Team:Humboldt Berlin/Human Practices

Kloetze Algae Farm



Establishing the Algae-Connection

Our Human Practices

As part of our human practice projects we decided to focus on two things. First and foremost, we wanted to collect as much know-how as possible, about algae cultivation and the potential algae has. This is why we visited various experts and exchanged ideas about our project. In the following texts we outlined what we learned and how we applied the collected know how in our project.

Secondly: For most people, science happens behind wall of big institutes or universities. Most of them see scientist on TV news or movies, but what is actually happening in the lab? To close this gap between scientists and public we organized several events to show what we are doing. Here we presented our ideas and visions, talked about synthetic biology and answered upcoming questions.
Read more here: Education & Engagement

                            Human Practice

All we had to do to get inspired and improve our idea was gathering as much know-how as possible - so we sat together with scientists and companies and tried to implement their knowledge in our experimental set-up.

Green Week

This year the International „Green Week” took place in Berlin from January 18-27. The Green Week is an exhibition dealing with renewable resources, organic agriculture, gardening and food industry. With over thousand exhibitors with more than 100.000 products from all over the world, the green week brings the possibility of collecting information about seminal products and technologies and the exchange with interesting personalities.
On the exhibition we met multiple organisation dealing with great world problems like environmental pollution, worldwide hunger, exploitation and child poverty.
The Upcycling program “trashy bag” of the humanitarian organisation “PLAN International”, where women using old plastic bags to produce new bags, inspired us to do our own upcycling workshop with children (read here about our upcycling workshop).
We also met Jörg Ullmann, who is the owner of an algae farm in Germany, Klötze and an expert in alga cultivation who invited us to visit him at his farm (read more about our visit at the algae farm below).

green week Joerg Ullmann
Europe's largest algae farm

Algae Farm Kloetze

“The most important lungs of our planet are our oceans - every second oxygen molecule we inhale is produced by algae”

This is why Joerg Ullmann, the owner of one of the biggest algae farms in Europe, is still fascinated by algae and has worked with them for more than 15 years. We visited him at his farm to understand how algae can be cultivated in such a big scale. Here he grows Spirulina and Chlorella which then can be processed, for example to food and cosmetic products. As we built a bioreactor for C. reinhardtii as well, it was very important to exchange ideas. We learned that not every algae needs the same cultivation and that there is not just one perfect way to cultivate algae in general. Every species is different in its demands - this is why we have/had to experiment how chlamy can be cultivated best.

MINT Microalgae Engineering

Algae can be cultivated in many different ways, which is why we tried to meet up with a variety of companies working with green algae.

MINT Enginnering focuses on the urban farming segment and creates bioreactors suitable for every kind of facades. Gunnar Muehlstadt, CEO of MINT, emphasized that the cultivation and the actual degradation of plastic by chlamydomonas should happen in two different reactors.

Most importantly he recommended to use flat-panels for our future bioreactor. Cultivating the modified C. reinhardtii in a thin bioreactor results into a higher algae density and a higher density of the enzymes it secretes. This would maximize the degradations efficiency. This is why we constructed our bioreactor using a flat-panel, for more information read: Designing and building a bioreactor

During our meeting we also learned about the costs of cultivation and what kind of material we probably need. Moreover he offered us to test our algae on a larger scale with his systems, once our bioreactor is finished.

MINT algae cultivation
Presenting at Research Gate


ResearchGate is a social network, created for scientists all over the world.The platform allows researchers, students, and everyone who is interested, to connect with scientists, to exchange papers and to stay on track about the latest publications. Luckily, we were invited to talk about our project at the ResearchGate office in Berlin. Here, we met people from different professional and academic backgrounds working on the scientific knowledge transfer across disciplines and social groups. By talking to project management specialists, we learned how to streamline the processes of creating tasks, assigning due dates and responsible team members to them and how to finish these by their respective deadlines.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Ruhleben/Berlin

To understand how our local water gets filtered and cleaned we reached out to one of the six wastewater treatment plants in Berlin. We were told that 97% of all substances in wastewater get filtered while the remaining 3%, including microplastic particles, stay in the treated water.

This is why we discussed the possibilities of using modified C. reinhardtii as last filtration step to degrade remaining plastic particles. During our guided tour we learned that a part of the water (once it ran through all filtration steps) gets treated with UV-radiation to eliminate last remaining harmful substances. We let Chlamy grow on taken water samples that was treated with UV-radiation and one without.
For more read here: Cultivation Experiments

Waste Water treatment plant Berlin

The secondary clarifier (Nachklärbecken) is the last purification step in this wastewater facility plant. It’s shape is conical so the sewage sludge is falling to the ground of the pond and gets pumped out.The top layer of this water is now clean and flows back into the river system of Berlin.

The idea is to use a plastic degrading UVM4 Mutant which would degrade the Microplastic from the already cleaned wastewater in a third clarification step of a wastewater facility plant. Since UVM4 has no flagella it will sink, as well as the Terephthalic acid, to the ground and can be pumped out.

Throughout our visit we were able to take some samples from the wastewater that leaves the plant everyday with us into the lab. We then let C. reinhardtii grow in those taken samples to examine whether the conditions where good enough for chlamy to grow.
Unfortunately Chlamy did not grow in any taken wastewater sample. We realized that cultivating chlamy in wastewater required way more further examinations, experiments and modifications than expected. This is one reason why we shifted our focus from PET-degrading chlamy to establishing chlamy in the iGEM competition.

Waste Water treatment plant Berlin Waste Water treatment plant Berlin
Chlamy bound to PET
cloning strategy

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen

Microplastic and Chlamy - A story of romance
To improve the degradation of microplastic, we were looking for a way to bring Chlamy and our microplastic closer together. During our research we discovered the work of Dr. Bäumchen and his colleagues at Max Planck Institut Göttingen. The group investigated the flagella-mediated adhesion of Chlamydomonas on several surfaces. We reached out to Dr. Bäumchen to ask him about the adhesion properties of the flagella of Chlamy regarding PET surfaces. As the group had not performed any experiments at that point, Dr. Bäumchen was so kind to offer Darius to investigate the interaction with PET himself. During a two-week visit at the Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Darius measured the adhesion forces of the Chlamydomonas strain SAG 11-32b on PET. He discovered that the strain showed forces up to 5 nN which is comparable to measurements done by the group. The adhesion could be deactivated by incubation under red light. With this photo-switch-ability we hope to trigger the adhesion in our favour.

Chlamydomonas on PET, Atomic Force Microscopy
Adhesion forces of Chlamydomonas flagellar on PET. The algae is pushed against the PET suface and pulled of again wit the micropipette. During this process the pipette is deflected. Using the defelction and the spring constant of the pipette the adhesion force can be calculated.