


The concept of GMO’s is oftentimes misunderstood by the public and are therefore disliked. Although they can be dangerous, when handled right, GMO’s are extremely versatile and useful. Therefore, safety is an important component in synthetic biology. Not only the environment has to be protected and the GMO contained but also the public has to feel safe with the existence of GMOs.
The ROCKit is thought to be a useful tool facilitating everyday life of scientists all over the world. But to get to various laboratories in different countries the security of the compounds have to be granted. Unforeseen mistakes can happen, but in the case something goes wrong the promise that no danger will be created from the components of the ROCKit itself has to be kept. To reach this goal a multiple step plan has to be carried out.

Step 1: The Brief While planning the experiment, the safety precautions for every phase has to be considered starting with the type of organism which will be used. Depending on the model organism the containment, storage and equipment used in the laboratory has to be fitting. To analyze all angles of the project, scientists and other qualified people were consulted to consider every potential risk and to discuss how to avoid them.

Step 2: The Research The components of the ROCKit were created in a high-level-safety (ML-1) laboratory to ensure the containment of the modified yeast S. cerevisiae (MaV203 strain). All tools which were contaminated were sterilized in an autoclave and disposed in a closed and adequately labeled container. The general high-level safety protocols were followed.

Step 3: The Design-Safety To also keep the modified yeast contained while on the way to the customer, special growth medium, called the ROCKit Fuel Medium TM is provided only in the vail for the model organism. The yeast cannot survive outside of the medium and will therefore not grow. The chosen strain S. cerevisiae MaV203 is not harmful to the human health.

Step 4: The Shipment The way the order is shipped depends on the biosafety regulations on the destination country. But highest safety standards will be obeyed and biosecurity will be strengthened through special transporters, smaller packages and splitted up shipments. In this way, extra care can be given to every order.

Step 5: The Delivery After receiving the package and starting the ROCKit successfully, the obtained sequence of the generated receptor is encouraged to be uploaded to the ROCCloud. Through the ROCCloud other projects can be realized more successful.