
Tufts iGem Notebook

September 6th

Lab work begins, we begin the process to electroporate the plasmid into Shewanella

  • This process doesn't work
  • We read later in Hajimorad 2016 that Shewanella is typically difficult to electroporate

We decide now to use conjugation to insert the plasmid into Shewanella, but first we need to add an OriT site to allow for conjugation.

Trevor runs gibson assembly to insert the OriT site, uses electrophoresis and gel recovery to purify the correctly assembled plasmid. The plasmid is grown in E.coli, then a sample is sent for sequencing to confirm the prescence of the OriT.

October 6th

The OriT is not found in the plasmid- our hypothesis is that not all plasmids were correctly assembled.

  • We ran colony pcr on 4 colonies to check for ones that worked
  • These gave us positive results, so then when we sent DNA from these colonies to be sequenced it was confirmed that these plasmids had the correct OriT site.
  • Trevor grew a liquid culture from that positive hit, and miniprepped plasmid out of it

October 13th

We dissolved and filtered DAPI concentrate in water in preperation to grow a rk2 culture that cannot grow without DAPI.

October 16th

We plated a lawn of rk2 cells

October 17th

We took the rk2 cells, washed them and electroporated them with the plasmid

  • Grew liquid culture from the electroporated cells
  • Later in the day we plated the cells on LB + DAPI

October 18th

Picked colonies from the plate and grew liquid cultures of the rk2, and liquid colonies of Shewanella

October 19th

Conjugated Shewanella with rk2 strain

  • Make two microfuge tubes with 250µl Shewanella + DAPI + LB and 250µ rk2 + DAPI + LB each, as well as one microfuge tube with 250µl Shewanella for control
  • Pellet one Shewy+rk2 tube, keep the other in solution
  • Incubate the tubes for three hours to allow for conjugation
  • Re-pellet all solutions and wash with water to remove DAPI
  • Plate half of each Shewy+rk2 tube on one 5-chloramphenicol plate, the other half on a 25-chloramphenicol plate
  • Plate the control on a 5-chloremphenicol plate and a 25-chloramphenicol plate
  • Let grow for 24 hours

October 20th

When looking for colonies, found colonies on all 5-chloramphenicol plates including controls, but none on 25-chloramphenicol plates

  • Our hypothesis is that Shewanella is able to grow on 5-Chloramphenicol, and that the Shewanella with the plasmid is growing too slowly
  • Let grow for another 24 hours

rk2 Liquid Cultures

rk2 Colonies

Shewanella Colonies

Shewanella Liquid Cultures

October 21

Inspect our colonies for growth- colonies indicate successful conjugation of plasmid!

Shewanella Colonies

Control plate has no colonies- confirms results