Team:ITESO Guadalajara/Human Practices

Team:RubisCO -



In order to have a clear understanding of our problematic we worked using the Logical Framework
Approach, in which we determined a clear process of conceptualization, design and execution of the project.
To that effect, we have underlined a clear problem to work seeking a specific aim and purpose by means of
some components and activities. To that effect, we have underlined a clear problem to work on, seeking a
specific aim and purpose, through some components and activities.



The Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara possesses an appropriate management of
the air and water effluent from the private and public sector.



Contribute to the reduction of Green House Gases emissions

Integrated HP

Based on the use of the problem tree analysis, we have identified our central problem on which research has been carried out over six general topics according to the central problem exposed in the tool. In addition, we recognized as a priority the interaction with the stakeholders, therefore we have generated a documentary that gives account of the contact and approach of the problem that we address. Finally, we have developed a map to measure and identify the number of companies which pollute, either water or air, and the size of the effluents they discharge.







Public Engagement

Our Problem

By using the problem tree analysis we set a number of causes and consecuencias related to our main problem, recognized as "Poor managementof the private and public effluents from the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara". It is important to emphasize that this participative technic gave us a new perspective to understand, investigate and develope our project in our many activities and products realized.

As it’s visible the following problem tree analysis shows the consecuences, main problem and causes from the top to the bottom.

Our Research

A full understanding of our problematic, its causes and consequences, has given us a whole new perspective to interact with the stakeholders and explain our project to those who were interested. Here we show you some of the findings after our diagnosis in different areas of Human Practices research including the legal, social, economical and technical aspects of the problem.

Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara

Chapter I


What are we talking about when we say the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara? This chapter shows the main information related to this cities: population, scarcities, size, economic situation and the expected growth. In short, the document gives us a quick look into the municipalities and all the basic information you need to know.

Public Intervention

Chapter II


This chapter was made with the purpose of creating awareness on Mexican´s environmental legislation and its regulations with a specific orientation on two important resources: water and air. This part of the document was focused in one sector, the industry. Due to these facts, the paper was started with crucial environmental laws in Mexico and the state of Jalisco. Furthermore, is spoken about the Mexican Official Standard (NOM, in its Spanish acronym) of hydric sector which are three, and the air sector that only was covered with fourteen NOM because they were centralized in stationary sources.

Laws and Regulations

Chapter III


There are 53 Wastewater Treatment Plants and 339 discharge points in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, which only have an efficiency of 34.9% for treating an approximated maximum wastewater volume of 1.5 million m3 annually per municipality from a rapidly growing population. Still, within these treated effluents, pollutants such as TSSs, CODs and BOD5s are still found, along with harmful heavy metals such as cadmium and lead, among others.

Public and Industrial Wastewater

Chapter IV


Air pollution is a complex topic to talk about since it is a global problem and carries many negative consequences with it, among which are global temperature enhancement and even sea level rising. Many countries tried to solve this with protocols and contingency plans, for example, in Mexico SEMARNAT implemented a program called PROAIRE. The atmospheric monitoring system in Jalisco (SIMAJ) is used to prevent population about pollutant substances since many locations in Guadalajara are affected by this situation. This document gives a full image of the problematic in Mexico, Jalisco and the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara; its emissions of greenhouse gases and the contribution of the manufacturing sector on the problem.

Air and Greenhouse Gases

Chapter V


What are the main problems related to the public budget in environmental matters? The purpose of this chapter it’s to analyze the public programs and the main problems that we can identify in the public budget. In the same way we will focus on analyzing specific cases such as SEMARNAT, SEMADET and the National Water Program, among others. We will seek to analyze the government agents related to the environment and the public budget. This chapter also explores how from public programs, these actors reflect their interest in this problem.

Emission Trading System

Chapter VI


The Emission Trading System is a global effort to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions through market instruments. This global effort arrived to Mexico with the General Law of Climate Change, it has been launched a test program of the emission trading system that will last 36 months, the program will apply in installations where annual emissions are equal or major to 100 thousand tons of emissions of carbon dioxide coming from fixed sources. Under this circumstances the use of sustentable technologies comes up to the industry and our project “RubisCO” finds a window of opportunity.

Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara Map












"From our battlegrounds"