Team:ShanghaiTech China/Hardware

ShanghaiTech iGEM


Intelligent Control part is designed for patients to intelligently manage their health condition, basically using three parts of facilities: real-time blood glucose monitor, app on Android device and wearable gene expression control device, named “INSULEN Waist Pack”. The app receives data generated by the blood sugar monitor, makes the data a visible line chart, determine whether the patient needs treatment and send signal through Bluetooth to the control device to guide its work. The whole system successfully provides a change to traditional experience about the treatment of diabetes, which is obviously much more convenient, flexible and patient-centered.

The concept map of the whole process


INSULEN APP is the app on Android platform, to make it capable for patients to keep watch over their health condition and treatment on mobile devices. The app connects blood glucose monitor and treatment control device through Bluetooth, making the data visible and judge whether the patient needs more N-palmitoyl serinol.

The welcome layout of the app

The app is written in Java, suitable for devices with Android system (API 25+), using open-source BLE development framework FastBLE ( and charting library achartengine ( On the welcoming layout, the app will automatically connects INSULEN Waist Pack through BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) and go to the next interface.

On this layout, users can see the real-time line chart of their blood sugar value(Since there is not monitor supporting Bluetooth connection and data transmission to mobile phone, the data shown in demo is simulated according to the standard given by American Diabetes Association ( the blood glucose goes above 140 mg/dl, app will send a signal to INSULEN Waist Pack, which will start to work and attempt to let the sugar value decrease. After a while, when the value goes below 100 mg/dl, a signal will be sent and INSULEN Waist Pack will stop working.

The device has three different working power modes, directly represented by a button on the interface. The various working power modes are designed for different conditions of the users’ blood glucose conditions: ‘High’ for serious symptom, ‘Medium’ for normal one and ‘Low’ to give slight and continuous treatment.

The main layout of the app

When clicked, the button can also modify INSULEN Waist Pack condition as a predicting function. Before a meal, patient can manually open INSULEN Waist Pack functions. Receiving treatment ahead of the increase of blood glucose will make it more efficient. The list of working condition alternations and their corresponding time will be shown at the bottom of the interface.

Bluetooth Module

The Bluetooth module uses HC-08 Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Serial Port Module produced by Guangzhou HC Information Technology Co., LTD( After connected, it receives byte signals from the app through BLE protocol and transmits them to Arduino circuit broad.

The bluetooth module

Arduino Circuit Broad

The Arduino UNO broad

Arduino circuit is the core control of INSULEN Waist Pack. The Arduino UNO broad is connected with Bluetooth module and light control elements. When receiving signals from Bluetooth module, it will judge whether it is to open or close the relay switch and send the result as current signal to the circuit. Different signals give out different results of the combination and determains the open or close of the switch, corresponding to the different power modes of the light element. The whole process realizes the function of light control system regulation by signals generated by app intelligently.

INSULEN Waist Pack

The INSULEN Waist Pack

The waist pack is equipped with tape lights and driven by app in mobile phone. The tape lights can glow red to control the bacteria in the intestinal tract in order to adjust blood sugar. With this waist pack, patients are able to control their blood sugar without oral drugs, insulin injection and time limitation.

ShanghaiTech China iGEM @ 2019