Team:UPRM/Public Engagement

Human Practices:

Education and Public Engagement

As the first ever iGEM team in the Caribbean to qualify for and compete at the iGEM Giant Jamboree we realized that more than just competing, we have a great responsibility within our region and communities. It is our goal to introduce Synthetic Biology as a new field of research and economic development. To achieve this, we have committed much of our efforts to offering educational opportunities for our students and communities including Workshops, Summer camps, and Internships. In addition, we have organized conversatories and forums for networking opportunities with leaders in interdisciplinary sciences and politicians. These activities have served to set the foundations for the responsible advancement of Synthetic Biology as a fast-growing field.

iGEM UPRM's Impact

iGEM UPRM's Impact

Regions across the Island influenced by our activities

Our Activities:

click titles to see more!

Principles and Applications of Synthetic Biology Course and Laboratory

On January 2019, our mentors Dr. Carlos Ríos-Velázquez and Dr. Patricia Ortiz-Bermúdez created a class named Principles and Applications of Synthetic Biology. This class touched Synthetic Biology topics such as Genetic Engineering, Recombinant DNA, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Prototypes, Genetic Circuits and Bioethics. The students were divided into four groups to develop their own prototype designs. To present these projects, a Synthetic Biology category was created in the UPRM Annual Biology Research Symposium. The next semester a continuity of this course was created in the form of a Laboratory.

Genetic Engineering and Recombinant DNA Workshops

A three day interactive workshop for High School students from all around the island related to Genetic Engineering and Recombinant DNA. They gained knowledge from us on the safety rules, methods and laboratory techniques on: DNA extraction, digestion, ligation, transformation, electrophoresis, and bioinformatics. This knowledge was proved in 37%. From this week end, many high school students approach us thanking us for having the enthusiasms

SynBio 101 Summer Camp

SynBio 101 was the first Synthetic Biology Summer Camp in Puerto Rico. The Camp consisted of a week of interdisciplinary and integrative workshops for high school students where they gained knowledge on Synthetic Biology, Bioethics, Laboratory Techniques, Critical Analysis and Synthetic Biology Open Language with the purpose of creating their own prototype and presenting it as the final result.

SynBio Week

As pioneers in Synthetic Biology in Puerto Rico, our main objective was to be a primary resource that facilitates the dissemination of knowledge in the field to the different communities of our Island. For this reason,the first ever Synthetic Biology Week was developed. With this activity we aspired to impact the academic community, political public sector and general public. This was achieved through exhibitions, discussions, and workshops on topics related to Synthetic Biology. Some of these being: What is Synthetic Biology and what are its Possible Applications? and Synthetic Biology: Its importance in society at the macro level, bioethical aspects for safe development, employment and research opportunities, among others.

Instituto Universitario para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades

The University Institute for Community Development is an organization at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Campus. Students who are part of this organization collaborate with community leaders across the island. IGEM UPRM has collaborated by presenting workshops for children in microscopy, reforestation, and DNA extraction.

Internship Program

With the intent to foster the formation of more leaders in the scientific fields, iGEM UPRM has recruited interns from nearby high schools and UPRM itself. This Internship Program has allowed these students to learn about the responsibilities and duties of each of our divisions. The objective is that when they see all the possibilities, they can pick the right one for them and lead iGEM RUM into future competitions in the following years.

University Collaborations

The first comminity that we impacted was our own Univeristy. We collabarated with associations to integrate Synthetic Biology in the University. In addition, we particioiates in the University's "Company Night" to educate Industries on the opportunities of Synthetic Biology and how they can help IGEM UPRM synthesize a better world.

Thanks to our sponsors