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About us
Team Members
Laurence Vigne
Laurence is 20 years old and is a second year student at Chimie ParisTech. She comes from Caen and joined the Paris region 3 years ago when she entered PCSI/PC preparatory classes at the very selective Lycée Geneviève in Versailles. Having also lived in Texas for 3 years, his perfect English is an undeniable asset to the team.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"My studies revolve around chemistry, I also wanted to discover
biology! What motivated me to join iGEM was also working with
students from all over the world."
Lea Durix
At 21, Lea is from Paris. She is a fifth year post-baccalaureate student at Sup'Biotech. The wealth of training at this engineering school has enabled him to specialize in biotechnologies. His knowledge and laboratory experience naturally make him the leader of our research work in molecular and cellular biology.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"For the opportunity to meet students from different
backgrounds, allowing me to diversify my skills to lead a
project, from the search for ideas to proof of concept!"
Tara Fournier
Tara is 22 years old and is from New Caledonia. She is also a fifth year student at Sup'Biotech. After several internships in medical research, notably at the Institut de la Vision, she decided to join the iGEM Pasteur Paris 2019 team to commit herself once again to advancing science. Alongside Lea, she brings her know-how in the laboratory during the performance of the experiments.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"The iGEM is the best way to surpass myself in a field that I
am particularly passionate about, and for a project that is
really close to my heart."
Elise Cambon
Elise is 24 years old and is a student in M2 "Droit de la Création et du Numérique" at Jean Monnet University. Combining creativity and an interest in intellectual property, she decided to use her skills in a multidisciplinary project entirely built by students. Her talents as an illustrator allow us to explain our project to all audiences and raise their awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"Participating in iGEM represents for me the opportunity to
carry a project from A to Z while discovering new horizons
and also developing new skills."
Clara Delamare
Clara is 22 years old and is in M2 "Applied Intellectual Property Law". Interested in the developments to which the company is subject, she decided to direct her law studies towards intellectual property and to participate in iGEM, which offers her the opportunity to apply her knowledge around a concrete project.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"iGEM is a unique opportunity to participate in a project
that helps medicine and internationally."
Alexandre Zidat
Alexandre is 22 years old and is a second year student at ESPCI (Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles). Passionate about the physical/chemical interface and with a strong interest in the field of biology, he went through two years of PCSI/PC* preparatory classes at the Fabert high school in Metz, then returned to the ESPCI and joined iGEM where transdisciplinarity is fundamental.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"Many people from different backgrounds and
disciplines: it was a very stimulating perspective. I
couldn't resist."
Marie Sabatou
At 22, Marie is a double-degree student between two engineering schools: Chemistry ParisTech and AgroParisTech. After two years of PCSI / PC* preparatory classes at the Lycée Montaigne in Bordeaux, she entered a chemistry school: her greatest wish. The discovery of biochemistry convinced her to pursue her studies in the field of health and therefore in a second school. The combination of these two training courses allows him to integrate into the multidisciplinary nature of the iGEM project.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"Getting out of the academic context to know where I
see myself in concrete terms later. iGEM is a
foretaste of an exciting professional project with
very different people, but who come together around a
common desire: to feel useful and to advance health
Ronan Soudy
At 21 years old, Ronan is a student in the second year of engineering school at Chimie ParisTech. Both Breton and Parisian, he had intended to study biology at the beginning of his higher education studies. But after two years of BCPST preparatory classes, he finally chose to enter a chemistry school. However, he has never left his attraction to health as evidenced by his commitment to iGEM.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"For me iGEM is above all an extraordinary
experience that brings together students from all
fields, from biology to law, chemistry and even
physics. It is this mixture of disciplines that led
me to participate in this adventure."
Quentin Mosagna
Quentin is 22 years old and is a student in the second year of a chemical engineering school at Chimie ParisTech. Before entering engineering studies he did a year of PACES (First Common Year for Health Studies) to enter pharmacy studies but decided to reorient himself towards a more scientific, technical and specialized training in chemistry. He did two years of PCSI/PC* preparatory classes at Chaptal High School in Paris and then entered Chimie ParisTech. This determination allows him to be involved in many tasks within the project.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"The desire to apply my knowledge of chemistry in
a multidisciplinary team for a project in the
health field."
Vincent Saverat
Vincent is 23 years old and after two years of PCSI/PC preparatory classes at the Lycée Jérôme Lalande in Bourg-en-Bresse, he entered the ENS Paris Saclay in chemistry. He is now preparing to enter a M2 in Life Sciences, motivated by his desire to combine chemistry and biology. That is also why he decided to participate in iGEM.
Why did you decide to join the iGEM adventure?
"I wanted to participate in the iGEM competition within the team of the Institut Pasteur de Paris because I am interested in building a transdisciplinary project to address the issues of our century."
Three coaches are present at our side: Maria Vittoria Mazzuoli, Mathieu de Jode and Chloe Charendoff. Maria Vittoria is in her fourth year of a doctorate in microbiology. She is studying the expression of virulence factors in streptococci. Mathieu started his thesis two years ago. He is interested in phage therapy with a view to applying it to patients with cystic fibrosis. Chloe is also in her second year of doctoral studies. It seeks to understand the response of a host cell to a microbial infection, particularly by chlamydia. Finally, we are supervised by Dr. Deshmukh Gopaul, Director of Research at the Institut Pasteur in charge of the Biology Design Department and the iGEM program since 2015.