Team:Humboldt Berlin/Parts

Building Blocks



Part Name Registry Name Registry Type Description Fusion Sites Position in L1
L0 - Backbone BBa_K2984010 Plasmid L0 backbone (plasmid with RFP insert) -
L0-AR BBa_K2984009 Regulatory L0 backbone with AR promoter A1-A3
L0-AR BBa_K2984025 Regulatory L0 backbone with AR promoter A1-B1
L0-PsaD BBa_K2984022 Regulatory L0 backbone with PsaD promoter A1-A3
L0-PsaD BBa_K2984008 Regulatory L0 backbone with PsaD promoter A1-B1
L0-ARS1 BBa_K2984000 Coding L0 backbone with 3'UTR Arylsulfatase1 secretion signal B2-B2 -
L0-GLE BBa_K2984001 Coding L0 backbone with 3'UTR gametolysin secretion signal B2-B2 -
L0-PETase BBa_K2984011 Coding L0 backbone with PETase CDS B3-B4 -
L0-Hyg BBa_K2984012 Coding L0 backbone with Hygromycin B resistance CDS B3-B4 -
L0-Paro BBa_K2984006 Coding L0 backbone with Paromomycine resistance CDS B3-B4 -
L0-ptxD BBa_K2984026 Coding L0 backbone with phosphite oxidoreductase CDS B3-B3 -
L0-ptxD BBa_K2984013 Coding L0 backbone with phosphite oxidoreductase CDS B3-B4 -
L0-YFP BBa_K2984017 Coding L0 backbone with yellow fluorescent protein CDS B3-B4 -
L0-YFP BBa_K2984024 Coding L0 backbone with yellow fluorescent protein CDS B4-B4 -
L0-YFP BBa_K2984020 Coding L0 backbone with yellow fluorescent protein CDS B5-B5 -
L0-6xHis tag BBa_K2984014 Tag L0 backbone with 6x histidine tag B5-B5 -
L0-3xHis tag BBa_K2984015 Tag L0 backbone with 3x histidine tag B5-B5 -
L0-SP20 BBa_K2984016 Coding L0 backbone with glycomodule for secretion enhancement B5-B5 -
L0-RbcS2 BBa_K2984018 Terminator L0 backbone with RuBisCo terminator B5-C1 -
L0-RbcS2 BBa_K2984021 Terminator L0 backbone with RuBisCo terminator B6-C1 -
L0-Linker BBa_K2984034 Intermediate L0 backbone with Linker sequence B2-B2 -
L0-Ble BBa_K2984040 Coding L0 backbone with Bleomycin resistance B1-B1 -
L0-scp BBa_K2984044 Intermediate L0 backbone with Bleomycin resistance B1-B1 -
L0-PETase BBa_K2984049 Regulatory L0 backbone with PETase B3-B3 -
L0-PsaDIntron BBa_K2984046 Regulatory L0 backbone with PsaDIntron - -
L0-RFP BBa_K2984004 Coding L0 backbone with RFP - -
L0-amp BBa_K2984007 Coding L0 backbone with ampilicin resistance - -
L0-amp BBa_K29858 Intermediate Linker L1c -> L0 - -
L0 Linker BBa_K29860 Intermediate Linker L0 -> L1a - -
L0 Linker BBa_K29861 Intermediate Linker L0 -> L1b - -

Part Name Registry Name Registry Type Description
L1a BBa_K2984003 Plasmid backbone Level 1 backbone with ampicillin resistance and RFP flanked by GoldenGate restiction site
L1b BBa_K2984005 Plasmid backbone Level 1 backbone with ampicillin resistance and RFP flanked by GoldenGate restiction site
L1c BBa_K2984002 Plasmid backbone Level 1 backbone with ampicillin resistance and RFP flanked by GoldenGate restiction site
L2 BBa_K29862 Plasmid Backbone Level 2 backbone with paromycin resistance flanked by GoldenGate restiction site

Part Name Registry Name Registry Type Description
L1-PsaD-Paro-RbcS2 BBa_K2984055 Coding Construct lending paromomycin resistance to C. reinhardtii
L1-PsaD-Hyg-RbcS2 BBa_K2984056 Coding Construct lending hygromycin resistance to C. reinhardtii
L1-PsaD-ARS-PETase-YFP-SP20-RbcS2 BBa_K2984028 Coding Secretion of PETase and expression measurement via YFP fluorescence
L1-PsaD-GLE-PETase-YFP-SP20-RbcS2 BBa_K2984029 Coding Secretion of PETase and expression measurement via YFP fluorescence
L1-PsaD-ARS-PETase-YFP-RbcS2 BBa_K2984031 Coding Secretion of PETase and expression measurement via YFP fluorescence
L1-PsaD-ARS-PETase-3xHA-RbcS2 BBa_K2984032 Coding Secretion of PETase and purification via HA-tag
L1c-PsaD-YFP-RbcS2 BBa_K2984019 Coding Reference for fluorescence measurements
L1c-PsaD-ARS-YFP-Rbsc2 BBa_K2984027 Coding Secretion of YFP
L1c-PsaD-ARS-YFP-SP20-Rbcs2 BBa_K2984030 Coding Secretion of YFP to test the ARS secretion signal and SP20 efficiency
L1c-PsaD-PETase-YFP-Rbcs2 BBa_K2984036 Coding Secretion of PETase and expression measurement via YFP fluorescence
L1c-AR-ARS-YFP-Rbcs2 BBa_K2984033 Coding Secretion of YFP
L1c-PsaD-PETase-YFP-His-RbcS2 BBa_K2984035 Coding Expression of PETase and expression measurement via YFP fluorescence to be purified via His-Tag
L1c-PsaD-PtxD-Rbsc2 BBa_K2984037 Coding Evaluation of C. reinhardtii growth on phosphite-containing media
L1c-Psad-PETase-ptxD-Rbcs2 BBa_K2984038 Coding Expression of PETase and evaluation ofC. reinhardtiigrowth on phosphite-containing media
L1c-PsaD-PETase-3xHA-RBCS2 BBa_K2984039 Coding Expression of PETase and purification via HA-Tag
L1c-PsaD-ARS-PETase-3xHA-SP20-RbcS2 BBa_K2984041 Coding Enhanced Secretion of PETase and SP20 efficiency and purification via HA-Tag
L1c-PsaD-MHETase-YFP-RbcS2 BBa_K2984042 Coding Expression of MHETase and expression measurement via YFP fluorescence
L1c-PsaD-MHETase-3xHA-RbcS2 BBa_K2984043 Coding Expression of MHETase and purification via HA-Tag
bleR+scp BBa_K2984045 Coding Bleomycin resistance fused to self cleaving peptide
L1c-AR-PETase-YFP-RbcS2 BBa_K2984047 Coding Expression of PETase and expression measurements via YFP fluorescence

Here's how our color-code works

Promoter 5' UTR CDS CDS/Tag Terminator
B1/B2 B3/B4
B4/B4 B5/C1

Our color-code for L0 parts
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