Team:NUDT CHINA/Results




Glucose Sensing Module

(See the design of this module here)

    To optimize the design of our glucose sensing module, four promoters were designed with different number of CHREBP binding motif (Figure 1a). To characterize the CHREBP activation, Glucose sensing promoters (GSPs) were cloned into pGL3 vector to control the expression of firefly luciferase. Corresponding plasmids were co-transfected into HepG2 cell line with SV40-rluc internal control plasmid. As is shown in Figure 3b, comparing to mini-Promoter, 3x GSP, 6x GSP and 9x GSP all showed significant increase of luciferase signal. The transcriptional strength showed a significant or margnially significant improvement of 9×GSP comparing to that of 3×GSP or 6×GSP counterparts. To validate the glucose responsiveness, we challenged the 9x GSP-luciferase carrying cells by culturing cells in 5mM or 20mM glucose after overnight starvation. Results showed a ~1.5-fold increase of luciferase signal in 20 mM treatment group comparing to the 5 mM group.

    To further characterize the glucose sensing module, we generated a 9x GSP-GFP reporter plasmid to increase the detection throughput. By using CMV-mcherry to normalize the effect of glucose on general exogenous gene expression level, we demonstrated that the 9x GSP is capable of activating gene expression in a glucose dose dependent manner (Figure 3d).



Figure 3. Glucose sensing by CHREBP binding hybrid promoter. (a) Schematic representation of the promoter design; (b). Transcriptional strength analysis of different GSPs; (c) Glucose response of 9x GSP-luc cassette; (d) Glucose response profiling of 9x GSP-GFP cassette. Fluorescent intensity of GFP or RFP was calculated by imaging gray scale analysis.  Relative luminance was calculated by normalizing to Renilla luciferase signal, relative Fluorescent Intensity was calculated normalizing RFP signal. To calculate fold changes, levels of each control groups (minip or low glucose groups) were arbitrarily set to 1.0. Error bar represents SD of at least 3 biological replicates, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01.




Integrated Analysis

(See the design of this module here)

    To further understand how our two modules may work together and to validate the in vivo performance of our circuit, we developed a set of mathematical models on molecular, cellular and whole-body level. To be specific, a cellular glucose sensing model, a protein degradation model, and a whole-body glucose-insulin-glucagon model were built based on fundamental biochemical and physiological principles (Figure 4a). By integrating three models, we obtained glycemia simulation results under different conditions. Healthy object showed stabled glycemia level at around 96 mg/dL. By decreasing insulin sensitivity by 50%, object showed significant hyperglycemia at around 133 mg/dL. When GCGR-Predator is introduced into the model with a strong constitutive promoter, object showed mild hypoglycemia (~53 mg/mL), which is consistent with the suggestions provided by HP expert interview as well as previous literatures1-3. However, when GCGR Predator system is controlled by glucose sensing device, which provides feed-back control over the degradation of GCGR, simulation showed that the glycemia level would be stabled at around 86.7 mg/dL, indicating that the close-loop controlling system may provide a more robust control over the glycemia level (Figure 4b).



Figure 4. Glucose sensor-GCGR Predator chimera restores glucose homeostasis of T2D patients in silico. (a). Schematic representation of the modeling structure; (b). Glycemia simulation under different conditions.



Future Plan

  • Further characterize and optimize glucose sensing devices;
  • Combine the glucose sensing module with the GCGR predator module in wet lab, test the combined system on HepG2 and mouse primary hepatocytes;
  • We’re currently applying for animal use and ethical consent from IACUC for animal usage and in vivo experiments.




1 Christine, L. et al. Liver-specific disruption of the murine glucagon receptor produces α-cell hyperplasia: evidence for a circulating α-cell growth factor. Diabetes 62, 1196-1205 (2013).

2 Lok, S., . et al. The human glucagon receptor encoding gene: structure, cDNA sequence and chromosomal localization. Gene 140, 203-209 (1994).

3 Rivero-Gutierrez, B. et al. Deletion of the glucagon receptor gene before and after experimental diabetes reveals differential protection from hyperglycemia. Molecular metabolism 17, 28-38, doi:10.1016/j.molmet.2018.07.012 (2018).