Team:NU Kazakhstan/Notebook


Project Timeline

Week Dates Work completed
1 May 1-5 - Lab tools and reagents availability check-up
-Measurement of Gibco BG-11’s pH
2 May 6-12 - Laboratory introduction & safety training for new team members
- Agar plates preparation according to LB agar protocol
- E.coli (DH5ɑ) streaking on LB agar and incubation
- LB broth media preparation according to general E.coli protocol
- Grown E.coli transfer to LB broth and incubation
- Competent cells preparation according to preparing competent cells protocol
- SOC media (pH=7.18) preparation according to the protocol
- Chemical transformation of competent DH5ɑ cells and streaking on LB agar media
3 May 13-19 - Miraprep of cultures according to miraprep protocol
- Cyanobacteria subculturing
- Agarose gel preparation with 10l/100 ml Sybr Safe addition
- Gel electrophoresis of miraprep products
- Measuring the concentration according to Nanodrop protocol
- Dilution of primers
- PCR of liquid chlamy cultures according to liquid PCR protocol
- DNA extraction from SQR- cyanobacteria cultures according to the DNA extraction protocol
- Amplification of the extracted DNA (PCR)
- HydA amplification from the PCR products
- Gel electrophoresis of PCR products
- Nanodrop of the products
- Hydrogenase construct (joined Hyd genes) creation: PCR amplification of Hyd1, Hyd2 and Hyd3 separately
- Check of PCR products via gel electrophoresis
4 May 20-26 - Circular polymerase extension cloning (CPEC) (pSyn6+hydrogenase) assembly
- PCR and gel electrophoresis
- Cyanobacteria subculturing
- NS site amplification via PCR
- Gel electrophoresis of the PCR product
- Nanodrop of the PCR products
- Chemical transformation of NS site into E.coli
5 May 27-June 2 - DNA extraction from old cyanobacteria cultures
- PCR of hydrogenase construct parts: Hyd1, Hyd2, Hyd3
- Check of SQR gene presence in cyanobacteria via PCR
- Gel electrophoresis of the PCR products
- 4 LB agar plates: 2 with and 2 without spectinomycin preparation
- DH5ɑ streaking on the plates and incubation
- LB broth tubes preparation and transfer of E.coli from agar plates and incubation
- OD measurement of the DH5ɑ cultures via Spectrophotometry
- Competent cells preparation
- Transformation of Hydrogenase construct into the E.coli with higher OD readings
- Plating transformed cultures on spectinomycin plates
- OD measurement of old cyanobacteria cultures
- Cyanobacteria subculturing
- Transformation of cyanobacteria according to Invitrogen protocol
- CPEC (pSyn6+hydrogenase) assembly
- Addition of Ascorbic Acid to C, 58B + Cr, WT + Cr Chlamy cultures
- Preparation of chromium and Ascorbic Acid solutions in TAP S-
- Preparation of the solution with ascorbic acid + chromium in absolute ethanol
6 June 3-9 - NaHCO3stock solution preparation
- pH calibration of sodium thiosulfate, NaHCO3and BG-11 via 37% HCl
- BG-11 agar plates with NaHCO3and spectinomycin preparation according to Preparation BG-11 plates protocol
- Gel extraction according BioRad protocol for obtaining pSyn6 and CPEC pure DNA samples
- Transformation of DNA into E.coli
- OD measurement of the samples
- Miraprep of the samples
- Inoculation of cyanobacteria
- Transformation of cyanobacteria according to Stony Brook team protocol
- Preparation of BG11 agar plates
- Liquid PCR
- Nanodrop
- Gel electrophoresis
- DNA purification according to Monarch purification kit protocol
- Nanodrop of the purified samples
7 June 10-16 - Re-dilution of stock Hyd samples
- Amplification of Hyd1, Hyd2 and Hyd3 via new PCR protocols
- Samples purification according to Monarch purification kit protocol
- Nanodrop and gel electrophoresis of the samples
- CPEC samples amplification
- Transformation into DH5ɑ strain
- Transfer of cultures from agar plates into LB broth media
- Measurement of absorbance and collection of obtained UV graphs of carbon quantum dots
- Liquid PCR
- Gel electrophoresis
8 June 17-23 - Miraprep of transformed culture
- Purification of miraprep samples
- Miraprep samples DNA linearization according to Restriction digestion protocol
- Plasmid to insert ratio recalculation for CPEC
- CPEC (pSyn6+hydrogenase) assembly
- Liquid PCR
- Gel electrophoresis
- Dilution of primers
- HydA amplification via PCR
- Check via nanodrop and gel electrophoresis
9 June 24-30 - Mixing with ZnCl2 and burning in furnaces of two cyanobacteria samples (sulfide and control)
- Washing with HNO3 and HCl, filtering and drying two cyanobacteria samples (sulfide and control one)
- PAM stock dilution
- HydA amplification from PAM
- Liquid PCR
- Gel electrophoresis
- Preparation of TAP media
- Analysis of the prepared carbon dots
10 July 1-7 - Check of reagents presence for BG-11 media preparation
- Linearization of PAM HydA and p233 Maturation factor (MF) DNA by BAM-HI
- Gel electrophoresis check
- Psba1 amplification
- CPEC (pSyn6+hydrogenase) assembly
- Verification of insert integration into the vector through amplification of region
- Linearization of CPEC DNA
- Nanodrop and gel electrophoresis
- Liquid PCR
- Gel electrophoresis
11 July 8-14 - Polymerase cycling assembly (PCA) creation
- Miraprep
- Nanodrop and gel electrophoresis
- Preparation of the TAP media
- Liquid PCR
- Gel electrophoresis
12 July 15-21 - Gel electrophoresis
- Hydrogenase construct assembly
- CPEC (pSyn6+hydrogenase) assembly
- Linearization of CPEC sample
- Nanodrop and gel electrophoresis of CPEC samples
- Purification of psba1 gene
- HydA amplification from PAM
- Transformation of CPEC
- Liquid PCR
- Subculturing
13 July 22-28 - Subculturing of cultures from agar plates into LB broth
- Check for the contamination in the reactants
- Nanodrop
- Gel electrophoresis
- Enzyme digestion of CPEC miraprep samples
- HydA and PsbA1 assembly via Polymerase Cycling Assembly (PCA)
14 July 29- August 4 - MF plasmid check via nanodrop
- Linearization of MF plasmid
- Gel electrophoresis
- HydA and PsbA1 assembly via Polymerase Cycling Assembly (PCA)
15 August 5-11 - Primers redesigning
- Cleaning lab
- Subculturing of cultures
16 August 12-18 - Preparation of ingredients for the reduction assay
17 August 19-25 - Preparation of chromium reduction assay
- Liquid PCR for the presence of SQR
- Filter paper preparation
- Latex’s pH measurement
18 August 26 - September 1 - Dilution of primers
- Amplification of Hyd 1, Hyd2 and Hyd3
- Purification of Hyd DNAs according to Monarch protocol
- Nanodrop
- Hydrogenase assembly via Polymerase Cycling Assembly (PCA) from Hyd1, Hyd2 and Hyd3
- Amplification of obtained PCA samples
- Subculturing from liquid culture of cyanobacteria to latex on filter paper
- Rhodopsin amplification
- Gel electrophoresis
- Overlaps (to Hyd1and pSyn6) addition to SQR gene
-pSyn6 digestion with Kpn and BgL-II restriction enzymes
19 September 2-8 - Hyd1 and Hyd3 amplification
- Gel electrophoresis
- Hydrogenase assembly via Polymerase Cycling Assembly (PCA) from Hyd1, Hyd2 and Hyd3
- Amplification of obtained PCA samples
- Insert (Hydrogenase construct) integration into pSyn6 vector
- Survivability of cyanobacteria assay on latex covered filter papers
- Purification of Hyd1, Hyd2, Hyd3 according to Monarch purification kit protocol
- Assembly (PCA) from Hyd1, Hyd2 and Hyd3 with a new approach
- Amplification of obtained PCA samples
- Gel electrophoresis check of PCA samples
- Hyd2 amplification with extended cycles of PCR
20 September 9-15 - Purification of Hyd1, Hyd2, Hyd3 with nuclease free water
- Amplification of Hyd1, Hyd2 and Hyd3 with a new Master Mix Phusion for the high GC content
- Gel extraction according to Invitrogen Gel Extraction kit protocol
- Nanodrop
21 September 16-22 - Insertion of psba1+HydA into MF vector
- HydA and psba1 amplification
- Purification of the amplified samples
- Insert and MF digestion with BamHI-HF
- Purification of the digested samples
- Ligation of insert and MF
- Amplification of construct using E.coli
- Transformation of construct into cyanobacteria
22 September 23-29 - Ligation of insert and MF
- H2S Survivability assay of cyanobacteria
- Transformation of construct into cyanobacteria
23 September 30- October 6 - Preparation of liquid cultures with/without chloramphenicol antibiotic
- Work on characterization part: mRFP generator (Part:BBa_K861173)
- Transformation of mRFP generator into E.coli
- Nanodrop
- Gel electrophoresis of the samples
- Transformation into BL21 (DE3) according to the BioBrick part protocol
- H2S Survivability assay of cyanobacteria
- Preparation of the TAP media
24 October 7-13 - HydA amplification from the miraprep samples
- H2S Survivability assay of cyanobacteria
25 October 14-20 - H2S Survivability assay of cyanobacteria
- HydA amplification from the miraprep samples
26 October 21-22 - Transformation of construct into cyanobacteria
- Hydrogen production assay