Team:GENAS China/Software

Based on the model, we developed a program on R language and Matlab. With this program, we can parameterize the relay element and describe its performance quantitatively. The program’s outcomes precisely fitting out important parameters that are used to depict the recombinase’s performance, for example, Kb and Kp . This program can read experimental data from a txt file, and output a figure with data points and fitted curve. At the same time, another txt file containing the fixed parameters will be generated.

Most result figures refers to the recombination model were generated by this program. The Matlab and R version of this program were compressed in the zip file below. A data file for testing was also attached.

Furthermore, when the number of samples of recombinase system is large enough, we are able to build a relay element library with parameterized functional database. Then, a CAD program can be developed and automatically choose the proper set of relay module for genetic circuit designers to fix their control circuit and working circuit by simulation using the parameter database in silico. Comparing with the classical trail-and-error method, this mix-and-match method will be more efficient and labor-saving.