Team:TU Kaiserslautern/Notebook



Date What? Construct
1/30/2019 ligation L2A
2/21/2019 ligation L2C
3/18/2019 ligation L2E
4/9/2019 ligation L2K
4/10/2019 ligation L2H
4/29/2019 ligation L2M
6/26/2019 ligation L2Q
7/1/2019 ligation L2S
8/5/2019 ligation L2V
8/13/2019 ligation L2AC
8/22/2019 ligation L2AD


3/14/2019 expression of PETase and MHETase
3/22/2019 secretion of MHETase (L2C)
4/17/2019 localization of PETase in ER
6/6/2019 secretion of PETase (L2J)
6/12/2019 secretion of both, MHETase and PETase (SP20-tag)
6/19/2019 identification of MHETase and PETase (MS)
8/14/2019 quantifiying yield of secretion
8/21/2019 secretion of MHETase and PETase of clip transformants
9/24/2019 analysis of linkage between different growth conditions and secretion efficiency

Chlamy Physiology

3/16/2019 attachment of UVM4 onto PET
5/06/2019- 05/10/2019 toxicity test
7/25/2019 attachment of Clip onto PET
9/15/2019 spot test
10/1/2019-10/7/2019 auxotrophy test


5/10/2019 start of analytical experiments
5/29/2019 first HPLC purification
6/6/2019 first HPLC measurement
6/18/2019 successfull cloning from PETase at pet21b
7/8/2019 microscopy of PET
7/25/2019 purification with magneticbeats
8/20/2019 HPLC measurement
8/23/2019 successfull His-tag purifikation
9/30/2019 HPLC measurement
9/30 - 10/7/2019 last HPLC measurement


2/5/2019 Qiagen agreed to sponsor us
2/6/2019 ZRW agreed to sponsor us starting april the 16th 2019 with the first status report
2/11/2019 ROTH agreed to sponsor us
2/18/2019 Jena Bioscience agreed to sponsor us
3/21/2019 Promega agreed to sponsor us
3/27/2019 New england biolabs agreed to sponsor us
4/29/2019 SWK agreed to sponsor us
5/5/2019 Implen agreed to sponsor us
6/12/2019 Biocomp agreed to sponsor us
6/18/2019 meeting Alpla at their Company
6/26/2019 LTF agreed to sponsor us
7/16/2019 meeting Mitsubishi in our laboratory
8/7/2019 meeting with the „Mainzer Wissenschafts Stiftung"


1/15/2019 idea to start a Crowdfunding campaign
2/7/2019 first meeting with the "Gründungsbüro" of our university
3/2/2019 first plans for the campaign
5/8/2019 workshop at the "center for business and innovation" about
5/17/2019 status report and troubleshooting at the "Gründungsbüro"
6/17/2019 start of the feedback phase
6/24 - 7/31/2019 financing phase
8/20 - 10/10/2019 realization phase


5/3 -5/5/2019 iGEM Spring Festival Bonn, Germany
6/5 - 6/7/2019 iGEM German Meetup Düsseldorf, Germany
7/25 - 7/27/2019 iGEM european Meetup Paris, France
9/12 - 9/13/2019 German Conference on Synthetic Biology Aachen, Germany
9/20 - 9/22/2019 Synbio gone viral Meetup Leuven, Belgium

Public Relations

4/7 - 10/4/2019 survey
4/10/2019 sweep-week in cooperation with SWK in Kaiserslautern
5/16/2019 workshop for intellectual property "Schutz von Innovationen"
5/20 - 9/30/2019 art competition"Studieninformationstag" at our University to inform students about iGEM
5/21/2019 "Studieninformationstag" at our University to inform students about iGEM
5/22/2019 visiting "Albert Schweizer" high school Kaiserslautern
5/26/2019 visit at the gardening exhibition
5/30/2019 participating at the sustainability week at our University
6/3/2019 Biological Colloquium with Professor Zimmermann
6/4/2019 visiting a lection from Prof. Schroda to inform about iGEM
6/5/2019 visiting "Kusel" high school
6/6/2019 visiting "Rittersberg" high school Kaiserslautern
6/7/2019 visiting "Landstuhl Sicking"-high school
6/11/2019 crêpe sale at our University
6/12/2019 visiting a lection from Prof. Frankenberg-Dinkel to inform about iGEM
6/12/2019 visiting lection from Prof. Frankenberg-Dinkel to inform about iGEM
6/24/2019 visiting the "Burg" - high school Kaiserslautern
6/25/2019 visiting the radio station "Antenne Kaiserslautern"
6/25/2019 info-meeting about iGEM for the next iGEM-team
7/20/2019 packaging in the supermarket "Wasgau"
7/30/2019 ethics panel discussion
8/8/2019 meeting with the politician Mr.Rahm
8/20/2019 SWR radio visited our laboratory
8/29/2019 a day in the lab with handicapped people
9/30/2019 student internship in our lab
10/4/2019 visiting the exhibition for senior citiziens
10/10/2019 visiting the local sewage plant