
Parts Overview
This is a descriptive paragraph.

In 2019, SMMU-China has submitted 29 parts. We divide our parts into 3 groups, basic parts, component parts and an improvement part. We also established two parts collections respectively collected synthetic receptors and synthetic transcription factor (SynTF) - synthetic promoter (SynPro) pairs we have constructed.

Basic Parts

We have constructed a cellular cascade device consists of many basic parts. First, we set several receptors. In the core device, we used synNotch and CAR as our synthetic receptors, while GEMS and MESA was used in the peripherals. All of the receptors consist of several structural domains, with each of them has their own characteristics. Second, we chose some synthetic transcription factors to activate expression of target genes. Moreover, there were soluble molecules to connect the two devices.

Component parts

To enhance the activity of promoters, we fused a MinimalCMV to each promoters, and constructed four types of component parts.

Improvement parts

Based on the transcription factor PIP-KRAB (BBa_K2446045) which has inhibitory function that have been submitted by Fudan 2017 and a new TF Gal4-VP64 (BBa_K3132000) which has activation function, we fused both of them and got a bifunctional transcription factor that is able to both inhibit and activate the expression of target genes.

Parts collection

We collected four types of synthetic receptors and four pairs of synTF-synPro. More information on Parts collection.