escuín
Cesar Hernandez Barbero
Carlos Pelayo Ramos Sánchez
Cesar Hernandez Prieto
Maria Pla
Javier Armero y Mercedes Hernández
Laura Hernández Barbero
Trinidad De Frutos Herranz
Pedro Teba
Lorena Lombardero Escuin
Carlos y Toñi
Conchita Sanchez Turanzas
Jesús Matesanz Berzal
Pilar, Miguel & Nines
Francisco Javier Quero Zafrilla
Carlos Sánchez
Joaquin Palanco
Jorge de lorenzo
Carlos Lucena Gonzalez
Nicolasa Luna Redondo
Santiago González Vallejo
Juana Luna
Javier Sanchez Rojas
Adriana Dragoevich
David Santalices
Maria Jesus Sanchez
Pablo Villalobos Sánchez
Yusi Villalobos
José Pradas Regel
Alberto Lombardero Escuin
Manuel Lombardero Díaz
Jordi Pla
Ana isabel
Oscar Rodriguez Dominguez
María Cristina Llanos
Isabel Fernandez-Arias
Eduardo Martin
María Rosario
Cesárea Sánchez Turanzas
Carlos Espin Hidalgo
Alejandro Martinez
Diego Jiménez
Sofia Carrero
Juana Luna
José Manuel Lombardero Escuin
Eva Fernández Santidrián
Rafael Pamplona Colás
Jorge Fernández Méndez
Marc Expòsit Goy
Veva Mendoza
Cristina Caraballo
Alvaro Cen Bro
Sergio Garcia
Javier Lerín
Carmen de Couto
Macarena Ruiz
Ana Isabel Suarez García
Paloma Perez-bello Gil
Fermin Castro Alonso
Alejandro Pizarro
Carla Castignani
Beatriz Divar Varela
Sandra Esteban Torrente
Jorge Velo Busto
Juan F Cózar Peralta
Dave Álvarez
Sandra Cuesta Torres
Alberto Ruiz Arqués