


Week Experiment Participents Description Results
Week Experiment Participents Description Results
Week 17
Preperation for iGEM Spring Festival/ Meeting with Analytic-Jena AG Benedikt Schober/ Katharina Hofer, Jan Seeger, Sini Münßinger Posterdesign and introduction video./ Presentation of the iGEM team and our project and preliminary discussion for the use of a loaned qPCR tower for the analyses in the field of tRNA quantification.
Week 18
iGEM Spring Festival Katharina Kocher, Kai Schülke, Marvin Bubeck, Benedikt Schober We took part in the european meetup in Bonn and presented our project for the first time.
Week 19
Meeting with Analytik-Jena AG Katharina Hofer, Jan Seeger, Sini Münßinger Second preliminary discussion for the use of a loaned qPCR tower for the analyses in the field of tRNA quantification.
Week 20
Meeting with Promega Corporation Katharina Hofer, Sini Münßinger, Lars Höing Presentation of the iGEM team and our project in relation to potential assays and molecular biology analysis methodologies that we might be provided with. In addition, preliminary discussion of a qPCR seminar in Tübingen, which was cancelled at short notice.
Week 22
Visit Symbiosis and GeneBridges/ Meeting with Analytik-Jena AG Sini Münßinger, Jan Seeger, Jannis Stadager, Verena Haug / Katharina Hofer, Jan Seeger, Sini Münßinger We presented the companies Symbiosis and GeneBridges our project and got valuable inputs. / Third preliminary discussion for the use of a loaned qPCR tower for the analyses in the field of tRNA quantification.
Week 25
Meeting with Eurofins Genomics Sini Münßinger, Jan Seeger, Jannis Stadager, Verena Haug We presented our team and project and discussed the sequencing that would probably be necessary.
Week 27
German iGEM Meetup / Meeting with Analytik-Jena AG Benedikt Schober, Liv Paul, Luca Schelle, Jan Notheisen, Philip Horz / Katharina Hofer, Jan Seeger, Sini Münßinger We presented our project in Düsseldorf at the German Meetup resulting in collaborations with serveral german iGEM Teams. / Transport of the qPCR device provided on loan with subsequent introduction.
Week 28
Meeting with Infors HT Jan Seeger The project was presented and we talked about the cultivation of vibrio and algae.
Week 31
Developing a questionare for local political parties in regards to the fears and gains of synthetic biology Jannis Stadager In order to gain an understanding about the opinion on synthetic biologie we developed a questionaire about gains and fears of synthetic biology as well as our project. The answers we got back lead to the participation on the pupil fair in Karlsruhe in order to explain synthetic biology to the public
Week 36
Meet the managing dircetor of Genaxxon Sini Münßinger, Jan Seeger Mr. Tröndle provided us GreenMasterMIx and Hotscriptase for the qPCR experiments. During the meeting he gave us useful tips concerning our experiments.
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Representing the iGEM Stuttgart Team at a exhibition for graduating pupils in Karlsruhe. qPCR team visited Dispendix and recieved support for the preparation of dilution experiments. Jannis Stadager, Dimitri Graf, Sini Münßinger, Jan Seeger, Hannah Berreth, Corinna Kersten
Week 40
Meeting with Micro-Biolytics Sini Münßinger, Dimitri Graf, Jannis Stadager, Benedikt Schober We talked with the CEO of Micro-Biolytics Andreas Wolf about bioanalytical possibilities concerning the measurement and the dynamics of the media composition.