
In last year's metlab project, SJTU-software received some feedback on their project. They created a SBML shorthand format "met", and gave the users a turtorial for this met. However, Jugde told them that visualization in their toolbox is good while the met file creation was too difficult.

With this in mind, we have integrated 2D visualization of smiles last year into our database and our prediction tool. We also implemented 3D visualization of smiles. The user can further control and adjust the specific details of the chemical molecules in the 2D or 3D visualization page of SMILES.
The SJTU-software 2018's SMILEs
The SJTU-software 2019's SMILEs
In addition, we have developed a new met format that can be used for sbml writing and shorthand. This new met type withhold more information, but it is still easy to edit. In this year's website, we provide the tool which is able to convert this version of the met format file to the sbml format file or conversely.

The SJTU-software 2018's met format

This Year's Met Format convert tool

Presented by
SJTU - software