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Human Practice structure

Participatory Design (PD)

Participatory Design is an emerging design practice which involves different non-designers in various co-design activities throughout the process, to help ensure that the designed product/service meets their needs.

In participatory design, members of the wider community are also recognized as stakeholders which are able to impact the project. The extent of their involvement can range from being passively informed of a project’s development, to actively sharing their opinions in decision making.


Design for humans is often looked up as a standard by many designers, but how is it for people? Market research, focus group, usability testing, and other research methods are useful but sometimes they don't let us know the really important feedback. Sometimes users don't honestly say their ideas because of courtesy. More often users don't really know what they want or what they need, or the emotional level of them is often not quantifiable.

Design with Human is a part of participatory design, bringing users into the design process, in order to understand the psychological or social aspects of the user's ideas or use in the early stages of product development. Use Cases to work together to design a solution.


Designers are not users, neither are product managers nor engineers. In the process of current software development, software often involves or affects various user cultural, political or psychological factors. The knowledge that a product development team needs is not just the product development team itself, but the idea of different aspects and different fields to inspire the best solution.
Imagine that in the process of traditional product design, a product team which lacks a real understanding of the user's needs is given a goal to solve a problem, the design made at this time may not really solve the user's problem, or become a mediocre product. Usually, it becomes Product Manager Driven instead of User-Driven .
The participatory design gives users an opportunity to participate in the design. However, it is important to know that the users involved in the design do not influence the final product development decisions. Also, they do not have the professional knowledge as the product development team to understand the operation and execution of the entire product.


Participatory design is used in various design fields, include industrial design, architectural design, software design, etc. In fact, there is not a specific way to make a participatory research session, that is, the simpler the better.
Back to our team, in order to expand our influences and to make sure all our human practice activities reach their maximum efficiencies and values, we
1) evaluate who our potential stakeholders are and make sure they participated in our project design, inspiring product modifies to made final product better-fit user’s needs.
2) took the research of Sanders, E. B.-N., Brandt, E., & Binder, T. (2010). “A framework for organizing the tools and techniques of participatory design.” as a reference and developed a systematic structure to help us designing activities for human practice and public engagement, it includes three key points:

  1. Applying with an appropriate Form
  2. Adhering to core principle or Purpose
  3. Designing a suitable Process
  4. Learing from Feedbacks
Furthermore, it involved stakeholders from different aspects of our product. Through this systematic structure, we can not only programmatically arrange our activities but also examine the effectiveness of them. We introduced it to our human practice even public engagement. We hope that aside from us, future iGEM teams can also set up their own concept on this foundation.


It describes the conducted time, the kind of the activity that is taking place and how it is been held. For different purpose, there will have different places and ways which is most suitable for the activities. Participatory design sessions can be conducted with either individuals or with people in groups. We classified the forms of our activities into individual, one-to-one interviews, and groups.


According to the designation of PD, we came up with three main principle that may be introduced to different activities:

  1. to stimulate participants interest,
  2. to let the participants gain information
  3. to discuss with the participants and let them generate ideas.
Moreover, we would set up a goal for each activity that might either benefit our study or can affect the public.


It includes the detail of the designation of the activities or the document of what the participants do or said without judgment.


It is an important part for us to realize what the participants think about. We collected the opinions, suggestions, and even encouragements from the participants which is precious to our study and even other sides of our personal abilities. We think that each activity can affect both conductors and participants. We also recorded our thoughts and what we gain from the activities.

  • 14th, March

  • Doctor Hui-Xian Pan, Pediatrician

  • We found the importance of developing a rapid influenza diagnostic test with higher sensitivity and accuracy to help doctors make the best diagnosis and help the government for the statistics of epidemiology.

  • 20th, March

  • Doctor Yuan-Yen, Chang, professor of Microbiology Department, Chung Shan Medical Universit

  • We had a clearer idea of our product and made a tentative decision to take swabs as the sample of our device. Our device needs to be fast, accurate and easy-to-use. We can make our product as kits in the near future

  • 28th, March

  • Medical Laboratory of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital

  • The doctor of the Medical Laboratory thought that our products would be able to help them save time. Through the interview, we confirmed that swabs are a better way for our product and decided to choose swabs instead of blood as the method to get samples.

  • 30th, March

  • the medical exhibition “ Medical Taiwan”

  • We saw many different kinds of diagnostic products used not only in hospitals or clinics but also in some institutions, which need more medical care. We found the importance of more rapid and efficient rapid diagnostic tests for epidemic control.

  • 2nd, April

  • Dr. Feng-Yih Yu, the Department of Biomedical, Chung Shan Medical University

  • Dr. Yu confirmed that applying aptamers to screening is highly possible. Therefore, we decided to develop our influenza rapid screening test with aptamers.

  • 4th, April

  • Doctor Rung-Tzung, Tsai, a professor of biochemistry

  • Through this interview, we have a better concept for our experimental direction. Afterdiscussed with teammates, we chose NP as our target protein.

  • 6th , August

  • Professor Yu-Ling Chen, the director of Cheng Kung University Graduate Institute of Medicine

  • We learned the better condition settings during the experimental process of SELEX and were more confident to revise our experimental process.

  • 7th, August

  • the Department of Public Health of Taiwan

  • We found the rapid diagnostic test products nowadays are of low sensitivities. Because the government has the responsibility to prevent the spread of influenza, it is vital to diagnose influenza earlier and correctly. The officials encouraged us to develop our product for epidemiology statistic work.

  • 10th, August

  • Taiwan Centers for Diseases Control Dengue Vector virus and Rickettsia Laboratory

  • The scientist of the lab recommended us to test our product with the whole influenza viruses. We had a discussion and decided to test by conducting TCID50 assay and serological test

  • 14th, August

  • Ph.D. Chih-Ming Chen, the Senior Director of the Business Development of TaiGen Biotechnology

  • We learned the defects of influenza medicine nowadays and the importance of developing better medicine for influenza. Mr. Chen gave us a positive answer to our concept of applying aptamer to treatment.

  • 18th, August

  • Adimmune Corporation's Biotechnological Company

  • The managers of Adimmune thought it a great advantage that our project can deal with global public health issues. Through the interview, we came up with more application ideas, learned issues of marketing and commercializing, and confirmed that applying aptamers to peptide vaccines is too hard.

  • 21th, August

  • TRANS Conference

  • We came up with more concepts about aptamers after attending this conference. We not only inspected and studied from other newly developed products but we also confirmed some of our idea through the discussion with the entrepreneurs.

  • 25th, August

  • the Incubation Center at Chung Shan Medical University

  • We understood the issues that we will face during technology transfer and applying for patent rights.

  • 27th, August

  • Ph.D. Victor Tang, the Senior Research Chemist of New Product Research & Development Department, Eternal Materials Company

  • We knew more about TOT and that simulation softwares are useful for simulating whether aptamers are able to combine with the protein. We then tried to use the softwares to simulate our aptamer sequences.

  • 29th, August

  • Dr. Huei-Chih Niu, the Doctor of Health Care Law and Bioethics and Legal Policy for Gene Technology

  • We learned the ethical and legal issues while developing products and getting into the market. We also know more details about the Institution Review Board (IRB). Because our product relates to the medical, it is important to be aware of patients’ rights.

  • 3rd, September

  • Fan Lee, the researcher and the director of Epidemiology Division, Animal Health Research Institute Council of Agriculture

  • We found out that rapid diagnostic test is not useful for the preventing works of Avian influenza. We figured out a new concept to solve the currently existing issues. We tried to develop an air purifier that can detect Avian influenza placed in poultry farms.


Based on PD theory, our team tried to evaluate the impacts our project will bring out. We went all around the community and had conversations with our stakeholders. We looked at many aspects and tried to figure out the importance of our project and also discussed the ethics and social justice issues with the Doctor of the Laws. We sorted out the documents of our previous interviews and listed the influences below. The complete contents are shown above.


Some children’s parents would like to find out what disease their children exactly get. It is vital that the rapid diagnostic test has higher accuracy. Besides, patients can get the best diagnosis. For patients with immunodeficiency, the medication for the different subtypes of influenza would be different. It is important to distinguish the subtypes of influenza for them.


Doctors can make diagnoses more precisely with the help of our product, which helps them avoid prescribing the wrong medicines. It also helps doctors of different sub-specialists, who might not be familiar with the symptom of influenza, diagnose influenza. Moreover, if there’s a serious epidemic, it avoids doctors to be under high pressure because the government could control the epidemic in a shorter time.

The Government

During flu season, the criteria limit of whether Tamiflu is covered by National Health Insurance will be lower. Tamiflu is covered by Health Insurance even when the result of the rapid diagnostic test is negative. It is a waste of resources. A rapid diagnostic test with higher accuracy can help avoid the waste of the resource of Health Insurance. While the government has the responsibility to prevent the spread of influenza, it is important that influenza being diagnosed earlier and more correctly to help the government promote preventing work smoothly. Besides, it also helps the statistic of epidemiology.


Because our product cost lower price, hospitals can save money for other medical equipment if they purchasing our product.

Medical Laboratories

Scientists of medical laboratories can save more time while dealing with each sample.

The Society

Patients infected by influenza can have early treatment while our product helps precisely diagnosis. It avoids healthy people being infected by sick patients. Institutions which need more medical care such as care centers, nursing houses, community health centers, and schools can do diagnostic tests by only one doctor. It plays an important role in prevention works.

The World

Our product can be introduced to countries around the world. It would be helpful for WHO to understand the world epidemiological trends when it has to announce the subtypes of influenza for the governments to purchase vaccines.

Ethics and Social Justice

Our product takes the responsibility of preventing the influenza outbreak and helps WHO predict the next trend of influenza. We have to be aware of the regulations of IRB and obey the four principles of clinical trials, which are respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice.


We carefully the confirmed the safety of our experiments and products, and thoroughly thought of ethics and law issues. For more information please see our Safty page


  1. Sanders, E. B.-N., Brandt, E., & Binder, T. (2010). A framework for organizing the tools and techniques of participatory design. PDC '10 Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, Pages 195-198 https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1900476 https://sci-hub.tw/10.1145/1900441.1900476
  2. Participate in Design (P!D) http://participateindesign.org/about/organisation
  3. Liz Sanders, An Evolving Map of Design Practice and Design Research, 2008
  4. Ines Anić, Participatory Design: What is it, and what makes it so great?, 2015