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                                    We had an interview with Doctor Yuan-Yen, Chang on March 20th at Chung-Shan Medical University. Doctor Chang is the professor of microbiology. His specialties are virology, Immunology, and biotechnology.
On March 28th, we interview the doctor of the Medical Laboratory at Chung Shan Medical University Hospital.
                                    As a professor of microbiology, doctor Chang knows well about the knowledge as well as the mechanism of respiratory disease. Through this interview, we would like to know more about the background knowledge of respiratory disease and the diagnosis of influenza. We drafted the questions below:
Our team wanted to know the opinions of the Medical Laboratory scientists for rapid influenza diagnostic test products and ask for some advice. We would like to know how laboratory scientists operate rapid diagnostic tests and if they have confronted any problem. Besides, we wanted to know the methods for testing our finished products and ask for opinions about our conception. To figure out these questions, we drafted the questions below and interview a laboratory scientist.
                                        <li>How to detect influenza in a lab?</li>
<li>Why are the control lines of rapid test kits designed by many companies different?</li>
                                        <li>What kind of sample does the professor recommend for influenza rapid test? </li>
<li>Can we get patients’ samples from the Medical Laboratory in order to test our product? Or can we take our product to the medical laboratory to test it?</li>
                                        <li>Do you recommend using the blood to detect the flu directly? </li>
<li>How can we test our product? </li>
                                        <li>Do you recommend using swabs to detect flu directly? </li>
<li>Why does the Medical Laboratory have to use a specific instrument to analyze the result of the rapid test? Can’t the result be read with naked-eyes? </li>
                                        <li>What are the current methods of influenza detection? </li>
<li>Why do they choose nasal mucus but serum as the sample for rapid influenza diagnostic tests?</li>
                                        <li>Do you have any suggestions for our fast screening products? </li>
<li>What is the mechanism of amplifying the signal of a sample in a rapid influenza diagnostic test?</li>
<li>How high are the sensitivities of rapid influenza diagnostic tests nowadays? </li>
<li>Is there anything of rapid influenza diagnostic tests that you want it to be improved? </li>
                                        <li>Generally, a bacterial culture is performed in a lab, and the whole process takes about 3 to 7 days. </li>
                                        <li>The general influenza samples have two forms, blood, and swab. The advantage of a blood sample is a lot amount at one time. The advantage of the swab is non-invasive. </li>
                                        <li>Dr. Chang recommended swab as the sample of our influenza rapid test. Since taking a blood sample needs to penetrate patients’ skin with needles, it is more invasive than taking a swab sample and less accepted by patients. Besides, drawing blood can only be conducted by professionally trained people, it isn’t good for promoting simple use. What’s more, a blood sample is valid only when there is viruses in the blood, or so-called viremia. </li>
<li>Each company designs a different control line because they use different kinds of mice to produce antibodies. Just to make sure the sample can combine with the control line. Usually, they design various control lines, test and check the result, and choose the best one for production. </li>
                                        <li>Dr. Chang recommended that we design a kit that can test lots of pathogens and is user-friendly, which means everyone, even people who aren’t professionally trained, can use it. To know more about the technique he suggested we visit Adimmune Corporation. </li>
<li>The Medical Laboratory doesn’t keep samples after testing, and can’t give samples to us for testing our product, either. Without patients’ consent forms, patients’ samples can only be used for diagnosis.  Biotechnical companies usually mix two different kinds of viruses as a sample for product testing at an initial stage. Too many different kinds of virus used at once is not recommended because it becomes hard to analyze the effect factors of the results. Types of viruses that will affect results are noted in Instruction manuals for doctors and laboratory scientists. </li>
<li>We have to apply for experimental plans in order to get samples from the Medical Laboratory. </li>
<li>The experiments to test products with different kinds of viruses must be taken in biosafety level-3 laboratories. </li>
                                    After the interview, we had a clearer idea of our product. We decided to take swabs as the sample of our device. Our device needs to be fast, accurate and easy-to-use. We can make our product as kits in the near future, and we can ask Adimmune Corporation for more details.
<li>Different medical laboratories of hospitals use different rapid influenza diagnostic tests. </li>
<li>As for the data analyzing instrument we saw in the lab, it is used when the amount of the influenza virus in the sample isn’t enough, or for some fluorescence-used products that are hard to read with naked eyes. By using the instrument, there will be a standard for if patients are infected by influenza.</li>
<li>Rapid influenza diagnostic tests always use samples collected from nasal mucus but serum because it is more difficult and more invasive to draw a patient’s blood than doing swabs, and the amount of the virus in nasal mucus is more than in blood, too. That is the reason why products nowadays seldom use samples collected from patients’ serum. </li>
<li>When doing swabs, doctors will get into the patient’s throat as deep as possible to make sure they collect enough samples. The products nowadays seldom have a mechanism to amplify sample signals but they improve sensitivities by getting rid of the impurity. Some products contain enzymes to break down other bacteria or viruses to reduce interference. However not every company does so. </li>
<li>The sensitivities of the products nowadays are not so good. Besides, many factors affect accuracy, for example, the ways doctors collect samples, the false negativity of products, or the disease process of patients is still at an early stage. </li>
<li>It is impossible for patients to use the rapid influenza diagnostic test by themselves because the procedure of collecting samples must be done by well-trained doctors. Also, after using rapid diagnostic tests, patients still need to go see doctors and get treatments. It is worthless to let patients do the rapid test by themselves. </li>
<li>We can try some ways to get rid of the impurity of other viruses or improve the sensitivities of our rapid test. It will benefit clinical medicine. </li>
The Medical Laboratory scientists said there were always many samples in the lab waiting for them. He thought that our products would be able to help them save time. Through the interview, we found that swabs are a better way for our product. We then chose swab instead of blood as the method to get samples.

Revision as of 05:56, 16 October 2019

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Human Practice structure

Participatory Design (PD)

Participatory Design is an emerging design practice which involves different non-designers in various co-design activities throughout the process, to help ensure that the designed product/service meets their needs.

In participatory design members of the wider community are also recognized as stakeholders which are able to impact the project. The extent of their involvement can range from being passively informed of a project’s development, to actively sharing their opinions in decision making.


Design for humans is often looked up as a standard by many designers, but how is it for people? Market research, focus group, usability testing, and other research methods are useful but sometimes they don't let us know the really important feedback. Sometimes users don't honestly say their ideas because of courtesy. More often users don't really know what they want or what they need, or the emotional level of them is often not quantifiable.

Design with Human is a part of participatory design, bringing users into the design process, in order to understand the psychological or social aspects of the user's ideas or use in the early stages of product development. Use Cases to work together to design a solution.


Designers are not users, neither are product managers nor engineers. In the process of current software development, software often involves or affects various user cultural, political or psychological factors. The knowledge that a product development team needs is not just the product development team itself, but the idea of different aspects and different fields to inspire the best solution.
Imagine that in the process of traditional product design, a product team which lacks a real understanding of the user's needs is given a goal to solve a problem, the design made at this time may not really solve the user's problem, or become a mediocre product. Usually, it becomes Product Manager Driven instead of User-Driven .
Participatory design< gives users an opportunity to participate in the design. However, it is important to know that the users involved in the design do not influence the final product development decisions. Also, they do not have the professional knowledge as the product development team to understand the operation and execution of the entire product.


Participatory design is used in various design fields, include industrial design, architectural design, software design, and etc. In fact, there is not a specific way to make a participatory research session, that is, the simpler the better.
Back to our team, in order to expand our influences and to make sure all our human practice activities reach their maximum efficiencies and values, we 1) evaluate who our potential stakeholders are and make sure they participated in our project design, inspiring product modifies to made final product better-fit user’s needs.2) took the research of Sanders, E. B.-N., Brandt, E., & Binder, T. (2010). “A framework for organizing the tools and techniques of participatory design.” as a reference and developed a systematic structure to help us designing activities for human practice and public engagement, it includes three key points:

  1. Applying with an appropriate Form
  2. Adhering to core principle or Purpose
  3. Designing a suitable Process
  4. Learing from Feedbacks
Furthermore, it involved stakeholders from different aspects of our product. Through this systematic structure, we can not only programmatically arrange our activities but also examine the effectiveness of them. We introduced it to our human practice even public engagement. We hope that aside from us, future iGEM teams can also set up their own concept on this foundation.


It describes the conducted time, the kind of the activity that is taking place and how it is been held. For different purpose, there will have different places and ways which is most suitable for the activities. Participatory design sessions can be conducted with either individuals or with people in groups. We classified the forms of our activities into individual, one-to-one interviews, and groups.


According to the designation of PD, we came up with three main principle that may be introduced to different activities:

  1. to stimulate participants interest,
  2. to let the participants gain information
  3. to discuss with the participants and let them generate ideas.
Moreover, we will set up a goal for each activity that might either benefit our study or can affect the public.


It includes the detail of the designation of the activities or the document of what the participants do or said without judgment.


It is an important part for us to realize what the participants think about. We collected the opinions, suggestions, and even encouragements from the participants which is precious to our study and even other sides of our personal abilities. We think that each activity can affect both conductors and participants. We also recorded our thoughts and what we gain from the activities.


  1. Sanders, E. B.-N., Brandt, E., & Binder, T. (2010). A framework for organizing the tools and techniques of participatory design. PDC '10 Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference, Pages 195-198 https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1900476 https://sci-hub.tw/10.1145/1900441.1900476
  2. Participate in Design (P!D) http://participateindesign.org/about/organisation
  3. Liz Sanders, An Evolving Map of Design Practice and Design Research, 2008
  4. Ines Anić, Participatory Design: What is it, and what makes it so great?, 2015
  • 14th, March

  • Doctor Hui-Xian Pan, Pediatrician

  • We found the importance of developing a rapid influenza diagnostic test with higher sensitivity and accuracy to help doctors make the best diagnosis and help the government for the statistics of epidemiology.

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Charlotte de Ceuninck van Capelle

Team manager

Daphne van den Homberg

Secretary & Design manager

Maaike de Jong
