Difference between revisions of "Team:Warwick/Results"

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                     <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Synthetic Fatberg DNA Extraction </b> </h3>
                     <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Synthetic Fatberg DNA Extraction </b> </h3>
<p> We began our strategy for fatberg degradation by contacting various wastewater treatment and management companies across the UK, with the hope of obtaining a fatberg sample. Eventually, we contacted United Utilities in Liverpool who offered to send us a sample. Whilst the sample was in transit we began to search for protocols concerning the extraction of DNA from samples with a high lipid content and were lucky enough to contact Qiagen who generously offered to sponsor us by sending a 'PowerFaecal pro DNA extraction tool kit'. </p>
                    <p>We had been thoroughly advised of the difficulties to extract fatberg DNA from Dr Pachebat (University of Aberystwyth ) and Dr Love (University of Exeter) and thus decided to construct a synthetic fatberg order to test our Qiagen PowerFaecal DNA extraction kit. The production of a synthetic fatberg was investigated and optimized to give reliable results, wetwipes fragments where even added to properly recreate a real fatberg!.After spiking 21 different synthetic fatberg compositions with <i> E. coli </i> cells and extracting the DNA we nano-dropped the samples and ran a gel on them to check for results, which sadly shows no success. </p>
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<p> Following thorough advice concerning the difficulties surrounding DNA extraction from fatbergs from Dr. Justin Pachebat (University of Aberystwyth) and Dr. John Love (University of Exeter) we decided to construct a synthetic fatberg to test the proficiency of our Qiagen DNA extraction kit. After spiking 21 different synthetic fatberg aliquots with <i> E. coli </i> cells and extracting the DNA using the kit, we nano-dropped each aliquot to check the DNA concentration and ran a gel to ensure we had extracted DNA. Unfortunately, as the gel below shows, we were unable to isolate any DNA from the trial. </p>
    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/7/7d/T--Warwick--2019-FatbergGel.png" height="50%" width="50%"/>
<p> Fearing that the DNA samples were too low to be detected in our gels, we amplified the DNA using 16S RNA PCR and ran another gel on the products but were again, unsuccessful as seen by the gel below. </p>
<p> Fearing that the DNA samples were too low to be detected in our gels, we amplified the DNA using 16S RNA PCR and ran another gel on the products but were again, unsuccessful as seen by the gel below. </p>
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                 <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Did We Extract Actual Fatberg DNA?</b> </h3>
                 <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Did We Extract Actual Fatberg DNA?</b> </h3>
                  <p> After finally being cleared to obtain and work on an actual fatberg sample in a biosafety level 2 laboratory, we re-tested the Qiagen PowerFaecal DNA extraction kit on the sample although we had doubts due to the kit being unsuccessful on our previous fatberg model. Unsurprisingly, the DNA yields were low and as seen on the gel below, our extraction failed. This prompted us to get in touch with Dr Justin Pachebat for a sample of extracted DNA from the Whitechapel fatberg. </p>
<p> Following the approval of our risk assessments to work on an actual fatberg sample in a biosafety level 2 laboratory, we undertook another round of DNA extractions using our Qiagen toolkit on our sample, although we had doubts due to the kit being unsuccessful during the trial run. Unfortunately, the DNA yields were low and as seen on the gel below, our extraction failed. This prompted us to contact Dr. Justin Pachebat once again, who revealed the protocol for fatberg DNA was surprisingly complex, requiring the use of liquid nitrogen, proteinase K based lysis buffers and multiple rounds of phenol chloroform based extractions, in addition to many ethanol precipitation steps. After signing an MTA (mass transfer agreement) with him, Dr. Pachebat agreed to send us DNA he extracted from the Whitechapel fatberg. </p>
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   <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Sequencing The Largest Fatberg In The World </b> </h3>
   <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Sequencing The Largest Fatberg In The World </b> </h3>
                    <p> The sample of fatberg DNA given to us by Dr Pachebat was sequenced using the MinION from Oxford Nanopore where we found 22 lipases, 21 of which are not referenced in public databases. Several species were also identified which correlated to species mentioned in literature sources (insert these here lmao) </p>
<p> We prepared a DNA library from the sample of fatberg DNA provided by Dr. Pachebat for sequencing, which was loaded onto a flow cell comprising a MinION device, generously donated by another of our sponsors - Oxford Nanopore. Following base-calling, we obtained 12Gb of sequences from the fatberg metagenome - that's approximately four times the length of the human genome! we identified 22 predicted lipase coding sequences, 21 of which are completely novel. This information was obtained by checking these sequences against the BLAST protein database in NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). These sequences were revealed to have between 55 - 84% identity to the nearest hits. Several bacterial and yeast species were also observed within the metagenome, some of which were the same species our candidate lipases were derived from, following their identification from various literature sources. </p>
<p> After contacting Dr. Chris Quince based at the University of Warwick we were provided with a CPU computer cluster for metagenomic assembly. Following assembly, we utilised the software 'kraken2' to assign the reads and the contigs from the assembly to compile a phylogenetic tree of all the species found within our raw sequence reads. Several species were identified, including Pseudomonas fluorescens, which Thermostable lipase A (TliA) - a previous iGEM part (BBa_K258006) - is derived from. </p>
<p> Fearing a similar situation to our previous DNA extraction gels, we nano-dropped our sample and amplified it using PCR to produce the following gel which shows DNA of several lengths, particularly in the 3kb range. </p>
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<p> Several species were found, particularly <i> Pseudomonas </i> as TliA (Thermostable lipase A, BBa_K258006) and candidate lipases from literature are from the same species (<i>Pseudomonas Flourescens</i>). Lipase sequences were searched for using known conserved domains and 22 lipases were found being produced by bacteria in the fatberg sample. Running these lipase sequences through BLAST showed similarities of 84 to 55% identity, for 21 of the sequences, suggesting that 21 lipases found had yet to be discovered.
<p> Despite the discovery of these novel lipases, candidate lipases were selected for cloning. This was done due to: </p>
<p> * A limited quantity of fatberg DNA </p>
<p> Despite finding these new lipases, we continued cloning our candidate lipases due to: </p>
<p> * The potential for the DNA to encode a pathogenic factor that we would be unaware of </p>
<p> * Limited quantity of the DNA sample (we feared an unsuccessful PCR would degrade the sample) </p>
<p> * The DNA could code for a pathogenic factor that we would be unaware of </p>
<p> * A serious lack of time </p>  
<p> * A serious lack of time </p>  
<p> whilst we were waiting for both our fatberg sample from United Utilities and fatberg DNA provided by Dr. Pachebat, we searched various databases and literature sources for other candidate lipases to clone into our E. coli cells. Our starting point for this was the Thermostable lipase A (TliA) derived from the bacterial species Pseudomonas fluorescens - an iGEM part previously used by other teams such as Sheffield, Stuttgart and KAIST. BLAST searching TliA on the NCBI database revealed some similar lipases which were considered as potential candidates for our cloning strategy, including a lipase precursor from a compost metagenome. Other lipases and lipase-producing species were identified from research papers investigating industrial wastewater treatment plants, lipid-rich wastewater and restaurant wastewater. The complete list of selected lipases can be viewed in the table below. </p>
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                     <h3 class="text-center" text-black > <b> Did We Clone The Lipases Successfully? </b> </h3>
                     <h3 class="text-center" text-black > <b> Did We Clone The Lipases Successfully? </b> </h3>
                     <p> No and yes</p>
                     <p> No and yes</p>
<p> We began our cloning strategy by obtaining a plasmid backbone from the Corre group, based at the University of Warwick. This backbone, named pJCC005, is used for cloning with both <i> E. coli </i> and <i> Streptomyces </i> cells. Consequently, we decided to design primers to amplify the part of the backbone we needed to create a new backbone optimised for transformation into our <i> E. coli </i> cells, removing all the  <i> Streptomyces </i>-related genes. This process was harder and more time-consuming than anticipated due to the size of the pJCC005 backbone, requiring us to amplify the backbone in two parts and ligate them back together via Gibson assembly. Despite the challenge we were able to successfully make our own, new backbone: pJC_BB12. </p>
<p> We began our cloning strategy by obtaining a plasmid backbone from the Corre group, based at the University of Warwick. This backbone, named pJCC005, is used for cloning with both E. coli and Streptomyces cells. Consequently, we decided to design primers to amplify the part of the backbone we needed to create a new backbone optimised for transformation into our E. coli cells, removing all the  Streptomyces-related genes. This process was harder and more time-consuming than anticipated due to the size of the pJCC005 backbone, requiring us to amplify the backbone in two parts and ligate them back together via Gibson assembly. Despite the challenge we were able to successfully make our own, new backbone: pJC_BB12. </p>
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<p> We were really pleased to find we had successfully amplified seven of our eight lipases for both insertion next to the N-terminus of sfGFP and fusion at the N-terminus of sfGFP. However, we were a little baffled when we plated our transformed  <i>E. coli </i> cells and incubated them only to discover that nothing grew on any of our plates. We repeated our transformation a few times and to our amazement the same result kept repeating itself as seen as below. </p>
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Additionally, after testing the dead cells on our tributyrin agar (see design) we were surprised to see that no lipase activity was found. This led us to hypothesize that perhaps the accumulation of these lipases inside our cells was toxic. Interestingly, after deciding to clone in a non-functional version of our compost metagenome lipase precursor we were surprised to discover that we were able to successfully grow colonies of our transformed cells. This further suggested the accumulation of our functional lipases within our cells was toxic. </p>
<p> We were really pleased to find we had successfully amplified seven of our eight lipases for both insertion next to the N-terminus of sfGFP and fusion at the N-terminus of sfGFP. However, we were a little baffled when we plated our transformed E. coli cells and incubated them only to discover that nothing grew on any of our plates. We repeated our transformation a few times and to our amazement the same result kept repeating itself. Additionally, after testing the dead cells on our tributyrin agar (see design) we were surprised to see that no lipase activity was found. This led us to hypothesize that perhaps the accumulation of these lipases inside our cells was toxic. Interestingly, after deciding to clone in a non-functional version of our compost metagenome lipase precursor we were surprised to discover that we were able to successfully grow colonies of our transformed cells. This further suggested the accumulation of our functional lipases within our cells was toxic. </p>
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                     <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> A New Strategy </b> </h3>
                     <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> A New Strategy </b> </h3>
<p> To combat this, we thought about using secretion tags to export the lipases from our cells and prevent their accumulation, as well as putting our lipases under the control of an inducible promoter. Consequently, our next strategy involved cloning a small selection of our candidate lipases (since at this point we were pressed for time) into a new vector: pET151/D-TOPO, as shown below. The lipases used included Lipase A, chain A from Candida antarctica (CALA), an alkaliphilic lipase from Bacillus subtilis (BSAL), our compost metagenome lipase precursor (CMLP) and the Thermostable lipase A (TliA) from <i> Pseudomonas fluorescens </i> (please see our design page for justifications on this selection of lipases). This new backbone included a T7 promoter, enabling the induction of lipase expression with Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). We decided to use this backbone following discussions with Dr. Love from Exeter University, who advised we engineer our bacteria such that they secrete our lipases in a controlled manner. This would not be possible if the lipases were under the control of a constitutive promoter like 'glpT'. </p>
<p> The gel below reveals the products obtained following cloning, miniprepping of our clones and performing a PCR using primers specific to each of our chosen lipases. After obtaining Sanger sequencing data of each of our clones, we were really pleased to discover that we successfully cloned in three of our lipases, as well as a fragment of TliA. Our cells also successfully grew as seen in the plates below. These results further supported the hypothesis that our bacterial cells were dying due to the constitutive expression and accumulation of our lipases. Our next step was to characterise the lipase activity of our engineered <i> E. coli </i> expression strains (BL21 star) using both a quantitative and qualitative assay of our own design. </p>
<p> To combat this, we thought about using secretion tags to export the lipases from our cells and prevent their accumulation, as well as putting our lipases under the control of an inducible promoter. Consequently, our next strategy involved cloning a small selection of our candidate lipases (since at this point we were pressed for time) into a new vector: pET151/D-TOPO, as shown below. The lipases used included Lipase A, chain A from Candida antarctica (CALA), an alkaliphilic lipase from Bacillus subtilis (BSAL), our compost metagenome lipase precursor (CMLP) and the Thermostable lipase A (TliA) from Pseudomonas fluorescens (please see our design page for justifications on this selection of lipases). This new backbone included a T7 promoter, enabling the induction of lipase expression with Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). We decided to use this backbone following discussions with Dr. Love from Exeter University, who advised we engineer our bacteria such that they secrete our lipases in a controlled manner. This would not be possible if the lipases were under the control of a constitutive promoter like 'glpT'. </p>
<p> The gel below reveals the products obtained following cloning, miniprepping of our clones and performing a PCR using primers specific to each of our chosen lipases. After obtaining Sanger sequencing data of each of our clones, we were really pleased to discover that we successfully cloned in three of our lipases, as well as a fragment of TliA. These results further supported the hypothesis that our bacterial cells were dying due to the constitutive expression and accumulation of our lipases. Our next step was to characterise the lipase activity of our engineered E. coli expression strains (BL21 star) using both a quantitative and qualitative assay of our own design. </p>
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                     <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Determining Lipase Function  </b> </h3>
                     <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Determining Lipase Function  </b> </h3>
<p> To ensure our lipases worked, we first began with a qualitative test by measuring the absorbance rate of our extracted lipase enzymes using p-nitrophenol </p>
<p> The data below shows that we saw lipase activity when induced with IPTG compared to un-induced. </p>
<p> We also measured the kinetic parameters of each lipase construct using the lysed and induced cells however, this was unsuccessful for CMLP and CALA, which showed inconsistent speeds we suspect this is most likely due to the fact that they catalysed the reverse reaction generating ester bonds rather breaking them. BSAL however, was characterised using the same method as TliA (see lab book) which produced the following graphs below. </p>
<p> In order to demonstrate and ensure our new parts containing our functional lipases worked, we developed a quantitative assay to determine the efficiency of each of our enzymes by measuring the kinetic parameters of Km, kcat and Vmax. This was achieved using the substrate p-nitrophenol octanoate, which contains an ester bond chemically identical to those found in lipids constituting fatbergs. Following hydrolysis by our lipases, p-nitrophenol octanoate is broken down into the products p-nitrophenol and octanoic acid. p-nitrophenol is yellow in solution, compared to p-nitrophenol octanoate, which is colourless. This property allowed us to develop a spectrophotometric assay to characterise the activity of our lipases by measuring the absorbance of p-nitrophenol at a wavelength of 400nm. The more p-nitrophenol octanoate is cleaved by our lipases, the more yellow our solution. This led us to produce a standard absorption curve for each of our enzymes. Each of these curves was then used to construct a Lineweaver-Burk plot for each of our enzymes, from which the kinetic parameters of Km, kcat and Vmax were determined. </p>
<p> It is important to note that this assay was used to determine the kinetic parameters of not just our new lipase constructs but also TliA, a previous iGEM part. This spectrophotometric assay provided quantitative data required to characterise this lipase, having been previously used by Sheffield iGEM in 2014, as well as Stuttgart and KAIST iGEM. The parameters of Km, kcat and Vmax have since been uploaded to the iGEM registry. </p>
<p> The data below depicts that we observed lipase activity from our E. coli cells when induced with IPTG compared to our non-induced cells, more evidence to support the hypothesis that the accumulation of these lipases are indeed toxic. </p>
<p> After lysing each of our cells induced with IPTG, carrying out the spectrophotometric assay and and measuring their kinetic parameters, we noticed that our results for CMLP and CALA were bizarre, showing inconsistent rates which most likely can be attributed to the fact that both lipases catalysed the reverse reaction generating p-nitrophenol octanoate, rather than p-nitrophenol and octanoic acid. BSAL, however, was characterised using the same method as TliA (see lab book) which produced the following graphs below. </p>
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                     <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Testing The New Lipases  </b> </h3>
                     <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Testing The New Lipases  </b> </h3>
                    <p> After using out model to pick the best oil concentration parameters to grow our transformed lipase bacteria in, we decided to use a MicrobeMeter from Humane Technologies to save more time. This experiment showed that the transformed bacteria did not follow a traditional growth curve but rather created peaks of activity. The doubling times below show how the plasmids affected the growth rate. </p>
<p> In addition to cloning our lipases into our E.coli expression strain BL21 star and characterising the activity and efficiency of our lipases using a spectrophotometric assay to derive the kinetic parameters of Km, Vmax and kcat we also wanted to assess whether our engineered bacteria could survive and better yet, grow in oil. After all, these bacteria will need to survive within a fatberg! With this in mind, we carried out a series of oil media experiments, measuring the population growth of E. coli at different oil concentrations using CFU (colony forming units) counts. The graph obtained from this experiment can be visualised below. </p>
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    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/5/58/T--Warwick--2019-MicroMicrobe1.png" height="50%" width="50%"/>
<p> We repeated the experiment with the addition of IPTG 5 hours into growth to see the effect of the gene on the growth and found growth curves similar to the un-induced cells and similar doubling times as seen below. </p>
<p> From here, we used the logistics equation to produce our model depicting the growth of bacteria at varying oil concentrations (please see our model page). This model was used to help us determine the optimal oil concentration to grow our engineered bacteria in. After consulting our model and talking to Dr. Kalesh Sasidharan, we decided to use a MicrobeMeter from Humane Technologies, to measure the growth of our engineered bacteria at an oil concentration of 0.5%. This concentration was chosen after consulting the model and identifying that as an optimal oil concentration. Additionally, we decided to use a Microbemeter to measure bacterial growth as Dr. Sasidharan advised that using CFU counts would be too labour intensive and time-consuming, in addition to us not being able to obtain a complete data-set needed to construct a complete growth curve. </p>
<p> Using the MicrobeMeter we first measured the growth of each of our engineered cells containing a non-induced construct. The results of this experiment revealed that the engineered bacteria containing CMLP and CALA did not follow a traditional growth curve, unlike BSAL, but rather showed 'peaks of activity' before their absorbance declined, signifying that the cells had died. Despite the constructs remaining uninduced, the presence of each construct severely affected growth rate. This can be observed from the doubling time obtained from each construct. </p>
<p> We then decided to repeat the experiment and induce each of our cells, adding 10μl of 1mM IPTG five hours into growth. This was done to determine the effect of lipase expression and accumulation within our cells. Interestingly, we were surprised to find that the growth curves for CALA and CMLP were very similar to the growth curves obtained for the same, uninduced cells. The growth curves for BSAL differed but the cells containing the BSAL construct died as expected upon induction with IPTG, shown by the decrease in absorbance. There was no significant difference between the doubling times obtained for both the induced and non-induced cells, as shown in the table below. The limited difference in growth rates between our induced and non-induced cells, coupled to the remarkable similarity between both the induced and non-induced CMLP and CALA growth curves led us to theorize that our constructs were being transcribed without the use of IPTG. </p>
<p class="aligncenter">
    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/6/62/T--Warwick--2019-MicrobeMeter2.png" height="50%" width="50%"/>
<p> There is remarkable similarity between induced and non-induced CMLP and CALA growth curves, leading us to believe that our constructs were being transcribed without the use of IPTG. </p>
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                     <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Do Lipases Limit The Growth Of Bacteria? </b> </h3>
                     <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Do Lipases Limit The Growth Of Bacteria? </b> </h3>
<p>The bizarre growth curves led us to believe that maybe lipases were affecting a process present in only a single stage of the bacterial growth stages. To investigate the effect of lipases on cells in lag phase we inoculated plates and immediately induced with IPTG which gave us interesting results as the constructs grew unaffected by induction. We thus believe that a process during the log phase is causing cells to die upon lipase production.   </p>
<p> The bizarre growth curves led us to believe that perhaps the lipases were affecting a process present in only a single stage of bacterial growth. To investigate the effect of our lipases within our engineered cells during the lag phase (the initial phase of growth) we decided to inoculate 10ml of LB containing ampicillin with each of our constructs and immediately induce our cells with 10μl of 1mM IPTG. This experiment yielded interesting results, revealing the cells still grew, unaffected by induction, as shown by an increase in turbidity. These results led us to hypothesize that a process during the lag phase was resulting in the death of our engineered cells upon the production of our lipases. </p>
<p> What was also suspicious was the seemingly perfect coordination of the cell’s death between lipase constructs. This is highlighted in figure 1, where non induced CALA and CMLP constructs both reach the same optical density and then seemingly level off. </p>
<p> We hypothesized that our lipase was being induced by a process triggered by quorum sensing. Unfortunately, we were unable to further test this theory because of time constraints. </p>
<p> What was also suspicious was the seemingly perfect coordination of death or stagnation between our engineered bacterial cells containing either CALA, CMLP or BSAL. This is highlighted in the growth curves of the uninduced cells containing either CALA or CMLP constructs. Both engineered cells reached the same optical density at approximately 0.15, followed by a decrease in absorbance. Consequently, we hypothesized that our lipases were being induced by a process triggered by quorum sensing. Unfortunately, we were unable to further test this theory due to time constraints. </p>

Revision as of 18:26, 21 October 2019


Synthetic Fatberg DNA Extraction

We began our strategy for fatberg degradation by contacting various wastewater treatment and management companies across the UK, with the hope of obtaining a fatberg sample. Eventually, we contacted United Utilities in Liverpool who offered to send us a sample. Whilst the sample was in transit we began to search for protocols concerning the extraction of DNA from samples with a high lipid content and were lucky enough to contact Qiagen who generously offered to sponsor us by sending a 'PowerFaecal pro DNA extraction tool kit'.

Following thorough advice concerning the difficulties surrounding DNA extraction from fatbergs from Dr. Justin Pachebat (University of Aberystwyth) and Dr. John Love (University of Exeter) we decided to construct a synthetic fatberg to test the proficiency of our Qiagen DNA extraction kit. After spiking 21 different synthetic fatberg aliquots with E. coli cells and extracting the DNA using the kit, we nano-dropped each aliquot to check the DNA concentration and ran a gel to ensure we had extracted DNA. Unfortunately, as the gel below shows, we were unable to isolate any DNA from the trial.

Fearing that the DNA samples were too low to be detected in our gels, we amplified the DNA using 16S RNA PCR and ran another gel on the products but were again, unsuccessful as seen by the gel below.

Did We Extract Actual Fatberg DNA?

Following the approval of our risk assessments to work on an actual fatberg sample in a biosafety level 2 laboratory, we undertook another round of DNA extractions using our Qiagen toolkit on our sample, although we had doubts due to the kit being unsuccessful during the trial run. Unfortunately, the DNA yields were low and as seen on the gel below, our extraction failed. This prompted us to contact Dr. Justin Pachebat once again, who revealed the protocol for fatberg DNA was surprisingly complex, requiring the use of liquid nitrogen, proteinase K based lysis buffers and multiple rounds of phenol chloroform based extractions, in addition to many ethanol precipitation steps. After signing an MTA (mass transfer agreement) with him, Dr. Pachebat agreed to send us DNA he extracted from the Whitechapel fatberg.

Sequencing The Largest Fatberg In The World

We prepared a DNA library from the sample of fatberg DNA provided by Dr. Pachebat for sequencing, which was loaded onto a flow cell comprising a MinION device, generously donated by another of our sponsors - Oxford Nanopore. Following base-calling, we obtained 12Gb of sequences from the fatberg metagenome - that's approximately four times the length of the human genome! we identified 22 predicted lipase coding sequences, 21 of which are completely novel. This information was obtained by checking these sequences against the BLAST protein database in NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). These sequences were revealed to have between 55 - 84% identity to the nearest hits. Several bacterial and yeast species were also observed within the metagenome, some of which were the same species our candidate lipases were derived from, following their identification from various literature sources.

After contacting Dr. Chris Quince based at the University of Warwick we were provided with a CPU computer cluster for metagenomic assembly. Following assembly, we utilised the software 'kraken2' to assign the reads and the contigs from the assembly to compile a phylogenetic tree of all the species found within our raw sequence reads. Several species were identified, including Pseudomonas fluorescens, which Thermostable lipase A (TliA) - a previous iGEM part (BBa_K258006) - is derived from.

Over 12GB of sequence was found in the DNA sequence and further analysis revealed the presence of several bacterial species shown in the graph below

Despite the discovery of these novel lipases, candidate lipases were selected for cloning. This was done due to:

* A limited quantity of fatberg DNA

* The potential for the DNA to encode a pathogenic factor that we would be unaware of

* A serious lack of time

whilst we were waiting for both our fatberg sample from United Utilities and fatberg DNA provided by Dr. Pachebat, we searched various databases and literature sources for other candidate lipases to clone into our E. coli cells. Our starting point for this was the Thermostable lipase A (TliA) derived from the bacterial species Pseudomonas fluorescens - an iGEM part previously used by other teams such as Sheffield, Stuttgart and KAIST. BLAST searching TliA on the NCBI database revealed some similar lipases which were considered as potential candidates for our cloning strategy, including a lipase precursor from a compost metagenome. Other lipases and lipase-producing species were identified from research papers investigating industrial wastewater treatment plants, lipid-rich wastewater and restaurant wastewater. The complete list of selected lipases can be viewed in the table below.

Did We Clone The Lipases Successfully?

No and yes

We began our cloning strategy by obtaining a plasmid backbone from the Corre group, based at the University of Warwick. This backbone, named pJCC005, is used for cloning with both E. coli and Streptomyces cells. Consequently, we decided to design primers to amplify the part of the backbone we needed to create a new backbone optimised for transformation into our E. coli cells, removing all the Streptomyces-related genes. This process was harder and more time-consuming than anticipated due to the size of the pJCC005 backbone, requiring us to amplify the backbone in two parts and ligate them back together via Gibson assembly. Despite the challenge we were able to successfully make our own, new backbone: pJC_BB12.

pJC_BB12 has a 'glpT' promoter for constitutive expression of our lipases and contains a gene encoding the super-folded green fluorescent protein (sfGFP), which conveniently made our bacterial colonies fluoresce green, facilitating our selection process of cells containing our lipases. We also hoped the fluorescent property of sfGFP would allow us to track both the expression and movement of our lipases.

We had two strategies for cloning our lipases into our backbone. Firstly, at the N-terminus of sfGFP with each of our lipases possessing a ribosome binding site (RBS), as well as a start and stop codon to produce two separate proteins - a lipase and sfGFP. We also wanted to fuse our lipases to the N-terminus of sfGFP to create one green fluorescent protein. In this scenario, both the lipase and sfGFP genes share an RBS, stop and start codons. In order to achieve this, we had to amplify our lipases in two slightly different ways for Gibson assembly. We decided to do this using both a Phusion polymerase - a high fidelity enzyme - and MyTaq polymerase - a more robust enzyme - and take the cleanest PCR products forward, as shown in the gel below.

We were really pleased to find we had successfully amplified seven of our eight lipases for both insertion next to the N-terminus of sfGFP and fusion at the N-terminus of sfGFP. However, we were a little baffled when we plated our transformed E. coli cells and incubated them only to discover that nothing grew on any of our plates. We repeated our transformation a few times and to our amazement the same result kept repeating itself. Additionally, after testing the dead cells on our tributyrin agar (see design) we were surprised to see that no lipase activity was found. This led us to hypothesize that perhaps the accumulation of these lipases inside our cells was toxic. Interestingly, after deciding to clone in a non-functional version of our compost metagenome lipase precursor we were surprised to discover that we were able to successfully grow colonies of our transformed cells. This further suggested the accumulation of our functional lipases within our cells was toxic.

A New Strategy

To combat this, we thought about using secretion tags to export the lipases from our cells and prevent their accumulation, as well as putting our lipases under the control of an inducible promoter. Consequently, our next strategy involved cloning a small selection of our candidate lipases (since at this point we were pressed for time) into a new vector: pET151/D-TOPO, as shown below. The lipases used included Lipase A, chain A from Candida antarctica (CALA), an alkaliphilic lipase from Bacillus subtilis (BSAL), our compost metagenome lipase precursor (CMLP) and the Thermostable lipase A (TliA) from Pseudomonas fluorescens (please see our design page for justifications on this selection of lipases). This new backbone included a T7 promoter, enabling the induction of lipase expression with Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). We decided to use this backbone following discussions with Dr. Love from Exeter University, who advised we engineer our bacteria such that they secrete our lipases in a controlled manner. This would not be possible if the lipases were under the control of a constitutive promoter like 'glpT'.

The gel below reveals the products obtained following cloning, miniprepping of our clones and performing a PCR using primers specific to each of our chosen lipases. After obtaining Sanger sequencing data of each of our clones, we were really pleased to discover that we successfully cloned in three of our lipases, as well as a fragment of TliA. These results further supported the hypothesis that our bacterial cells were dying due to the constitutive expression and accumulation of our lipases. Our next step was to characterise the lipase activity of our engineered E. coli expression strains (BL21 star) using both a quantitative and qualitative assay of our own design.

Determining Lipase Function

In order to demonstrate and ensure our new parts containing our functional lipases worked, we developed a quantitative assay to determine the efficiency of each of our enzymes by measuring the kinetic parameters of Km, kcat and Vmax. This was achieved using the substrate p-nitrophenol octanoate, which contains an ester bond chemically identical to those found in lipids constituting fatbergs. Following hydrolysis by our lipases, p-nitrophenol octanoate is broken down into the products p-nitrophenol and octanoic acid. p-nitrophenol is yellow in solution, compared to p-nitrophenol octanoate, which is colourless. This property allowed us to develop a spectrophotometric assay to characterise the activity of our lipases by measuring the absorbance of p-nitrophenol at a wavelength of 400nm. The more p-nitrophenol octanoate is cleaved by our lipases, the more yellow our solution. This led us to produce a standard absorption curve for each of our enzymes. Each of these curves was then used to construct a Lineweaver-Burk plot for each of our enzymes, from which the kinetic parameters of Km, kcat and Vmax were determined.

It is important to note that this assay was used to determine the kinetic parameters of not just our new lipase constructs but also TliA, a previous iGEM part. This spectrophotometric assay provided quantitative data required to characterise this lipase, having been previously used by Sheffield iGEM in 2014, as well as Stuttgart and KAIST iGEM. The parameters of Km, kcat and Vmax have since been uploaded to the iGEM registry.

The data below depicts that we observed lipase activity from our E. coli cells when induced with IPTG compared to our non-induced cells, more evidence to support the hypothesis that the accumulation of these lipases are indeed toxic.

After lysing each of our cells induced with IPTG, carrying out the spectrophotometric assay and and measuring their kinetic parameters, we noticed that our results for CMLP and CALA were bizarre, showing inconsistent rates which most likely can be attributed to the fact that both lipases catalysed the reverse reaction generating p-nitrophenol octanoate, rather than p-nitrophenol and octanoic acid. BSAL, however, was characterised using the same method as TliA (see lab book) which produced the following graphs below.

Testing The New Lipases

In addition to cloning our lipases into our E.coli expression strain BL21 star and characterising the activity and efficiency of our lipases using a spectrophotometric assay to derive the kinetic parameters of Km, Vmax and kcat we also wanted to assess whether our engineered bacteria could survive and better yet, grow in oil. After all, these bacteria will need to survive within a fatberg! With this in mind, we carried out a series of oil media experiments, measuring the population growth of E. coli at different oil concentrations using CFU (colony forming units) counts. The graph obtained from this experiment can be visualised below.

From here, we used the logistics equation to produce our model depicting the growth of bacteria at varying oil concentrations (please see our model page). This model was used to help us determine the optimal oil concentration to grow our engineered bacteria in. After consulting our model and talking to Dr. Kalesh Sasidharan, we decided to use a MicrobeMeter from Humane Technologies, to measure the growth of our engineered bacteria at an oil concentration of 0.5%. This concentration was chosen after consulting the model and identifying that as an optimal oil concentration. Additionally, we decided to use a Microbemeter to measure bacterial growth as Dr. Sasidharan advised that using CFU counts would be too labour intensive and time-consuming, in addition to us not being able to obtain a complete data-set needed to construct a complete growth curve.

Using the MicrobeMeter we first measured the growth of each of our engineered cells containing a non-induced construct. The results of this experiment revealed that the engineered bacteria containing CMLP and CALA did not follow a traditional growth curve, unlike BSAL, but rather showed 'peaks of activity' before their absorbance declined, signifying that the cells had died. Despite the constructs remaining uninduced, the presence of each construct severely affected growth rate. This can be observed from the doubling time obtained from each construct.

We then decided to repeat the experiment and induce each of our cells, adding 10μl of 1mM IPTG five hours into growth. This was done to determine the effect of lipase expression and accumulation within our cells. Interestingly, we were surprised to find that the growth curves for CALA and CMLP were very similar to the growth curves obtained for the same, uninduced cells. The growth curves for BSAL differed but the cells containing the BSAL construct died as expected upon induction with IPTG, shown by the decrease in absorbance. There was no significant difference between the doubling times obtained for both the induced and non-induced cells, as shown in the table below. The limited difference in growth rates between our induced and non-induced cells, coupled to the remarkable similarity between both the induced and non-induced CMLP and CALA growth curves led us to theorize that our constructs were being transcribed without the use of IPTG.

Do Lipases Limit The Growth Of Bacteria?

The bizarre growth curves led us to believe that perhaps the lipases were affecting a process present in only a single stage of bacterial growth. To investigate the effect of our lipases within our engineered cells during the lag phase (the initial phase of growth) we decided to inoculate 10ml of LB containing ampicillin with each of our constructs and immediately induce our cells with 10μl of 1mM IPTG. This experiment yielded interesting results, revealing the cells still grew, unaffected by induction, as shown by an increase in turbidity. These results led us to hypothesize that a process during the lag phase was resulting in the death of our engineered cells upon the production of our lipases.

What was also suspicious was the seemingly perfect coordination of death or stagnation between our engineered bacterial cells containing either CALA, CMLP or BSAL. This is highlighted in the growth curves of the uninduced cells containing either CALA or CMLP constructs. Both engineered cells reached the same optical density at approximately 0.15, followed by a decrease in absorbance. Consequently, we hypothesized that our lipases were being induced by a process triggered by quorum sensing. Unfortunately, we were unable to further test this theory due to time constraints.


Therefore, from sequencing fatberg DNA to find lipase activity to use, to successfully cloning our constructs despite failing the first time round, we managed to find conclusive data, both qualitative and quantitative to suggest that our transformed bacteria are able to help degrade fatberg deposits, and to provide data to be used in the future of synthetic biology.


wellcome trust
New England Biolabs
Science Facutly Grant
School of Life Sciences
IDT Sponsor
EPSRC Sponsor
Warwick Global Research
Twist Bioscience