Design Philosophy
There are a number of probiotics advertised to improve gut health, from yogurt to pills. However, we are confident that using these B. theta genes to produce MAFFs is a far better alternative to these common products.MAFFs are indigenous to the human microbiome, which means they’re safe: to increase MAFF content in the microbiome wouldn’t run the same risks as medicating patients with a non-native protein. E. Coli, which serve as the MAFF producers and delivery system, are also native to the microbiome. Any chance of pathogenesis is nullified by the xylose-dependent killswitch that limits their lifespan and reproduction once the supplement runs out.
Furthermore, MAFFs amplify what’s already there, rather than introduce new bacterial species to the gut. Because every microbiome is unique, MAFFs give a boost that’s tailored to each patient without the need for any extra testing. Our project combines simplicity with safety to create a powerful probiotic that’s perfect for everyone.
MAFF Design
A significant concern when designing the basic parts were the signal peptides and transmembrane domains. Membrane proteins are difficult to purify from cells, complicating verification of our results. The signal peptide was easily located and double-checked by a variety of online tools, so it was removed from both sequences. However, the transmembrane domains of both genes were impossible to identify, so they were left as-is.
Both composite parts use a strong T7 inducible promoter. This enabled the BioCrew to culture the bacteria without producing significant quantities of MAFFs, but also allowed production to be induced as needed. It provided flexibility for the researchers and stability for the bacteria.
The composite parts use different terminator sequences; this is because IDT was repeatedly unable to synthesize the BT2269 composite part due to complexity within the terminator sequence. For unknown reasons, this issue did not affect the BT2268 composite part, so only the BT2269 composite part was altered.