Team:NAWI Graz/Development


0 Architecture

• The beekeeper charges the battery of the device.
• The beekeeper gets fresh, cooled sensorelectrodes. He can store them in the fridge.
• The beekeeper takes 10 bees from a hive and washes them in 100ml water in a special cup or takes honey and dilutes it in the same amount of water.
• Maybe the water has to be heated up to 85°C. This is to transform the spores of Paenibacillus larvae to their vegetative form.
• The beekeeper drops a drop of the water into a sensorelectrode.
• The beekeeper waits until the sensorelectrode is dry.
• The beekeeper connects the sensorelectrode to the diagnosis-device.
• The beekeeper drops a few drops of Kaliumhexocyanoferrat onto the sensorelectrode
• The beekeeper starts the measurement with a button on the diagnosis-device.
• The beekeeper waits for the measurement to be complete (less than 1 minute)
• With a display and several LEDs, the result is displayed by the diagnosis-device.
• (The beekeeper can look up recommended action steps for the degree of infestation at hand on a smartphone app.)
• The beekeeper disconnects the sensorelectrode, and stores it until he gets sensorelectrodes next time. He will get a discount, and we can recycle the electrodes.

Internal requirements

All requirements that come from our own understanding of the problems. They are based upon the basic literature we used and contain our own accumulated wisdom. They should be the blueprint for engineers in the final development process for engineers.


A diagnosis system for the American foulbrood (AFB) should be developed. The System can be divided into the following parts: sensorelectrode, diagnosis-device, smartphone app, equipment


The system should allow beekeepers to conduct a precise, fast and easy diagnosis on site.


A part of the system should allow the beekeeper to savely wash exactly 10 bees in exactly 100ml water.


A part of the system should allow the beekeeper to measure the concentration of AFB spores within a drop of water. Other factors like temperature, light, water hardness, slight pollution with honey or pollen should not affect the measurement results!


A part of the system should display the severity of infestation with the colors red, green and yellow.


A part of the system should allow the beekeeper to look up concrete action steps for the severity of infestation at hand.


A part of the system should automatically upload the measurement results to an online database, if and only if the beekeeper agreed to this.


A part of the system should allow the beekeeper to look at a map, where the regions with high uploaded measurement results are highlighted.




Software code has to be commented adequately.

External requirements

Additional requirements which are based upon market research. These contain very valuable insights of the preferences of the beekeepers. Their implementation is crucial for the market success of the device. They have been determined by the survey, see human practices


A device for the detection of AFB should be built that is more accurate that the current laboratory test method. Furthermore the device has to be easy to use and withstand an usability test.


The measurement results should be displayed on a display directly on the device.


The user should be able to connect the device to an android smartphone. The device should be able to display results and be controlled via the smartphone.


The device should display the severity of infestation also by color coded LEDs (red, yellow, green).


The device should display the concentration of spores on a display, the severity of infestation by color coded LEDs.


There should be detailed explanation regarding the measurement results including recommended activities available in the smartphone app.


There should be a video tutorial available online.


There should be a manual within the smartphone app.


The device should be able to measure honey dome samples (maybe dissolved in water).


The price of the device should not exceed 75€.


The smartphone-app should give the user the possibility to enter his geographic information.



The smartphone-app should (if permitted by the user) automatically upload the measurements with geographic information.

1 Sensorelectrode

Figure 1: Desired electrical behavior of the sensorelectrode (Han 2016)


A process for making sensorelectrodes should be developed.


The sensorelectrode should have three electrical connectors:

·       Working Electorode (WE)

·       Counter Electrode (CE)

·       Reference Electrode (RE)


The sensorelectrode should allow the user to drop a drop of water onto it and let it dry.


Die sensorelectrode should work with Kaliumhexocyanoferrat as a redox-couple-solution.


The electron transfer resistance or charge transfer resistanc Ret should increase logarithmically with the increase of the concentration of the spores of Paenibacillus larvae.


The electron transfer resistance should not be influenced by other stuff that is typically present on bees or in the beehive.


If there IS influence, it has to be somehow compensated!


The sensorelectrode should be durable for at least 4 weeks in the fridge.


The Ret  should maximally change by 10 ohms per 24 hours.

2 Diagnosis-Device

Figure 2: Measurement circuit

Figure 3: Electrical description EIS with 3 electrodes (A Carullo 2000)

Figure 4: Draft of diagnosis device


A device for the measurement of the difference of the charge transfer resistance of a sensorelectrode with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) should be developed (resistance with bounded spores vs resistance without them).


The device should be able to measure impedances between 1kΩ and 10kΩ in the frequency range btween 0,1Hz and 100kHz. (Han 2016)


The impedance measurement should be carried out with an AC voltage of 5mV peak-to-peak.


The measurement should be done via three electrodes:

·       Working Electorode (WE)

·       Counter Electrode (CE)

·       Reference Electrode (RE)


The voltage of the RE can be regulated to a constant operating point (XXV - XXV). The control can be very slow (time constant: 1s)


The device should have a battery, which can be charged with a USB cable.


The device should give the user the opportunity to connect it via Bluetooth to a smartphone.


The optimal operating point of the RE should be determined by a cyclic voltametry measurement before the EIS measurement. The operating point should be adjusted to the middle of the two maxima of the curve (see fig. 5)


The device should measure the temperature of the sensorelectrode and compensate for the temperature induced measurement offset.

3 Equipment

List of necessary equipment: • Charging cable • Cups for gentle catching and washing of the bees • Pipettes for applying wash water to the sensorelectrodes • Online manual as text & video • Kaliumhexocyanoferrat

4 Open questions


how to answer

Do the phages (HB10c2also bind to the spoes of Paenibacillus larvae or only to the vegetative form?



Does there have to be a reference measurement without spores?

Lab-tests, Research of methods

How long are the sensorelectrodes durable/stable? How can the durability be improved?



Can we also use honey comb samples instead of washing bees?
