Difference between revisions of "Team:UM Macau/Attributions"

Line 335: Line 335:
<ul>Mainly responsible to internal affairs. Managed, designed and supervised all the experiments, finished most of the experiment and data analysis. Contacted the reagent supplier and technical support and ensure the experimental progress.</ul>
<ul>Mainly responsible to internal affairs. Managed, designed and supervised all the experiments, finished most of the experiment and data analysis. Contacted the reagent supplier and technical support and ensure the experimental progress.</ul>
<ul> Laboratory works: <ol style="list-style: upper-roman"> <li> Construct designing: Selected and designed the fragments that we used as basic and composite parts for our project. </li>
<ul> Laboratory works: <ol style="list-style: upper-roman"> <li> Construct designing: Selected and designed the fragments that we used as basic and composite parts for our project. </li>
<li>Protocol writing: Mainly wrote and figured out, along with the laboratory managers, most of the protocols that we have used for the project.</li>
<li>Protocol writing: Mainly wrote and figured out, along with the laboratory managers, most of the protocols that we have used for the project.</li>
Line 346: Line 347:
<li>Literature reading and planning: Contributed largely to the reference and information gathering which shaped the final idea of the project.
<li>Literature reading and planning: Contributed largely to the reference and information gathering which shaped the final idea of the project.
<li>Inventory and stock management: Mainly in charge in keeping track of the amount of materials that we would need for each experiment and replenishing them if necessary. </li> </ol>
<li>Inventory and stock management: Mainly in charge in keeping track of the amount of materials that we would need for each experiment and replenishing them if necessary. </li> </ol></ul>
Line 358: Line 359:
<li>Participated in the Golden gate webinar.</li>
<li>Participated in the Golden gate webinar.</li>
<li>Assisted in the production of powerpoints for the symposiums and the Giant Jamboree.</li>
<li>Assisted in the production of powerpoints for the symposiums and the Giant Jamboree.</li>
<li>Participated and represented UM_Macau for the SDG&iGEM online conference.</li> </ol>
<li>Participated and represented UM_Macau for the SDG&iGEM online conference.</li> </ol></ul>

Revision as of 17:13, 21 October 2019



Jia Ying NG

  1. General
    • Mainly responsible for scheduling and organizing iGEM project scheme to ensure all works are performed well.
  2. Budget proposal
    • Proposed the budget plans together with Julien to FHS office to ensure all financial support could be achieved and maintained, Including the budget proposal for administration fee, laboratory materials, Outreach activities’ materials, promoting materials, etc.
  3. Human Practices
  4. Engaged in the organisation of various activities of human practice and participated in almost all of them, including
    • visiting of wastewater treatment plant
    • interview of Hong Kong environmental research experts
    • Online questionnaire collection
  5. Education and Public Engagement
    • Local high school summer camp
    • Lecture about NPs pollution and our project in Residential college
    • local high school water purification DIY workshop.
    • Sea product markets interview
  6. Wiki
    • Orchestrated overall wiki design, information and data collection, illustration and pictures generation to ensure all members can work efficiently.
    • Wrote illustration, collected and generated pictures for “Project Description and Inspiration” and “Experiment Design” wiki pages.
    • Organized some of the lablog, prepare all the daily lab photos to be ready to upload to wiki pages.
    • Generated the format of all wiki pages related to lab activities.

Philip Naderev P. LAGNITON

    Mainly responsible to internal affairs. Managed, designed and supervised all the experiments, finished most of the experiment and data analysis. Contacted the reagent supplier and technical support and ensure the experimental progress.
    Laboratory works:
    1. Construct designing: Selected and designed the fragments that we used as basic and composite parts for our project.
    2. Protocol writing: Mainly wrote and figured out, along with the laboratory managers, most of the protocols that we have used for the project.
    3. Plasmids construction: Amplification PCR, Restriction digestion, Gibson assembly, Plasmid extraction from bacteria, the Transformation of bacteria, Colony picking, DNA gel running.
    4. Protein expression test: Including Western blot, Pull-down assay, Tyrosinase secretion system expression test, Immunofluorescence for OPHT.
    5. Functional test: OPHT adhesion system functional test, Ftna functional test, and tyrosinase activity test.
    6. Diagnostic and problem solving: Spearheaded all the problem diagnostics and debugging in order to get the project back on track as soon as possible. This was achieved by coordinating with the advisers and the PhD mentors.
    7. Data processing and analysis: Processed most of the data from the functional test and led the interpretation and analysis.
    8. Supervision of teammates for the laboratory works: Trained and supervised teammates for the laboratory activities for safety and efficiency.
    9. Literature reading and planning: Contributed largely to the reference and information gathering which shaped the final idea of the project.
    10. Inventory and stock management: Mainly in charge in keeping track of the amount of materials that we would need for each experiment and replenishing them if necessary.
    Outreach Activities:
    1. Established contact for one of the local highschool and participated in the DIY water purification kit workshop in that school; Coordinator and Photographer.
    2. Participated in the lectures in the UM summer camp; Photographer.
    3. Contacted C-trap to confirm the details of the technique and prepared the samples for sending.
    4. Assisted in the Team’s Giant Jamboree video making.
    5. Participated in the residential colleges lectures; Coordinator and Photographer.
    6. Represented UM_Macau in the CUHK symposium; Presenter of our project.
    7. Coordinated with PuiChing_Macau for laboratory collaboration and mentorship.
    8. Participated in the Golden gate webinar.
    9. Assisted in the production of powerpoints for the symposiums and the Giant Jamboree.
    10. Participated and represented UM_Macau for the SDG&iGEM online conference.

Carrie, Yuchen YANG

  1. General
    • Designed, coordinated and conducted all external affairs including activities in Human Practices and Public Engagement, sponsors invitation, technique supports coordination. Participated in the production of promoting media including video, PPTs, wiki and posters. Coordinated the materials procurement. Contributed in early stage of wet lab work.
  2. Human Practices
    • Designed, conducted and coordinated the Human Practices activities. Collected and summarized the results. Prepared related promoting materials and composed the related pages in wiki. The activities include:
      • Interviewed and visited in local WWTP
      • Communicated with Macau Government
      • Coordinated the Hong Kong experts interview
      • Designed the questionnaire, collected the results.
      Inter-team communication
      • Coordinated and participated in team meet-up with CUHK
      • Coordinated and participated in SDG&iGEM online conference
      • Coordinated and participated in the 1st HK iGEM symposium 2019
      • Coordinated the GoldenGate Webinar
      • Coordinated the GuangZhou symposium
  3. Public Engagement and Education
    • Designed, conducted and coordinated related activities. Collected and summarized the results. Prepared related promoting materials and composed the related pages in wiki. The activities include:
      • Coordinated and participated in team meet-up with CUHK
      • interview of Hong Kong environmental research experts
      • Online questionnaire collection
  4. Media
    • Production of promoting videos
    • Production of related ppts
    • Composition of related wiki pages
    • Framework design of posters
  5. Wet Lab
    • Contributed in plasmids constructions of OPHTII, Tyrosinase secretion system I, IIa, IIb and III as well as some of the materials preparation.

Wet Lab

Renee, Liyunzi LIANG

  1. Web Lab
    • Assisted in lab experiments and protocol design; Carried out routine wet lab work such as material preparation, plasmid construction(pBBR1MCS2-OPHT1/OPHT2/OPHT3/OPHM/OPHA;pBAD24-NSP4 tyrosinase; PET11a-OPHT1/OPHT2/OPHT3/OPHM/OPHA; pBAD24- FtnA), protein expression test, functional test, toxicity test and data analysis; Supervised teammates for the early stage laboratory work; Recorded lab notes from May to July, assisted in recording and arranging lab notes from August to October; Assisted in safety form edition
  2. Others
    • Prepared related materials and composed the safety page in wiki
    • Assist in labeling and organizing lab result pictures, data illustration and interpretation for wiki page
    • Attended the 2nd forum for the theme of synthetic-biology advance in Guang dong-Hong Kong -Macao and gave a brief presentation to share our project with other teams
    • Participated in the Golden Gate Webinar
    • Participated in team meet-up with CUHK


Julien, Rui Lian NYAM

  1. Treasurer
    • mainly responsible for proposing budget plan and quotations, place ordering for necessary materials or equipment, collect and submit receipts to FHS general office, make financial reports, ensure proper budget allocation and money reimbursement for all expenses can be progress smoothly.
  2. Wet lab
    • take care of all wet lab related tasks, assists in designing experiments, carries out all experiments such as plasmid construction, protein expression test and functional test,maintain cleanliness of bench environment, assist in data characterization for Registry parts, record lab notes and protocols, experimental results and data organization, defining results picture, data illustration and interpretation for wiki page.
  3. Social media account
    • administrator of Facebook and Instagram iGEM account, update our team latest status to public frequently, connect us with other iGEM team on social media.
  4. Others
    • Assisted in creating “lab notes” in Wiki page
    • Participated GoldenGate Webinar
    • Presenter in promoting video filming
    • Biomedical science summer camp workshop helper


Jing Tong TAN

  1. Media manager
    • Responsible for almost all Wiki pages designing and Code writing.
    • Designed all types of banner, leaflet, and logo for advertising.
  2. Human Practices
    • Participated in Wastewater treatment plan visiting, and responsible for taking and organizing notes during and after the interview.
    • Participated in Hong Kong environmental experts interview and responsible for taking and organizing notes during and after the interview.
    • Distribution of online questionnaire.
  3. Education and Public Engagement
    • Participated in and supervised the students of local high school during summer camp activity.
  4. Administrative communication
    • Responsible for communicating with FHS staff Jimmy to apply for an official UM account as a communication platform for internal and external affairs.
    • Responsible for booking meeting room by communicating with FHS administrative staff.

Hugh, Zhongyu HUANG

  1. Media manager
    • Responsible for parts of Wiki page designing and code writing.
    • Designed and made the team official video
    • Helped Designed the team official poster
  2. Human Practices, Education and Public Engagement
    • Participated in Sea-product market interview
    • Participated in local high school DIY workshop (Sam Yuk School)
  3. Wet Lab
    • Helped collect samples, transform bacteria, and some other lab procedures

Connie, Yixiao WANG

  1. General
    • She is a Computer Science student from Univeristy of Michigan Ann Arbor, helping us with wikipages
  2. Media
    • Helped write wikipage codes


Pinto, Zhijun HE

  1. General
    • Mainly responded to external activities organization in human practices and public engagement, creating connection to macau government.
  2. Human Practices
    • Organized and Helped to design human practices activities. Create connection to a government department. Help to prepared promoting materials. The activities include:
      • Organized the Interview and visiting in local WWTP
      • Created Communicated with Macau Government
      • Organized Seafood market interview
      • Designed the questionnaire, collected the results.
      Inter-team communication
      • Participated in team meet-up with CUHK
      • Coordinated and Participated in Guangzhou symposium
  3. Public Engagement and Education
    • Designed, coordinated related activities. Finish the presentation in some of the activities. Prepared related promoting materials and composed the related pages in wiki. The activities include:
      • Associated to take photos in the residential college lecture in UM
      • Coordinated and finished the presentation in the DIY water purification kit workshop in Local high school.
      • Finish the presentation in the lectures in UM summer camp
      • Coordinated the Sea product market interview
  4. Media
    • Production of related ppts
    • Design the figure in posters and finishing the posters
  5. Wet Lab
    • Contributed to OPHT and FtnA protein expression assay with western blot, parts of plasmid extraction, protein extraction and concentration measuring, western blot sample preparing. Provided parts of protocol in western blot for protein expression.
  6. Others
    • Helped to collect the lab material and outreach material, finishing proposal and budget plan.

Katrina, Jiaqi XIAN

  1. Lab assistance in the early stage
    • Conducted tyrosinase secretion system construction experiment
  2. Promotion
    • Responsible for promotion items acquisition
    • Assisted in promotion items design
  3. Public engagement
    • Facilitated in local high school DIY water purification kit workshop

Principle Investigators

Prof Leo lee / Primary PI

He, as the convener of our team, was responsible for administrative procedures and provided most of the suggestions on the experiments and human practices. He also provided us with the basic experiment equipment, reaction agents, and kits for different experiments like western blot system, DNA gel purification kit, EP tube and pipette tips, etc. .

Prof Vivien Wong / Primary PI

As the expert in proteomics, she provided useful advice about the project design and web lab, especially in the protein expression aspect. She also offered the experimental bench in her lab for us. .

Prof Ruiyu Xie / Primary PI

She is an expert in molecular biology and provided valuable advice on project design and bio-bricks design.


Prof Zhang Xuanjun / Advisor

As the expert in chemistry and nanotechnology, he provided lots of knowledge of chemistry. He also provided PFTPT and PFBT nanoparticle samples with fluorescence for functional tests, and UV-vis spectrophotometry for nanoparticle concentration measuring.

Prof Zheng Jun / Advisor

As the expert in microbiology, he provided us with most of microbiology experimental protocols, for example, E.coli transformation for protein expression and plasmid amplification, bacteria protein extraction. Moreover, plasmids for protein expression, some of the antibodies for western-blot, and different E.coli strains were also provided by his lab.


Yunfang Xiong / Instructor

A Ph.D. student from Prof. Leo’s lab. She provided most of the assistance in the wet lab, including western blot, electrophoretic, etc.

Amanda Wu / Instructor

A Ph.D. student from the Faculty of Health Science. She provided suggestions of protein expression tests like the western blot.

Ziqiang Chi / Instructor

PhD student from the Faculty of Science and Technology, he provided help and suggestions in mathematical modeling,


Wendy, Weng Hong SOU

She assisted our team in all the administrative procedures including iGEM team registration, financial application, and others, to ensure the successful establishment and maintenance of our team.

Jimmy, Choi Fong NGAI

He assisted our team to apply for an official UM iGEM email account as a communication platform for external affairs.

University of Hong Kong

Professor Mei Yee Leung, Dr. Olivier Habimana, and Prof. V. Thiyagarajan provided us really useful perspectives and suggestions in the technical problems and improvement of our project, and their encouragement really motivated us to perform better.

C-trap - Sponsor


  1. Mathematical modeling
    • Volunteers from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Science and Technology, helped to finish the model construction simulating the NPs capturing system in a real situation and bacteria movement control by a magnetic field.
      • Volunteers involved: Evaluation of modeling availability: Su HongYi, Fu Ioi, Feng YuZhao, Xie Shu Yao, Leong Hoi Cheng, Fu HengYi (from Faculty of Health Science, UM)
      • Volunteers involved: Data analysis and assistant of modeling construction: Wang ZhiYu, Sun Tuo (From Faculty of Science and Technology, UM)
  2. Seafood markets interview
    • Volunteers from the Faculty of Health Sciences assisted us in the seafood markets interview in recording information, asking questions and taking photos.
      • Volunteers involved: Chan Nga Ieng, Su HongYi, Fu Ioi, Feng YuZhao, Xie Shu Yao




iGEM 2019 UM_Macau