Team:TU Darmstadt/Human Practices

TU Darmstadt

Integrated Human Practices


One important part of iGEM is to discuss the project idea and its implementation with society and experts to get new impressions. This progress is summarized in the Human  Practices of which we draw feedback that helped us to design our project "The Real MVP". To collect as many impressions and ideas as possible we set out and started our outreach, talking with fascinating people from all different fields of society and science. Although not everyone understood every project detail, the discussions throughout the year were always interesting and intriguing. We really learned a lot through our Human Practices (HP) work, both inside and outside the lab. For instance, we learned that architects use modular building blocks to design a bridge and that the toolbox system is used in many different areas.

If you want to know more, you can have a look in our part of the integrated Human Practices by clicking on the buttons below. Also, we want to invite you to have a look at our big report where you can accompany us on our journey through the year with iGEM and see our Human Practices progress. For this just click on "Click me"-button!

For more information on our integrated HP please click below.

Down below you can see the first steps of our journey throughout the last year. Feel free to click on the picture and read our full report!

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The first key word which was mentioned in nearly every conversation was "communication". Communication with other disciplines, with experts and society in general is really important to get some new ideas and impressions which we included in the development of our project.

In particular, experts like Dr. Jörg Mampel and Prof. Sibylle Gaisser stressed that it is important to leave the science bubble and educate, because this would help synthetic biology to become an everyday topic and reduce fears in society.

For example, talking to Dr. Schülke and Prof. Bailer made us think about safety aspect and the toxicity of our Virus-like particles (VLPs). All the experts suggested methods for analyzation and purification to us, which we included in our lab work. Another often mentioned aspect was the potential use for a industrial application and the biggest topic was the modification degree and the modularity of our VLPs. All these main points appeared often during our Human Practices work and this led us to our final project. In the following you can read how we integrated the main points, which resulted from the communication with others.

Modularity has always been the key of our project idea. It poses many advantages in all different fields of life as we learned during the conversation with the architects of the Digital Design Unit. Our system was inspired by the concept of modularity. The question that was raised as we started our work with Virus-like particles (VLPs) was: How do we actually implement this modularity? The concept of sortase-mediated modification was the first and most important aspect of our project, but would it be possible to reach even better modularity? Experts, like Dr. Stefan Schülke and Prof. Susanne Bailer, suggested the modification degree.

Dr. Schülke from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut stated that it is important to functionalize the particles so that they present as many fusion proteins as possible but not that many that the integrity of the particle is disturbed. Later Prof. Bailer mentioned that they were already thinking about adjusting the degree of modification, but have not tried it yet. We see this as a very important aspect in the development of our modular system.
In the talk with Prof. Santi from the DAFNE we learned that there is a quite simple method to adjust the modification ratio. He explained to us that we could solve the problem by cloning the coat protein (CP) with a LPETGG-Tag and without one, so we have taken the first step to make sure, that not all coat proteins get functionalized. We used this in our wetlab and cloned the coat protein with and without the tag to generate VLPs where only some fusion proteins can be connected to the particle via Sortase A7M.
Because of the laborious purification process for in vivo produced VLPs we could not test modification ratios on VLPs themselves but rather tried to generate data about the expression levels of our promoters in dependence of the inducer concentration to develop strategies for adjusting the modification ratio of in vivo production.

Therefore, we started using a dual expression system. All in all, the results we obtained from reporter protein expression suggest that it is possible to adjust the expression ratio of the included ORFs. The ideas of the experts contributed therefore significantly to our vision of "The Real MVP”. We can imagine that a future system of dual expression plasmids containing tagged and untagged CP could serve as a suitable platform to produce different VLPs in  vivo.

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During our lab work we thought of how to analyze whether the product consists of correctly assembled Virus-like particles (VLPs). Nearly all of our experts told us that ultracentrifugation and the following electron microscopy would be a good method for that. We employed their expertise and used their methods to purify and analyze the VLPs. Their input boosted our confidence, as we were not sure in the beginning if these methods were still state of the art.

Regarding advanced VLP purification, Prof. Bailer told us that an industrial production would require various cleaning steps to make sure that no cell-material might cause cross-reactions when the VLPs are injected into the human body. In addition, we would have to get rid of the excess proteins. We were interested about methods to separate the assembled VLPs from unassembled proteins or our sortase and the proteins which were not connected to the particles. According to Prof. Luca Santi and Dr. Chiara Lico a purification via size  exclusion could be a good idea, so we tried this method with our in vivo generated VLPs. The suggested purification steps led to intact VLPs. Dr. Chiara Lico and Dr. Stefan Schülke also recommended us to use DLS (dynamic light scattering) to analyze the size and purity of our particles. We got the opportunity to visit the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and be present while a DLS was performed with our particles. We were able to see that modified particles are larger than unmodified ones.

To conclude, the advices from the experts were very helpful and made us aware of the demanding downstream processes in the industry.

When thinking of possible applications, we thought about how we could achieve a production in an industrial scale . This is important so that the costs and the effort are low enough the production pays off for a company. Prof. Luca  Santi told us that it would be necessary to produce and purify the Virus-like particles (VLPs) in a large scale. In addition, Dr. Chiara Lico mentioned that one of the benefits of VLPs is that they can be easily and economically produced also at large scale due to their self-assembly. So, we decided to fulfill this requirement. Therefore, we designed an automated self-inducing bioreactor to somehow simulate a large-scale production. With this system it is also possible to control the induction ratio what might be important according to the setting of the modification degree.
Unfortunatley, assessing our MVP production quantitavely was not possible to a satisfying degree. However, Prof.  Bailer mentioned that VLP quantification generally is complicated, as there is no sophisticated method to date.
Considering that our particles could be used in health care, among other things, we wondered how to deal with new therapeutics. She told us that every new application has to get a new approval. That would cause more bureaucracy for the companies. However, some other experts like Prof. zur  Hausen and Dr. Stefan Schülke told us that in case of the modularity our system could save costs and effort. The reason for the lower effort and costs is, that some standard tests could be done only once and lead to many different applications.

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During our Human Practises work many people mentioned the aspect of the toxicity of the particles. We were often referred to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) to have a closer look at this topic. There we talked to Dr. Schülke. During the conversation he confirmed that Virus-like particles (VLPs) without modifications are usually not very immunogenic because they only consist of the virus shell but lack the immune-activating viral genetic material packaged within the particles.
When we visited the PEI we also did an endotoxin test and the results showed us that we would need more purification steps until an application in the human body will be possible, as a production in E. coli produced a high rate of endotoxins. However, with pure proteins and in vitro assembly, the endotoxin levels were lower, showing the potential of additional purification steps.
Dr. Schülke mentioned the potential of VLPs for passive immunization against potentially fast-acting diseases. We concluded that our focus on vaccines as a possible application was justified. Additionally, Prof. Bailer mentioned that VLPs as particles do not need adjuvants, which could cause problematic side effects. She explained that due to the surface structure of the particles there is also the possibility to expose many antigens what makes them potentionally highly effective. Dr. Schülke also mentioned that there are already existing VLP-based vaccines authorized for human usage, for example against infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) or Hepatitis B. Being interested in those already existing vaccines, this input led us to contact the Nobel laureate Prof. zur Hausen later on.

Biosafety is an immensely important topic to us, as we used genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our laboratory work. These organisms, containing antibiotic resistances, should not be released into the environment. People outside of our science bubble often do not know about our practices in the lab, about our use of GMOs, or about our safety practices. Therefore, they may develop fears towards synthetic biology. We experienced this at the "Hessentag", where we were able to talk to diverse group of people who all agreed on the need for strict safety policies regarding our work.
This impression was further confirmed in conversation with the schools we visited and with Prof. Sibylle Gaisser, a professor of ethics and biosafety. Beyond our considerations on safety, we learned about the aspects of safety in the context of an industrial application. This not only concerns the aspect of toxicity, but also the biosafety in our lab. We therefore decided to discuss this topic extensively, as you can see on our safety page. As our VLPs are designed as a modular platform, to be modified to one’s liking, safety problems inherently appear. We were concerned about the possibility of dual use of our MVPs, and adamant about wanting to reduce such misuse. In our conversation with Prof. Bailer, of the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart, she reassured us that she does not see the extreme misuse of our VLPs like bioterrorism as a substantial problem of our project. Nonetheless we took up Prof. Gaisser´s idea of establishing a safety form for our modular platform. After some research, we came up with the following sheet that addresses the main concerns like the proposed use, the protein sequence, and possible risks for humans or the environment. We exemplified the form with our collaboration project with the iGEM Freiburg team. The safety form for our VLPs requires the user to state their intentions, therefore helping to prevent misuse, as proposed projects may be assessed before starting.

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