
Parts Overview


We submitted 7 parts.With 4 basic parts (BBa_K2948000:SymAPX3 BBa_K2948001:SymAPX3-mut1 BBa_K2948002:SymAPX3-mut2 BBa_K2948004:ATAPX1) and 1 composite part(BBa_K2948006:ATAPX1 with Prplj).We also characterize a previous part(BBa_K2559003:E.coli promoter of sgRNA(Prplj)).Besides, we improve a previous parts(>>BBa_K2948005:Heme Oxygenase with GroE & RBS(E.coli Codon Optimised))Don't think we win at quantity but we actually provided a series of data with high-quality.Check the GZHS-United’s parts family!


We linked the gene of ATAPX1 to the existing promoter PrplJ, measured its enzyme activity in different states (different temperature, different illumination, different pH), and obtained correlation results between different factors and expressed enzyme protein activity.

Validated New Parts

Ascorbate peroxidase is a key enzyme in the antioxidant network of zooxanthellae, and the 5 parts we added made it easier to express ascorbate peroxidase in this network.


Hemeoxygenase with RBS (E. coli Codon Optimised), sequences obtained from BBa_K953000, and we turned the T7 promoter into GroE promoter.This makes the protein easier to express under control.

<groupparts>iGEM19 GZHS-United</groupparts>