Team:Richmond UR/Description



Our inspiration for the project comes from the team’s group interest in helping others. Cancer is, unfortunately, a disease that many of us deal with today, either directly or through a family member or friend. The majority of our team members have intentions on being involved in the medical sector, and this project allows us to learn about the process of tumorigenesis in a different model organism. While cancer occurs within a multicellular organism, the tumorigenesis experienced by dicot plants is caused by a foreign bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Although this mechanism is different than tumorigenesis mechanisms in humans, it can still teach us about tumorigenesis and cancer development nonetheless.


What is Agro?

Agrobacterium Tumefaciens, or Agro for short, is a pathogenic bacteria commonly found in many types of soil. It is most known for infecting plants, mainly eudicots, with crown gall disease.

How does it do this?

Through Ti-plasmids! Tumor-inducing plasmids are the source of the disease, and are manufactured by virulence genes in Agro’s genome. The main proteins within the pathway are VirA and VirG. VirA can be broken up into Periplasmic, Linker, Kinase, and Receiver regions, or P, L, K, and R for short. Though each region is important, our focus has been on the P and L regions. The mechanism for tumorigenesis uses two primary signaling molecules to promote it: phenols and sugars. Sugars are accepted by the P region, and phenols by the L region. Once induced by these molecules, VirA then phosphorylates VirG to complete the process. Below is a detailed image of the pathway for reference.

Hau-Hsuan Hwang, Manda Yu, Erh-Min Lai "Agrobacterium-Mediated Plant Transformation: Biology and Applications," The Arabidopsis Book, 2017(15), (20 October 2017)

Why should you care?

Agro’s infectious nature is a problem for many farmers and agricultural scientists. Crown gall disease affects many commonly grown crops such as grapes, apples, raspberries, almond trees, and even roses, causing millions of dollars in damage each year. Moreover, the current products available only outcompete the wild type. We want to go a step further. Rather than just outcompete the wild type Agro, we want to provide “immunity” to plants. Yes, plants don’t have immune systems in the way that animals do. However, plants do have a slew of chemical and structural defenses.

How You Might Ask?... With Curdlan!

Taguchi, Yoshinari & Ono, Fumiyasu & Tanaka, Masato. (2013). Preparation of Microcapsules Containing β-Carotene with Thermo Sensitive Curdlan by Utilizing Reverse Dispersion. Pharmaceutics. 5. 609-620. 10.3390/pharmaceutics5040609.

Curdlan is a water-insoluble form of glucose that is produced naturally by plants (and other microorganisms) and utilized as a structural molecule; more curdland present allows for a more rigid and sturdy cell wall, which helps the plant defend itself against disease and damage. Curdlan is also known to be produced by Agro. Thus, if we can find a way to synthesize a strain that produces Curdlan at the site of a plant wound, we will have created a type of plant immunity.


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  3. Pulawska J. Crown gall of stone fruits and nuts, economic significance and diversity of its causal agents: tumorigenic agrobacterium spp. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2010 Jan 18;92(1):S87–S98.
  4. Kawaguchi A, Inoue K, Tanina K, Nita M. Biological control for grapevine crown gall using nonpathogenic Rhizobium vitis strain ARK-1. Proc Jpn Acad, Ser B, Phys Biol Sci. 2017;93(8):547–60.
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