The birth of DIANE was possible thanks to a motivated, close-knit
and dynamic team of 10 hardworking students from different fields of
study (i.e law (Paris Sud), biology (Sup ‘Biotech), chemistry
(Chimie ParisTech, ENS Cachan), and physics (ESPCI)).
Our main asset was the diversity of knowledge distributed amongst
the team members: but we’re only students, and as such, we lack
expertise. Thus, we have involved experts from diverse fields to
help us build our project : Ms. Sylvie Renard Dubois, Dr Marcel
Hollenstein, Dr Lebeaux, Dr Clauteaux, Ms. Couture and others, in
order to learn from their experience and listen carefully to their
advices. Our project relies on a strong bond between all the members
of our team, and on mutual support. We have organized our working
time by making sure we could all fully understand every aspect of
the project, by reporting back to others during bi-weekly meetings.
Those meetings helped us develop autonomous behaviors, by including
the opinions of others on all the subjects.
Moreover, we have worked with short iterations, and by creating
numerous milestones along the way. This working method, called Agile method
(learn start up method) helped us minimize the risk of failure by
involving as much customers and experts in our domain, to help us
find solutions and answers to hypotheses we claimed, and ensure that
we can get maximum reactivity on any oncoming problem. We kept in
touch with reality by making little steps forward every day. We
wanted to make sure that we would create a product that would stand
up to the expectations of our market. In order to enforce this
method in our team, at the end of each development phase, we have
reviewed our strengths and weaknesses and made sure that we would
get better at each new phase. This working mindset has helped us
consolidate our project, by compensating our flaws with new