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Team: Amazonas

We collab with team Amazonas in the scientific part of our project. We first met them in one of ours meetings because some team members were here for a course. After talking about our projects and our main difficulties we gave them the plasmid pSB1C3_BBa_K2771020 that was made by the last year USP team and measure fluorescence. On the other hand, they teached us how their process of forming team works, what are the benefits to apply a selection process and how they made one.

Team: Washington

We traduced two of their practical activity book "Synthetic Biology to everyone" to our main language, Portuguese. For this, we invite a student of literature at our university, Lucas Oller, help us do so. It was a great experience.

Team: Moscow

We participate on team Moscow Spartakiaders instagram challenge. It was a hard one!

Team: Toronto

A member of our team, Henrique, travelled to Canada in order to do an internship. As he was there, he met with the Toronto team and they record a podcast together. He join them on an episode of their podcast, Syntalks, speaking about our respective iGEM teams and the challenges we face running the teams in our cities. This included dry lab member Henrique D'Ambrosio Retti de Andrade and iGEM Toronto president Amy Yeung. They dive into how they got into iGEM and the problems we have and still are facing, as well as what we have overcome being on the team for many years.

Team: USP-São Carlos and UFRGS-Brazil

We contacted “Ciência USP”, the main entity of our University, USP, responsible for dissemination of university research to society. With them, an podcast was elaborated and we invite USP-São Carlos and UFRGS to participate, besides Amazonas!