Team:Humboldt Berlin/Hardware

MathJax example





The openPBR is a low-cost, easy to assemble and reliable option to cultivate phototrophic organisms. We have developed it as an open-source platform to operate as you need it. It comes in several setups, from nine cultivation vessels to three flat panels with a minimum width of 15 mm and up to a volume of 190 ml. It provides users with the ability to measure optical density at wavelengths from 400 nm to 800 nm, online and provides a .csv file output. All parts are openly available and even gas supply is exactly adjustable through a rotameter, depending on the needs of your organism and setup. We want to offer scientists a simple and versatile cultivation platform.

    Overview of single components

  • Sensors

  • Illumination

  • Gas mixing and pumps

  • Cultivation chamber

  • Casing

Our Open PBR Electronic Gas Supply LED-Panel Pumps Cultivation Chamber Sensors Casing
Klick on part-labels for more information

Cultivation Chamber

The openPBR can be used with several different cultivation vessels. Originally designed to hold three 95 ml, fully autoclavable, flat panels, with interchangeable rings from 15 mm (95 ml) up to 30 mm width (190 ml). For growth-comparison studies, the openPBR can be set up with up to nine hybridization flasks with standard SCHOTT-45 cups. Even the use of cell-culture flasks is possible. For this use-case we 3D-printed autoclavable cups to connect them with hoses for classical cell-culture flasks.

Because of our model of light limited cultivation, we decided to build a flat-panel device. If you want to know how a flat-panel bioreactor makes it possible to cultivate at high densities, look at our model .

Replacement rings for flatpanel
Fig. 1. Replacement rings for the flat panels panels inside the openPBR. The flat panels are held together by butterfly nuts. The rings in between can be interchanged by replacements with different width.
Cell flasks for the bioreactor

3D-printed screw tap
Fig. 2. The openPBR can also hold cell-culture-flasks. The screw cap was 3D-printed to connect plastic hoses for gas- and media-supply.
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The LED panel of the openPBR is designed to give you full control of both color and intensity of the light source powered by 250 single RGB LEDs and 250 white LEDs with a total light intensity of up to 300 µE. Having a constant and reproducible light source in a photobioreactor setup is one of the most difficult tasks to achieve. To learn how to build and control your own please visit our step-by-step tutorial.

LED panel

To get an impression of how to set up the relative voltage in the OBP-software to get the desired light intensity we developed a light intensity adjustment curve. We measured the light intensity at 24 different positions above the LED panel, each with the relative voltage set to 15, 140 and 225. Using these values we calculated a linear fit, which can be used to predict the light intensity at any given relative voltage.

Fig. 3. Light spectrum of the LEDs.

Fig. 4. Light intensity adjustment curve. Light intensity was measured at 3 different values of relative voltage and fitted with a linear fit.
Heatmap 1
Heatmap 2
Heatmap 3
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Gas supply

The gas supply system of the openPBR provides the setup with a controllable gas flow of up to 250 l/h. Chaotic mixing of the culture is solely provided by the gas pressure, which can be regulated by rotameters. To hydrate the air that comes into the culture, a 500 ml SCHOTT bottle is filled with water and the gas flow directed through it.

Our Gas and mixing pumps
Fig. 5. Two pumps we use to gas the bioreactor.
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The sensory system of the openPBR consist of up to nine Opt 101 Monolithic linear voltage sensors and nine LEDs with the specific wavelength of 680 nm. It is possible to use any LED in the linear area of the sensor thus measurements from 400 nm to 800 nm are feasible.

optical responsivity
sensor rail
Fig. 6. Rail containing the light sensors. The rail is attached to the front of the openPBR and detects the light that passes through the culture.

In the front of the reactor the Opt101 sensors are built into a rail. On the opposite side, built into the LED panel, are the 680 nm LEDs which emit light that is absorbed by the culture. Therefore, the voltage output of the Opt101 decreases. Using this simple principle it is possible to get absorption curves at any wavelength in the measurement range of the sensor. In our case we wanted to measure the specific Absorption of the photosystem II at 680 nm to determine culture density and in consequence assess the growth of C. reinhardtii.


Once the sensors are installed, you need to callibrate them. In order to get a net voltage, you need to substract the output value from the input value. Subtract the Vout values from the Vin values and plot them against the reference OD from your photometer. Then perform a logarithmic fit (Fig. 1)

Fig.1: Measured OD with reference photometer against measured ∆V with openPBR
After the calibration, we measured other random samples both with our reference photometer (Expected OD) and with openPBR (Figure 2). We also plotted the “ideal correlation”, meaning expected = measured, in order to get an idea of how good the openPBR measurements are.
Fig.2: Expected OD values from reference photometer plotted against openPBR measurements with an “ideal correlation” of x = y

From this we can conclude that, while the openPBR measurements between OD = 0 and OD = 1 are quite reliable, further calibrating points are needed in order to improve the range beyond OD = 1.

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The casing of the openPBR consists of 10 unique laser-cut Plexiglas parts. The whole openPBR can be assembled without the use of screws. Adjustment of the cultivation temperature can be achieved by regulating the water temperature of the filled inner chamber of the openPBR. The peristaltic pumps are held by mounts fitted to the model so that they are kept in place solely by friction. All these laser cutting files and tutorials are available on GitHub.

Casing Plexiglas files
Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system
Fig. 7. Overview of the lasercut file.Files for laser-cutting Plexiglas to build the casing are online on our GitHub page.
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The pumps of the openPBR are versatile in their functions. They can be used to pump in and out media or to connect multiple chambers, for example to dilute the cultures. To control the cell density in the cultivation chamber, the openPBR measures the cell density and indicates the pump system to keep turbidostatic conditions. On a given density one pump pumps out media/cell culture and the second pump pumps in new media.

Fig. 8. Peristaltic rotameter pumps.
Fig. 9. Pumps for turbidostat conditions.To maintain the optical density of a culture, this is the needed setup of connected pumps to pump in fresh media, while pumping out cells.
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Electronics and Software

The openPBR is controlled by an Arduino AT Mega 2560 microcontroller. The whole system is powered by a 12 V network adapter. The gas supply system and LED panel run on 12 V. A voltage regulator (LM317) provides the sensors and pumps with 5 V. In this first iteration the whole wiring is placed on one standard breadboard making it possible to rebuild this setup with a simple Arduino starter kit and some additional parts like MOSFETs and the LM317. Future iterations could be built on a shield expansion card making the workflow even simpler.

Fig. 10. Wiring and circuit diagram of the sensory setup.
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    Designing the bioreactor

  • Chemostat equation

  • Light Gradient

  • OD Measurement

Bringing Chlamy to iGEM

Chemostat Equation

This chapter gives an overview over important parameters for cultivation resulting from the general chemostat equation.

Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system

The chemostat equation which we treated as a part of modeling provides us with an overview of general parameters important to a microbial culture. If we want to cultivate in turbidostat-mode, we need to remove liquid from the culture continuously. This removing is quantified through dilution rate \( D \): \begin{equation} D = \frac{1}{V_{c}} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} V_{in} } \end{equation} \begin{array}{r l} V_c:& \text{Volume of culture in} mL \\ V_{in}: & \text{Volume of added medium in} mL \end{array} This equation allows allows to quantify dilution of the culture independently of cultivation setup. With characteristic values between \( 0.018 - 0.064 \, \frac{1}{h} \), we can calculate the rate at which our pumps should pump medium out of the culture: \begin{equation} D \cdot V_{c} = \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} V_{in} . \end{equation} Substituting \( V_{c}=95 \, mL \) for our self build chamber, we get values for \( \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} V_{in} \) between \(1.71 \) and \(6.08 \, \frac{mL}{h} \), so a many pumps should be sufficient.

Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system

Fig. 1. Universal MoClo fusion sites.





cloning strategy

Fig. 2. Blablabla.

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Light Gradient

An important aspect of photosynthetic growth is illumination. Read about the light environment in a cultivation vessel here.

Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system

According to the Beer-Lambert law described in our model of light limited growth , the light gradient in a culture can be described by a exponential decay equation for every wavelength. From this equation, we get an expression for the growth rate as a function of light intensity: \begin{equation} \mu(I_{in}, I_{out}) = \mu_{max} \cdot \frac{ln(\frac{I_{in}+H}{I_{out}+H})}{ln(\frac{I_{in}}{I_{out}})} - \mu_{e} \end{equation} This function has an upper asymptote, meaning that with growing input intensity \( I_{in} \), \( \mu \) is barely changing (light saturation, [1]). According to [2], C. reinhardtii shows light saturation at \( I_{in} = 300\, \frac{\mu mol \, photons}{m^2 \cdot s}\).
We therefore decided to build our bioreactor with illumination that is able to cover the range below \( 300 \, \frac{\mu mol \, photons}{m^2 \cdot s} \), so we can test as many growth rates as possible with our setup.

Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system

Fig. 1. Universal MoClo fusion sites.





cloning strategy

Fig. 2. Blablabla.

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OD Measurement

With the same equation describing the light gradient inside the culture, we can define a relationship to measure cell density and other parameters.

Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system

Measurement of \(OD\) is based on the Beer-Lambert law (see our model for further information). From this law, \(OD\) is defined as: \begin{equation} OD = - log(\frac{I(\lambda)}{I_0(\lambda)}) = \epsilon_X \cdot c_X \cdot d \end{equation} \newcommand\T{\Rule{0pt}{1em}{.3em}} \begin{array}{r l} I_0(\lambda, t): & \text{light intensity upon entrance into vessel in} \: \frac{\mu mol}{m^2 \cdot s} \\ \epsilon_X: & \text{light attenuation coefficent for algae in} \: \frac{L}{mol \cdot cm} \\ bg: & \text{background turbidity} \: \frac{1}{cm} \\ d: & \text{light path in} cm \end{array}
Generally speaking, realization of the setup should make the variables in the equation as indifferent to parameters that have an impact on measurement as possible.

Cultivation vessel with chlamydomonas Reinhaditii

Fig. 1. Universal MoClo fusion sites.





cloning strategy

Fig. 2. Blablabla.

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    Additional ressources

  • Github Project

  • Pricing

This chapter provides you with everything you need to rebuild our setup on your own - including software, a list of used parts and assembly instructions.

Github Project

Visit our Github page , where assembly instructions, list of parts and software are provided together and are kept up to date!

Overview of the hierarchical and modular cloning system
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Since we are a non-profit team of our own, we know that financing is one of the limiting and most problematic challenges of this contest. So it was important to us, that every iGEM team who wants to continue our project ,or any new project using a phototrophic organism, has a low-price but efficient way to fulfil their great ideas. For only 588 € it is possible to rebuild our bioreactor that offers many opportunities to design a set-up tailored to the needs of innovative projects.

currency symbols

parts price
Electronics 81 €
Casing 78 €
Flatpanel 87 €
LED Panel 150 €
Sensors 32 €/69 €
Pumps 89 €
Gas Supply 78 €
Total ∑ 588 €

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Crozet, P., Navarro, F. J., Willmund, F., Mehrshahi, P., Bakowski, K., Lauersen, K. J., ... Lemaire, S. D. (2018). Birth of a Photosynthetic Chassis: A MoClo Toolkit Enabling Synthetic Biology in the Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. ACS Synthetic Biology, 7(9), 2074-2086. Retrieved from doi:10.1021/acssynbio.8b00251

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Kliphuis, A. M. J., Klok, A. J., Martens, D. E., Lamers, P. P., Janssen, M., & Wijffels, R. H. (2012). Metabolic modeling of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Energy requirements for photoautotrophic growth and maintenance. Journal of Applied Phycology, 24(2), 253–266.

Loera‐Quezada, M. M., Leyva‐González, M. A., Velázquez‐Juárez, G. , Sanchez‐Calderón, L. , Do Nascimento, M. , López‐Arredondo, D. and Herrera‐Estrella, L. (2016), A novel genetic engineering platform for the effective management of biological contaminants for the production of microalgae. Plant Biotechnol J, 14: 2066-2076. doi:10.1111/pbi.12564

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Weber, E., Engler, C., Gruetzner, R., Werner, S., & Marillonnet, S. (2011). A Modular Cloning System for Standardized Assembly of Multigene Constructs. PLOS ONE, 6(2), e16765. Retrieved from doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016765

Palm, G. J., Reisky, L., Böttcher, D., Müller, H., Michels, E. A., Walczak, M. C., ... & Weber, G. (2019). Structure of the plastic-degrading Ideonella sakaiensis MHETase bound to a substrate. Nature communications, 10(1), 1717.

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