
Special Prizes
Education and Public Engagement
In order to educate the public about synthetic biology and its importance, we have taken many different forms of publicity. We educated the general public about the fundamentals and knowledge of plant synthetic biology through high school courses and 3D games. Through these activities, we could minimize the public prejudice against synthetic biology. Integrating science popularization into education and games made our propaganda work smoother and more efficient. In Yunnan, we taught junior high school students the basics of plant and synthetic biology in summer school. This teaching method gave them opportunities to understand the basic microbiological experiment considerations during the experimental operation. We developed a 3D biological knowledge puzzle-solving secret room escape game ——Professor's secret. There are a lot of puzzles and clues about synthetic biology. Players need to activate their brains, use their biological knowledge, find clues, solve puzzles, get out of the secret room. For more details, please click on the link: Education and Public Engagement page.

Plant Synthetic Biology
In plant synthetic biology research, searching for information in the databases of the company the plants can be cumbersome, so we decided to develop Phosyme as an integrated database, and provide a variety of functions. The original intention of Phosyme was to provide researchers in plant synthesis with convenient and quick search tools to reduce their extensive work in literature search and integration, in this way to help the development of plant synthesis. In addition, Phosyme has developed a tool kit for plant synthesis biology research to help researchers understand and maximize the use of information to facilitate the development of plant synthesis through visualization and enzyme prediction. We integrated a database of plant genes, enzyme reactions and metabolic pathways, and optimized the search methods and content. We collect and integrate the latest advances and overall information of plant synthetic biology, which can provide the background for information query and resource search of plant synthetic biology. For more details, please click on the link: Plant page.

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SJTU - software