

Social Context

Social Context


Cervical cancer is the second most common fatal tumour after Ovarian cancer. In a global context, there are approximately 600 thousand new cases of cervical cancer annually, and nearly half of them were lethal.

On a global scale,  there is a confirmed diagnosis of cervical cancer every minute, and a woman is killed by cervical cancer every two minutes. Harald Zur Hausen, the 2008 medicine Nobel prize owner, first found the relationship between the HPV and cervical cancer. His further research on HPV's mechanism has proved that the HPV infections are the main cause of cervical cancer.


Almost 99.7% of Cervical cancer is caused by HPV. In 2008 a Nobel prize was awarded to prove that HPV infection is the main cause of Cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer worldwide and the second most common cancer for females aged from15-44 years old. It also ranks the fifth most lethal tumour that is most lethal to women.

The mortality rate of cervical cancer is higher in underdeveloped areas. Cervical cancer is one of the most common lethal tumors for women in developing countries, as 80%~85% of death cases of cervical cancer were found in developing countries.

About 135,000 new cases of cervical cancer per year are reported in China, and 80,000 of those cases result in death. Most patients diagnosed with cervical cancer  live for less than 5 years since they have already developed advanced stages of cancer at the time.


Grandin, K. (2009). Cervical Cancer Could Basically Be Eliminated by 2100: Report. [online] Global Citizen. Available at: [Accessed 4 Aug. 2019].

 Chasan, R. (2018). NIH Fact Sheets - Cervical Cancer. [online] Available at:

Marchildon, J. (2019). Cervical Cancer Could Basically Be Eliminated by 2100: Report. [online] Global Citizen. Available at: [Accessed 4 Aug. 2019].

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