Team:Tunghai TAPG/Wetlab/Protocol



Making and Running Agarose Gels

  1. 1.Add the TAE buffer.
  2. 2. Add the agarose powder with a volume to the mass ratio of X % and add it into the buffer.
  3. 3. The mixture is heated several times in a microwave oven until the solution becomes clear.
  4. 4. Cool the solution to about 40-50°C and add the nucleic acid dye.
  5. 5. Place the appropriate comb on the gel tray and pour the solution into the tray gel and allow the gel to cool until it becomes hard.
  6. 6. Carefully pull out the comb, do not damage the glue hole, take the gel into the electrophoresis room.
  7. 8. Add enough TAE buffer to make it no gel.
  8. 9. Take the appropriate amount of the loading buffer and the DNA (Gene Finder) mixed DNA sample into the pores of the gel; take the appropriate amount of marker into the gel pore as a control.
  9. 10. Run the gel at 100V, for 60 minutes.

Table.1. correct percent agarose gel concentration for resolving DNA fragments.

Percent Agarose gel (w/v) DNA size resolution (bp)
0.5 % 2000-50000
0.6 % 1000-20000
0.7 % 800-12000
0.8 % 800-10000
0.9 % 600-10000
1.0 % 400-8000
1.5 % 200-3000
2.0 % 100-2000
3.0 % 25-1000
4.0 % 10-500
5.0 % 10-300

Making Agar Plates

  1. 1. Prepare LB-Agar for autoclave: 10 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract and 5 g of NaCl per litre.
  2. 2. Autoclave. If it is still molten when collected, it can be left in a 60°C water bath to cool down for poouring. Otherwise, if it has solidified, it needs to be microwaved until molten, then left in a 60°C water bath to cool to the correct temperature.
  3. 3. Once agar is molten, mix carefully. Add antibiotics and any other desired additives.
  4. 4. Pour plates carefully.
  5. 5. Allow to set for approximately 10 min.
  6. 6. Invert plates and allow to dry for 20-30 min.
  7. 7. Store plates at 4°C


  1. 1. Prepare master mix
  2. Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
    10X Tag Buffer 5
    dNTPs (10 mM) 2.5
    Template 1
    Primer-F 2.5
    Primer-R 2.5
    Tag DNA Polymerase 1
    ddH20 35.5

  3. 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
  4. Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
    initial denaturing 95 300
    10 cycles 95 30
    10 cycles 52 30
    10 cycles 72 30
    30 cycles 72 30
    30 cycles 60.5 30
    30 cycles 72 30
    extension 72 420

    Sec VMA intein

    1. 1. Prepare master mix
    2. Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
      10X Tag Buffer 5
      dNTPs (10 mM) 2.5
      Template 1
      Primer-F 2.5
      Primer-R 2.5
      Tag DNA Polymerase 1
      ddH20 35.5

    3. 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
    4. Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
      initial denaturing 95 300
      10 cycles 95 30
      10 cycles 52 30
      10 cycles 72 30
      30 cycles 72 30
      30 cycles 58.5 30
      30 cycles 72 30
      extension 72 420
      Hold 4 forever


      1. 1. Prepare master mix
      2. Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
        10X Tag Buffer 5
        dNTPs (10 mM) 2.5
        Template 1
        Primer-F 2.5
        Primer-R 2.5
        Tag DNA Polymerase 1
        ddH20 35.5

      3. 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
      4. Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
        initial denaturing 95 300
        10 cycles 95 30
        10 cycles 52 30
        10 cycles 72 30
        30 cycles 72 30
        30 cycles 60.8 30
        30 cycles 72 30
        extension 72 420
        Hold 4 forever

        PCR Amplification

        Sequence of primer

        Primer Length

      5. 1. Prepare master mix
      6. Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
        10X Tag Buffer 5
        dNTPs (10 mM) 5
        Primer-F 5
        Primer-R 5
        Tag DNA Polymerase 1
        ddH20 29

      7. 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
      8. Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
        initial denaturing 94 300
        30 cycles 94 30
        30 cycles 59 30
        30 cycles 70 30
        extension 72 300
        Hold 4 forever

Overlap Extension PCR:

  • 1. Prepare master mix
  • Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
    10X Tag Buffer 5
    dNTPs (10 mM) 2.5
    DNA Template 1
    Primer-F 2.5
    Primer-R 2.5
    Tag Polymerase 1
    ddH20 35.5

  • 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
  • Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
    initial denaturing 95 300
    10 cycles 95 30
    10 cycles 50 30
    10 cycles 72 30
    30 cycles 72 30
    30 cycles 60.8 30
    30 cycles 72 30
    extension 72 420
    Hold 4 forever

    Overlap Extension PCR:

  • 1. Prepare master mix
  • Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
    10X Tag Buffer 5
    dNTPs (10 mM) 5
    DNA Template 1
    Primer-F 2.5
    Primer-R 2.5
    Tag Polymerase 1
    ddH20 33

  • 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
  • Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
    initial denaturing 94 300
    10 cycles 94 30
    10 cycles 50 30
    10 cycles 72 30
    30 cycles 94 30
    30 cycles 59 30
    30 cycles 70 30
    extension 72 300
    Hold 4 forever


  • 1. Prepare master mix
  • Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
    10X Tag Buffer 5
    dNTPs (10 mM) 1
    DNA Template 1
    Primer-F 1
    Primer-R 1
    Tag Polymerase 1
    ddH20 40

  • 2.Transfer tube to a thermocycler with the following program.
  • Step Temperature(℃) Time(s)
    initial denaturing 94 300
    30 cycles 94 30
    30 cycles 51 30
    30 cycles 70 30
    extension 72 300
    Hold 4 forever

    Colony PCR

  • 1. Prepare master mix
  • Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
    10X Tag Buffer 5
    Insert Fragment 1
    Backbone Fragment 20
    T7 DNA ligase 1
    Bsa I –HFv2 1
    ddH2O 22

  • 2.Incubate ligations at 4°C overnight
  • 3.Transform into chemically competent E. coli by heat shock
  • Golden Gate Assembly

  • 1. Prepare master mix
  • Components (50μl) Volume(μl)
    Intein 1
    SUMO 1
    eGFP 1
    6x His 1
    T7 DNA ligase 1
    Bsa I –HFv2 1
    Tag DNA Polymerase 2.5
    ddH2O 16.5

  • 2.Incubate ligations at 4°C overnight
  • 3.Transform into chemically competent E. coli by heat shock