

To use BL as a substrate in a efficient way , we design a metabolic network involving organelle engineering. To do this we aim three pillar project.

  • Selection of synthetic metabolic pathway. This pathway converts vanillic acid, a LDIC, into muconic acid, a nylon precursor.
  • Organelle engineering. Protein engineering to encapsulate enzymes and enhance permeability of an bacterial microcompartment.
  • Genetic circuit design. Would provide slightly regulation and optimization variables, as BMC assembly, growth and dynamic metabolic control.

Selection of the metabolic pathway.

To select the pathway we take objectives: 1. the final product may be higher value added product that BL burning to produce energy.2. can be placed in the market 3.can be extracted by petroleum derivatives.

Analysis of components of the BL.

The LDICs are diverse, as it depends in the composition of lignin from de organic-vegetal source. In this case, we analyze the source reported from kraft pulp, generated by paper industry. The components in major percentage are guaiacol, catechol, vanillin, vanillic acid and isoeugenol.

Aromatic phenolic compounds are hydrophobically predominant. Most of all cross lipid membranes easily, which causes their specific toxicity. Their IC50 varies from 0.2g/L until 2 g/L for vanillin and vanillic acid. This is important even for the posterior phase of system design. However, selection of first substrate would impact in overall system. This is discussed further in the assembly of the system.

Synthetic metabolic pathways for revaluation purposes.

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