

Our history

Eight years after the end of the iGEM adventure in Strasbourg, we are delighted to introduce you to the brand new iGEM Strasbourg 2019! Two former members of iGEM Bordeaux 2018 who have been enrolled as Master students in the University of Strasbourg (Yasmine and Lorine) have successfully relaunched the initiative! They have managed to form a team of 17 motivated students supported by 4 skilled PIs. They come from slightly different biology-related backgrounds: biology bachelor, master in molecular biology, microbiology, plant biology, virology as well as biotechnology engineers.


We are glad to introduce our encouraging PIs who we warmly thank for their support.

Professor Hubert Becker got his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology – Biochemistry with the honors in the University of Strasbourg, and then carried out his post-doc in the Yale University in the Molecular Biophysic and Biochemistry department. Pr. Becker currently teaches Biochemistry in the University of Strasbourg and is the leader of the “Function and dynamics of the translation machinery nanomachines and metabolic crosstalks’’ team, itself in partnership with Mitocross LabEx.

Doctor Luc Bonnefond also obtained his PhD in the University of Strasbourg for his work in Cellular and Molecular Biology. He conducted his post-doctoral research in the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, taking part in several studies on the structural characterization of macromolecular complexes involved in translation. He currently teaches Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as an Associate Professor and works in the “Integrated Structural Biology” department in the IGBMC (Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire).

Doctor Michael Ryckelynck carried out his PhD in the IBMC (Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire) in Strasbourg. Then, he was the first postdoctoral researcher in the team of Professor Andrew Griffiths in the Institute of Science and Supramolecular Engineering of Strasbourg (ISIS) for developing microfluidics technology to isolate an enzymatic reaction within a microdroplet. In 2016, Doctor Ryckelynck created the "RNA digital biology" team in the IBMC, working on digital characterizations. He is part of the NetRNA LabEx. As an example, they successfully developed FlexiOmics chips that allow the realization of transcriptomics and proteomics assays with a single-cell resolution.

Professor Carine Meignin obtained her PhD in Physiology and Molecular Genetics in the University of Auvergne with the honors. Afterwards, she carried out a postdoctoral research in the ICMB University of Edinburgh and the Biochemistry Department of Oxford University focusing on mRNA transport. She is now Professor in the University of Strasbourg and the leader of “RNA interference and receptors” team in the IBMC in partnership with the NetRNA LabEx. She is nicknamed “Dr. Flies” because of her love for the genetics of Drosophila.

Our team

  • Yasmine AMRANI

    The captain

    Our team leader is Yasmine ! After doing iGEM in Bordeaux she was crazy enough to build a team in Strasbourg. She’s studying molecular genetics of development & Stem Cells. She likes to travel, read and participate to scientific conferences. She’s crazy about apoptosis and she build paper airplane called air apoptosis ! ✈

  • Kateryna LEN

    The thinking head and the instagramer

    Katya is comming from Ukraine and studying in Master of Biology and Molecular Genetics. Determined and voluntary, she suppervises many parts of the project, from the scientific part to communications. Katya is our team leader! She loves good beer 🍻 and geeking in front of TV Series!

  • Lisa WELKER

    The viruses lover

    Lisa is peculiarly fascinated about viruses and so she is studying in Master of Virology. She loves music (especially metal), travel and watch TV shows. She also likes to say No to our team leader Yasmine. She is in charge of the Human Practice and is always ready to help where she can!

  • Lorine DEBANDE

    The gold digger

    Originally from Bordeaux, it’s kind of a magic mix of blood and wine running in her veines. Last year Lorine participated in iGEM Bordeaux and she wanted to repeat the experience when she arrived in Strasbourg to provide advices, participate in the creation of the team and mostly to work on finding sponsors and administrative tasks. She loves talking to bacteria and considers them like her little babies. She devotes her free time to all kinds of sports and cultural activities but her favourite activity is to let food rot and then analyze and determine the microorganisms that may have grown..

  • Lorraine PINOT

    The new Bostonian girl

    Lorraine is one of our administration responsible and FabLab intern. She gets this year PharmD in Pharmaceutical sciences while continuing her studies in Strasbourg school of biotechnology (ESBS). Today Lorraine is in Boston for an international exchange program. Despite the distance, she is always very helpful with our allergen detection project. Especially taking into account her peanuts allergy that is useful for our practical experiences.

  • Claire HUSSER

    The aptamers girl

    Claire Husser is our Lab responsible. She is in second year of Master degree in biology and molecular genetics, also she takes part in IMCBio school. Claire is fascinated by a single cell or even a single molecule analysis and also miniaturization of systems. Besides science, she is a very artistic person. Claire loves to make dollhouses or ship in a bottle. Her credo is “Always smallest with more details”.

  • Léa CÉLIK

    The crazy artist

    Léa Célik is one of intern of BiotechLab. Léa is fascinated by molecular mechanisms and fundamental researches. She is in Master of Molecular Biology and Genetics with Katya and Claire. The participation in iGEM for Lea is an opportunity to discover different aspects of project managing. Lea is one of the initiators of food allergens detection kit idea. Despite her success in science, she is a very artistic person and she improves her competence in graphical design every day.

  • Julianne BORD-CONTU

    the laboratory apprentice

    Julianne is one of our GMGM interns. Julianne is the youngest project participant. She is studying in the thirst year of a Bachelor's degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She loves genetics and especially genomics. Participating in iGEM is an opportunity for her to discover the different areas of biology and begin practical work in the laboratory. In addition to science passion, Julianne loves everything about art and spends her free time drawing 🎨.

  • Jessica Danielly MEDINA SANCHEZ

    The wise researcher

    Jessica is one of the GMGM interns, also she participated in the characterization and worked on the modelization part! She is currently a Master 2 student in Developmental Biology and Stem Cells! She is native of Mexico, the land of the Axolotls. She is fascinated by their ability to regenerate and loves this animal, and she also wants to become a researcher to be able to study them.

  • Alexandre GILARDET

    The new Shiva

    Alexandre is in charge of the wiki, the hardest part . Alexandre came all the way from Brest to discover Strasbourg and the ESBS. Like if it wasn’t far enough, he integrated the University of Freiburg for his master.

  • Rebecca THERBY-VALE

    The crazy treasurer

    Rebecca is a fan of lousy pun, she did her license in Genetics and Cell Biology in Lyon and she’s now in the “Plants: molecular biology and biotechnologies” master at the University of Strasbourg. She’s iGEM’s treasurer. In the future, she would like to do agroecology to reunite her two passions: biology and food!

  • Léna COUDRAY

    The strong hand

    Lena is passionate about science. She just graduated from a Master’s degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics. In addition to science and her strong interest in structural biology, she enjoys metal music, reading and baking.


    The illustrious illustrator

    Bryan has just graduated from the Master's degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics and is interested in structural biology. In addition to science, he has many artistic skills which allowed him to create our banner and several illustrations.


    The computer apprentice

    Malo Sanglier studied biology in Lyon, and after an Erasmus year in Germany, he joined the trinational program of the ESBS. Later, he wants to use his biotech knowledge in the environmental field. He work a lot in the computing part of the wiki. Also, he is the best lasertag player of our team!

  • Julie LAPOUGES

    The misunderstood scientist

    Julie did her Life Science license at the University of Strasbourg with the “Molecular and Cellular Biology” option. That’s at this moment that she came to like biochemistry and molecular biology. During her master 1 internship, she discovered the fabulous world of biotechnologies and synthesis biology. She likes to cook and to do sport which helps her to keep her life balanced.