
Sci-Phi 29


  • Best part
    Name Description Designer
    BBa_K2918000 blablablablablablablablablablablabla TU Delft 2019


  • Best composite part
    Name Description Designer
    BBa_K2918000 blablablablablablablablablablablabla TU Delft 2019
  • Best Collection
    • Engineering non-model organisms requires discovery of organism-specific parts or re-tuning of parts characterized in model organisms. Our part collection provides modular cloning (MoClo) compatible parts that can be used for predictable expression of genes across different bacterial species.

      To overcome the need to identify parts for different bacterial hosts, our collection provides parts of the phi29 replication machinery to establish orthogonal replication. Furthermore, the collection consists of regulatory elements (promoters, RBSs, terminators) that work in a plethora of bacterial species.

      To insulate the behavior of genetic circuits from variations associated with change in bacterial context, our collection also offers parts essential to append an incoherent feed forward loop (iFFL) to any genetic circuit. iFFL ensures that the gene of interest expression is impervious to changes in copy number, transcriptional and translational rates.

      Our collection acts as a platform to future iGEM teams for effortless engineering of their bacteria of choice.

      Basic Parts

      BBa_K2918005Regulatory0.1 T7 promoter TUDelft201923
      BBa_K2918006Regulatory0.5 T7 promoterTUDelft201923
      BBa_K2918009Regulatory0.5 T7 promoter variant with TALEsp1 binding siteTUDelft 201941
      BBa_K2918035RBSBBa_B0032 RBS and RiboJTUDelft 201994
      BBa_K2918013RBSBBa_B0032 RBS and SarJTUDelft 201998
      BBa_K2918034RegulatoryBroad host range promoterTUDelft 201956
      BBa_K2918011RegulatoryBroad host range promoter with TALEsp1 binding siteTUDelft 201956
      BBa_K2918037CodingCross-species harmonized GFPTUDelft 2019678
      BBa_K2918061OtherRBS (B0032) adapted for modular cloning with RibozymesTUDelft 201925
      BBa_K2918038RBSRiboJ and universal binding siteTUDelft 201985
      BBa_K2918012OtherRibozyme J (Ribo J)TUDelft 201975
      BBa_K2918036RBSSarJ and universal ribosome binding site TUDelft 201989
      BBa_K2918010RegulatoryT7 promoter with TALEsp1 binding siteTUDelft 201941
      BBa_K2918016TerminatorT7 terminator variantTUDelft 201948
      BBa_K2918008CodingTranscription Activator like Effector protein (TALEsp1)TUDelft20192640
      BBa_K2918014RBSUniversal RBSTUDelft201910
      BBa_K2918062RBSUniversal RBS site adapted for modular cloning with ribozymesTUDelft 201916
      RegulatoryWild type T7 promoter TUDelft201923
      BBa_K2918015TerminatorWild type T7 terminatorTUDelft201948
      BBa_K2918000CodingΦ29 DNA polymerase (DNAP/p2)TUDelft20191719
      BBa_K2918003CodingΦ29 Double Strand Binding Protein (DSB/p6)TUDelft2019315
      BBa_K2918002CodingΦ29 Single Stranded Binding Protein (SSB/p5)TUDelft2019375
      BBa_K2918001CodingΦ29 Terminal Protein (TP/p3)TUDelft2019801

      Composite Parts