This code is for controlling the four water pumps and pH meter. When the code is initialized, half (1L) of
the solution from the plastic-degrading container is discarded, which contains the inactivated enzyme, to
create space for the transfer of the solution containing newly secreted enzymes. Then, 1L from the solution in
the culturing container is transferred to refill the other container, and lastly, the new culture medium is
transferred to the culturing container. After this process, the pH value of the plastic-degrading is measured
150 times for the stabilization of the sensor readings, and if the pH value of the solution is less than 8.5,
the pump connected to the NaOH solution is actuated for 100 milliseconds to increase the pH value of the
solution. Again, the pH meter measures the value 150 times for stabilization, and the same process repeats
until the pH value reaches 8.5. Then, the system stops until it reaches the target time (24 hours) and then
restarts the process. The restricting pH value was decided to optimize enzyme activity, as the enzyme
functions best in a pH range of 8.5 to 9. Also, LEDs were initially used to verify the trigger activation of
the relay modules. This code is for the temperature control of the two containers. When the code first initiates, the two
temperature sensors measure the temperature for each container. In the culturing container, if the temperature
is below or above 18 degrees Celsius, one of the Peltier modules is activated to either increase or decrease
the temperature for the culturing solution, until it reaches 18 degrees; the restricting temperature of 18
degrees was determined to stabilize the expression of the enzyme. For the plastic-degrading solution, the
temperature is maintained at 40 degrees Celsius in the same manner as the culturing container, in order to
maximize the enzyme activation.Software
PH Pump Control
Temperature control