

Collaborations are a very important part of iGEM, because scientists can reach their goal much faster and more efficiently by supporting each other. Each one of us probably has made the experience that the help of others is more than valuable. That's why we're happy that we have received such useful support in our own collaboration project from the other teams. More detailed information about our collaborations can be found on the following page.

Initiated collaboration:

iGEM Hamburg – World map

Joined collaborations:

iGEM Stuttart


iGEM Stony Brook

iGEM Taipei

iGEM Moscow

iGEM Hamburg - World map

In order to make iGEM projects and ideas understandable for a broader audience we initiated a collaboration. Aiming for this goal we established guidelines on how to write easy-to-understand iGEM abstracts to make science more accessible for the general public. We then invited other iGEM teams to follow our guidelinesand rewrite their abstracts, which we then collected. Afterwards, we presented them alongside the original abstracts in a world map.Additional information can be found on our Education and Public Engagement site.
The following teams supported us and sent their rewritten as well as their original abstracts:

iGEM Aachen

iGEM Bulgaria

iGEM Eindhoven

iGEM Milwaukee

iGEM Thessaly

iGEM VIT_Vellore

iGEM Ohio State University


iGEM Stuttgart

iGEM team Stuttgart developed a sustainable medium for bacterial cultivation and asked us to test their new medium with our bacteria. We followed their instructions and cultured our bacteria (E.coli DH5α) in their medium and made a growth curve. The protocol we received from iGEM Stuttgart can be viewed here.
The elaboration of these measurements is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Growth curves of the three provided media PhyCoVi culture medium A (A), PhyCoVi culture medium B (B) and reference culture medium C (C).

As seen in Figure 1, E. coli DH5α grew on all three media. The PhyCoVi culture medium B and reference medium C showed similar growth after 45 minutes. The PhyCoVi culture medium A exhibited a prolonged lag phase, and significant growth only occurred after 135 minutes.
Complete data of our growth curves are provided in the this document.


For the team MITADTBIO_Pune 2019 we participated in a survey about plastic menstrual waste. For our participation we received the following badge of honor:

Figure 2: Badge of honor received from iGEM MITADTBIO_Pune.

iGEM TAS_Taipei

The iGEM team TAS_Taipai, in cooperation with the iGEM teams Tuebingen and Costa Rica, organized the ‘iGEMxSDGs’ instagram challenge, in which we were challenged to name four out of the 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) of the United Nations, which suit our project best. We identified the following selection as important goals for us: 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), 12 (responsible consumption and production), 17 (partnerships for the goals) and 4 (quality education). Our selection is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: The four SDGs selected by iGEM Hamburg.

iGEM Stony Brook

Another Instagram challenge was organiZed by iGEM Stony Brook to strengthen the unity between all iGEM teams and to increase their social media activity. The challenge lasted a week from the 16th to the 22nd of June and pictures to the following predefined themes had to be uploaded:

  • Sunday: Introduce your project #iGEMproject2019

  • Monday: Meme monday #mememonday

  • Tuesday: Agarart #iGEmagarart

  • Wednesday: Lab binding. Photo of your team hanging outside of the lab #iGEMTeam

  • Thursday: Fail day #labfails

  • Friday: Vine/Youtube video remaike done your way #makeittheiGEMway (For videos visit us on Instagram)

  • Saturday: Shenanigans #iGEMshenanigans (For videos visit us on Instagram)

Figure 4: Summary of Instagram challenge.

iGEM Moscow

The team from Moscow started a survey about tick-borne diseases. Our team participated in their survey to help them improve their project.

Thanks to all of you!!!

Universität Hamburg Jung Stiftung Altona Diagonstics BioLabs Biomol Claussen Simons MLP Pohl Boskamp SnapGene Eurofins logo