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<!––Team Warwick 2019 Overview 28.6.19--!>
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<h1>Project description </h1>
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<h2>What is our project all about?</h2>
<p> Our project is first and foremost about sewage problems. In particular sewage problems in the UK. But what sewage problems does the UK have that the rest of the world doesn't?</p>
<p><h3>The answer?</h3></p>
var amountToTurn = 0;
var previousTeam = 0;
<p>Fatbergs, as the name implies, are masses of fat, dirt and solid waste which form a blockage in sewer systems. The formation of these structures is caused by the illegal dumping of cooking oils, wet wipes (which are not flushable) and by the structure of old British sewage systems. </p>
<p>These structures can come to weigh tons and require months of work to remove once settled. Our team aims to develop an effective, long term solution to fatberg formation by the creation of an E.coli specie capable of both breaking down fatbergs (prevent blockage) and surviving the harsh conditions of sewage systems.</p>
function rotate(newTeam){
dif  = newTeam - previousTeam;
if(dif == 1 || dif == -2){
amountToTurn += 120;
else if(dif == -1 || dif == 2){
amountToTurn -= 120;
<p><b>The goal of our project is to develop a biological agent, bacterium or enzyme capable of severely degradating fatbergs or to prevent them althougheter</b></p>
    $("#BOIStriangle").css('transform', 'rotate(' + amountToTurn + 'deg)');
    $("#BOISContent").css('transform', 'rotate(' + (-1*amountToTurn) + 'deg)');
    $("#hamIMG").css('transform', 'rotate(' + (-1*amountToTurn) + 'deg)');
$("#dnaIMG").css('transform', 'rotate(' + (-1*amountToTurn) + 'deg)');
    $("#pencilIMG").css('transform', 'rotate('+ (-1*amountToTurn) + 'deg)');
<p><h3>Why is a synthetic biology approach needed rather than the pre-established fatberg removal solutions?</h3></p>
    h3content = $("#BCTitle");
<p>The answer is both simple and complex. The current approach to fatberg removal requires the use of specialized machinery, workers and most importantly it does not act as a preventive measure for fatberg formation. A clear example of the weakpoints of current fatberg removal strategies can be seen in the removal of the Whitechapel fatberg (pictured below)</p>
    pcontent = $("#BCText");
<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/8bc5054a75fa9ba44b7a5fc3d264ca6bb54b1287/26_606_5391_3234/master/5391.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=60b611964442625a6eb0f3e87cccba3e" alt="Whitechapel fatberg image">
<i>image courtesy of the Guardian</i>
    case 0:
    pcontent.html("Utilising the properties of lipase enzymes in bacteria to break down fatbergs into fatty acids and triglycerides to break down solid masses of fatbergs.");
    case 1:
    pcontent.html("Understanding the DNA ecology of organisms inhabiting fatbergs to find lipase genes.");
    case 2:
    pcontent.html("Ensuring that every level of society is aware that fatberg formation is solely from human activity and can be solved from better waste disposal measures.");
<p>The removal of the Whitechapel, larger than 11 double decker busses, required the use of high power pumps, powertools and even hand tools! The use of these machines crippled the structure of the sewer, by now over 300 years old. In addition, the removal of the Whitechapel required months of workhours which posed health risks to sewage treatment workers.</p>
    previousTeam = newTeam;
<p>The use of a biological agent, resistant to the tough conditions of sewer water could breakdown the main components of fatbergs before they even form! This would save years in manhours and prevent both expensive sewer blockages and the degradation of the sewer system itself.</p> 
<h3>Why fatbergs?</h3>
function reset(){
<p>What we find most fascinating about fatbergs is its endemic nature to the UK, little to no cases of fatbergs have been reported outside of Britain. Therefore this issue is deeply personal to us. </p>  
<p> In addition, this project highlights perhaps one of biology's greatest strengths, the ability for life to survive and thrive in deeply hostile enviorments. </p>
<p>The human element present in fatberg formations is also of great interest to us, since fatbergs are a symptom of population uninformed about the effect of their habits on the sewage system. A key aspect of our project is also to be deeply involved in the public, educating the general public on the disposal of cooking oil and the dangers of wet wipes and other waste</p>
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<!--- Content of the page  --->
    <div class="text-center">
        <h1 class="d-inline-block header-yellow-dots"> <b> Project Description </b> </h1>
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                <div class="col-12 col-md-6 align-self-center">
                    <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> A Greasy Nightmare... </b> </h3>
                    <p align="justify">Despite being under your feet and out of sight, sewers are extremely important components of urban infrastructure that help to keep the area safe from flooding and minimize the spread of water-borne disease. Nowadays existing sewer networks are under increasing strain... mainly as a result of population growth, increasing urbanization and climate change. But it’s not just an increased usage of sewers which are beginning to challenge these infrastructural wonders. Human activity can, as per usual, be blamed. Life is like a sewer. You get out what you put into it and, sometimes, it stinks. We have created monsters. We have created fatbergs.</p>  
<p align="justify"> These large congealed masses composed of fat, oil, grease and non-biodegradable materials like wet wipes are beginning to wreck infrastructural havoc, causing thousands of blockages, which the UK government spend millions clearing each year. Though the fatberg issue could be solved by simply changing everyday habits, we - the Warwick iGEM team - have begun to lay the foundations for a biological solution toward this growing problem. </p>
<p> </p>
                <div class="col-12 col-md-6 align-self-center">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/0/06/T--Warwick--2019-FatbergPipe.png" height="150%" width="150%"></div>
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                    <h3 class="text-center text-white"> <b> Inspiration</b> </h3>
                  <p align="justify"> After several brainstorming sessions we came up with a strategy for our mission. After researching more, we found out that fatbergs are made up of several major components like calcium soap, wet wipes and triglycerides. We hypothesised that by breaking down the main component of fatbergs - fat molecules, also known as triglycerides we can break the whole structure to remove the solid mass. </p>
<p class="aligncenter">
    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/f/f5/T--Warwick--2019-LipaseAction1.png" height="50%" width="50%"/>
<p> <b> Figure 1 </b> Hydrolysis of a triglyceride molecule into glycerol and three free fatty acid molecules </p>
<p align= "justify"> We were further inspired by the work carried out by the 2014 Sheffield iGEM team, who worked on the fatberg problem. We decided to build upon their foundational research and carry it forward to benefit society by using specific lipases suited to an environment like the sewage system. This includes Thermostable lipase A, as seen below in figure 2 (TliA, an enzyme derived from <i> Pseudomonas fluorescens; </i> a previous iGEM part utilised by Sheffield, as well as the Stuttgart and KAIST iGEM teams. </p>
<p class="aligncenter">
    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/3/3b/T--Warwick--2019-TliA3D.png" height="40%" width="40%"/>
<p> <b> Figure 2. </b> Three dimensional structure of TliA isolated from <i> Pseudomonas fluorescens </i> as used by the 2014 Sheffield iGEM team. </p>
    <section class="bg-ww-yellow text-center text-black my-5 py-4">
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                <div class="col-12 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
                <h3 class="text-center text-black"> <b> Infatuation -The Guardians of the Sewers...  </b> </h3>
                    <p align="justify">Our mission as Warwick iGEM 2019 is to attempt to tackle the growing fatberg crisis. We have implemented two key strategies to do this: preventing their formation through the education of the general public to increase awareness of these monstrous masses, explaining how simple changes in human behaviour can significantly reduce their formation. </p>
<p align="justify">Secondly, we will utilise the power of synthetic biology to clone candidate lipases, derived from microorganisms living within fatbergs or sewers, into our E. coli carrier cells. The lipase activity of our clones will then be characterised using both a qualitative and quantitative assay of our own design, alongside experiments to establish the viability of our engineered bacteria in oil. </p>
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                      <div class='' id='BOIStriangle'>
<div id='BOISContent'>
<h1 id='BCTitle'>Click one</h3>
<p id='BCText'></p>
<img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/a/a4/T--Warwick--2019-Hammer-Sign.png' id='hamIMG' onclick="rotate(0)">
<img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/8a/T--Warwick--2019-DNA-sign.png' id='dnaIMG'  onclick="rotate(1)">
<img src='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/e/eb/T--Warwick--2019-Pencil-Sign.png' id='pencilIMG'  onclick="rotate(2)">

Latest revision as of 01:10, 22 October 2019

Project Description

A Greasy Nightmare...

Despite being under your feet and out of sight, sewers are extremely important components of urban infrastructure that help to keep the area safe from flooding and minimize the spread of water-borne disease. Nowadays existing sewer networks are under increasing strain... mainly as a result of population growth, increasing urbanization and climate change. But it’s not just an increased usage of sewers which are beginning to challenge these infrastructural wonders. Human activity can, as per usual, be blamed. Life is like a sewer. You get out what you put into it and, sometimes, it stinks. We have created monsters. We have created fatbergs.

These large congealed masses composed of fat, oil, grease and non-biodegradable materials like wet wipes are beginning to wreck infrastructural havoc, causing thousands of blockages, which the UK government spend millions clearing each year. Though the fatberg issue could be solved by simply changing everyday habits, we - the Warwick iGEM team - have begun to lay the foundations for a biological solution toward this growing problem.


After several brainstorming sessions we came up with a strategy for our mission. After researching more, we found out that fatbergs are made up of several major components like calcium soap, wet wipes and triglycerides. We hypothesised that by breaking down the main component of fatbergs - fat molecules, also known as triglycerides we can break the whole structure to remove the solid mass.

Figure 1 Hydrolysis of a triglyceride molecule into glycerol and three free fatty acid molecules

We were further inspired by the work carried out by the 2014 Sheffield iGEM team, who worked on the fatberg problem. We decided to build upon their foundational research and carry it forward to benefit society by using specific lipases suited to an environment like the sewage system. This includes Thermostable lipase A, as seen below in figure 2 (TliA, an enzyme derived from Pseudomonas fluorescens; a previous iGEM part utilised by Sheffield, as well as the Stuttgart and KAIST iGEM teams.

Figure 2. Three dimensional structure of TliA isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens as used by the 2014 Sheffield iGEM team.