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Engineered genetic circuits are becoming more complex. These developments require transformation with more than one plasmid which in turn demands the simultaneous use of different antibiotics. Our aim is to enable a transformation with multiple plasmids and just one antibiotic to minimise the side-effects. In our study we describe a novel RNA-based approach that enables the selection of several plasmids with only one antibiotic.

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The aim of this project was to enable a transformation of three plasmids into one bacterium with only one antibiotic resistance instead of three.In our project we focused on an AND logic, which means that two or more so called trigger need to be present at a time to enable gene expression. The strategy is based on toehold switches that are forming hairpin structures. If you are interested in the Results make sure to click the following link.

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Programming cells with RNA. It'll blow your mind.


Universität Hamburg Jung Stiftung Altona Diagonstics BioLabs Biomol Claussen Simons MLP Pohl Boskamp SnapGene Eurofins logo