Heat the agar for 15 minutes at power 4 in the microwave or until melted
Retrieve empty plates and label with correct antibiotic
Retrieve antibiotics and keep in ice, allow them to defrost
Sterilize the area with ethanol/water mixture, and prepare a flame
Add antibiotic to the container of agar
1000:1 ratio of agar:antibiotic
Flame containers and pour agar into plates
Just enough to cover bottom (around 5mL)
Remove any bubbles with flame
Let cool and solidify, then place in fridge
DNA Plasmid
Plate with correct antibiotic
Culture beads
37 °C incubator
37 °C shaker
Hot water bath
Ice bath
LB media
Microcentrifuge tubes
GeneHogs cells
Retrieve GeneHogs cells in ice bucket and allow them to thaw
Resuspend DNA plasmid by adding 10μL of autoclaved nanowater to the correct well of the appropriate plate and then let sit for 5 minutes
Prepare the heat-block water bath by filling a couple holes with water
Sterilize the area and instruments with ethanol/water mixture, and prepare a flame
Retrieve microcentrifuge tube and label them accordingly
Transfer 50μL of GeneHogs and 1μL of DNA plasmid to the microcentrifuge tube
Chill in ice for 20 minutes, then heat in the heat bath for 35 seconds, then chill again for 2 minutes
Sterilize the area and instruments with ethanol/water mixture, and prepare a flame
Add 200μL of LB broth into microcentrifuge tube
Shake in the 37°C shaker for 1 hour
Place the plate with the corresponding antibiotic in the 37°C incubator around the same time you place the microcentrifuge tube in the shaker
Sterilize the area and instruments with ethanol/water mixture, and prepare a flame
Pipette 100µL of the transformed cells onto the plate
Spread around with beads, making sure to not have the beads circle the outside
Dump beads in bleach and place plate in the 37°C incubator overnight
Return the GenHog cells
Transformed colonie(s)
Corresponding antibiotic(s)
LB media
Wooden inoculation stick
Plastic culture tube
37 °C shaker
Obtain LB broth, the correct antibiotic, and the plate with the desired colonies
Label plastic culture tube, create flame, and sterilize pipette, hands, tips, and bench
Pipette 5mL LB into the culture tube
Add 5µL the antibiotic to the LB (1:1000 ratio of antibacterial to LB)
Sterilize wooden stick
Grab a colony by touching the wooden stick to a lonely dot.
Place the stick (colony-end) into the LB solution and shake well
Shake at 250rpm in 37°C overnight
Return the LB broth, antibiotic, and plate
P1 buffer
P2 buffer
P3 buffer
Microcentrifuge Tubes
Filter Columns & Tubes
Endo-Wash Buffer
Zippy-Wash Buffer
Autoclaved Nanowater
Ensure that the cultures are in a plastic culture tube. Place tubes in the centrifuge, balance the centrifuge, and run for 10 minutes at 5000 g
After centrifuging, dump out LB broth into broth waste and use a pipette to remove any remaining broth. Make sure not to touch the cells
Pipette 200 µL of P1 buffer (Pink) to the culture tubes
After adding P1 buffer, pipette the solution up and down repeatedly to break up the pellet
Tilt the tube at an angle so the buffer isn’t covering the pellet. Use the pipette to extract the buffer and release it over the pellet
Transfer the buffer and pellet solution to appropriately labeled microcentrifuge tubes
Pipette 200 µL of P2 buffer (Blue) into the microcentrifuge tubes
Invert microcentrifuge tubes twice
Let sit for 1-2 minutes
Pipette 400 µL of P3 buffer (Yellow) into the microcentrifuge tubes
Obtain P3 buffer from the fridge and replace immediately after using
Invert tubes repeatedly until the solution turns entirely yellow
Centrifuge tubes for 5 minutes at max speed
While centrifuging, set up filter column found in miniprep kit
Transfer supernatant from microcentrifuge tubes into filter tubes
Use a pipette to remove all of the supernatant, taking care not to touch any of the solid left in the microcentrifuge tubes
Centrifuge filter tubes for 30 seconds at 16,000 rpm
Discard the flowthrough in the biohazard waste
Add 200 µL of the Endo-Wash buffer to the filter tubes and centrifuge at 16,000 rpm for 30 seconds
Discard the flowthrough
Add 400 µL of the Zippy-Wash buffer to the filter tubes and centrifuge at 16,000 rpm for 30 seconds
Centrifuge for an additional 2 minutes at 20,000 g
Discard flowthrough
Label new microcentrifuge tubes with the plasmid name
Plasmid: pSB3K3 & pSB4A5
Place filter tubes into new microcentrifuge tubes
Add 30 µL of autoclaved Nanowater to the filter tubes
Let stand for 1 minute
Centrifuge filter tubes for 1.5 minutes at 16,000 g
Find DNA concentration(X) using NanoDrop
PCR Tubes
Cutsmart Buffer
Obtain and label PCR tubes
Add the following components to the tube:
1 µL plasmid
Calculate the volume of plasmid required for 1 µg
1 µL of EcoR1
1 µL of Pst1
5 µL of Cutsmart buffer
X µL of autoclaved Nanowater
X = water required to bring the total volume to 50 µL
Set tube in thermal cycler
Run using “Digest” setting---37 degrees Celsius, 3 hours
1000 ng * 1 L⁄x ng = µL plasmid
X = concentration of plasmid
1x TAE Buffer
Ethidium Bromide
Gel Holder/ Well comb
Electrophoresis Machine
DNA ladder
DNA dye
Imaging Apparatus/Software
Add 50 mL of 1x TAE and 0.75 g of agarose to the correct flask
Place a smaller flask upside down inside the larger flask, covering it
Place flask in microwave for 1.5 minutes at power level 10
Allow agarose to cool for 10 minutes
Add 4 µL of ethidium bromide inside the fume hood
Ethidium bromide is a carcinogen; do not touch or inhale
Dispose of all tips in the ethidium bromide tip container
Pour agarose into a gel holder and place the appropriately-sized well comb
Pop any bubbles in the agarose
Allow to cool for 20 minutes
Insert the gel tray into the gel box with the wells close to the black electrode
Use arrow alongside gel box to orient tray if needed; DNA will move from the black electrode to the red electrode
“Run to red”
Pour enough 1x TAE to cover the gel and reach the max fill line
Choose your DNA ladder based on how large you expect the DNA fragments to be
Obtain DNA ladder from fridge
Obtain gel loading dye from tray near electrophoresis equipment
Note: both the DNA ladder and the loading dye are purple. Do not confuse them!
Add loading dye to the DNA sample
Add dye to DNA in a 1:6 dilution
For example, add 10 µL of dye to 50 µL of DNA
Pipette the DNA/dye solution up and down to mix
Add 8 µL of the ladder to well 1
Place up to 30 µL of DNA into wells 2-8 as needed
Place lid on gel box and connect to a volt machine.
Set to 100 volts for 60 minutes and hit run
Bubbles should appear if the electrophoresis is working
Time depends on the size of DNA fragments. Check gel periodically to make sure the DNA does not run off the end of the gel
Place gel in ChemiDoc
Open ImageLab3 Software
Select ethidium bromide
Adjust filter based on instructions from the software
Use Image Tools to crop the picture
Adjust contrast to better see the gel if desired
Use Annotation Tools to create notes
Ladder type
Digestion product
Digestion enzyme names
Analyze gel to determine if the gene were successfully excised from the plasmid
Gel Recovery Kit
Microcentrifuge Tubes
Autoclaved Nanowater
Use UV lamp with face shields to visualize bands in gel
Use razor to carefully cut the bands out of the gel
Store them in their own microcentrifuge tubes (labeled)
Dispose of excess gel and gloves in special container
This is due to the ethidium bromide
Determine and record the weight of the recovered gels
Use an empty microcentrifuge tube to tare the balance
Retrieve the DNA Recovery Kit
Add X amount of Agarose dissolving buffer(ADB) to the respective microcentrifuge tube
X = 3000 * (gel weight)
EX: 3000 * (0.126 g) = 378 µL
The max amount of ADB that can be added is 750 µL. If the gel weighs more than 0.250 g, then more gel must be cut off or the gel must be divided into two separate tubes
Place the microcentrifuge tubes in a 50-55 °C water bath for 10 minutes
Make sure the gel has completely dissolved, if there are pieces present, put back in the water bath for a couple minutes
Vortex to mix well
Retrieve and label collection tubes and their filter counterparts
Transfer the liquid into the filter using a pipette
Centrifuge for 30 s at 16,000 G
Discard flowthrough
Add 200 µL of wash buffer into the filter and centrifuge again with the same conditions
Repeat the wash buffer step
Centrifuge again for a minute at 21,000 G
Move the filters into new, labeled microcentrifuge tubes
Add 10 µL of autoclaved nanowater and centrifuge for 1 min at 16,000 G
Check and record the concentration with the nanodrop machine
BBa_K584000 cells
BBa_K206000 cells
Autoclaved NanoWater
LB Media
1x PBS
Plastic culture tubes
Plate reader
Flow cytometer
Remove inoculated cultures from shaker and test the OD600 using 100 µL and the plate reader.
Perform a dilution for each sample into 10 individual tubes (triplicates of 3 conditions per sample and 1 tube to monitor OD growth) with more LB to OD600 0.05 and let culture until 0.1. The new volume should be 1 mL. There should be 20 tubes total. Antibiotics should be added also.
x = volume from culture
After OD600 is 0.1, use 500 µL from each of the two cultures to find the starting OD595 and fluorescence with the plate reader
Use a clear plate to measure OD595 and a black plate to measure fluorescence
Wash and resuspend cells in PBS for initial measurement
Cool centrifuge to 4 °C, use plastic culture tubes, and centrifuge at 5,000 g for 10 minutes
Discard supernatant
Add 500 µL of PBS and resuspend
Add 5 mL of the correct culture into each of the 6 culture tubes (BBa_K584000 should be in 3 of the tubes, BBa_K206000 in the other 3) Add culture, 20% L-arabinose, and/or autoclaved Nanowater in the following proportions:
5 mL BBa_K584000/BBa_K206000
555 µL autoclaved Nanowater
5 ml BBa_K584000/BBa_K206000
55.5 µL 20% L-arabinose
499.5 µL autoclaved Nanowater
5 mL BBa_K584000/BBa_K206000
555 µL 20% L-arabinose
Allow cultures to grow for 1 hour in the shaker at 250 rpm and 37 °C
Remove 500 µL from each culture after 1 hour and wash and resuspend with PBS
Cool centrifuge to 4 °C, use plastic culture tubes, and centrifuge at 5,000 g for 10 minutes
Discard supernatant
Add 500 µL of PBS and resuspend
Use 100 µL from each of the cultures to find the OD595 and fluorescence with the plate reader
Save 300 µL from each culture for flow cytometry
Place 300 µL sample in 4 °C refrigerator to halt growth
Repeat steps 6-9 four more times to generate time points every hour for five hours
Place cultures on ice and transport to flow cytometry lab on UNL East Campus
BBa_K206000 Culture Dilution
(1.8 OD) (x mL) = (0.05 OD) (20 mL) x = 0.556 mL = 556 L original culture
BBa_K584000 Culture Dilution
(1.5 OD) (x mL) = (0.05 OD) (20 mL) x = 0.667 mL = 667 L original culture
Premade glycerol tubes
Obtain glycerol tubes and label appropriately
pBAD + CheZ #1 7/24/19
pBAD + CheZ + YbaQ #1 7/24/19
pBAD + GarKS #1 7/24/19
pBAD + GarKS + NSP4 #1 7/24/19
P2 + GarKS + NSP4 #1 7/24/19
Add 100 µL of inoculated culture to 100 µL of glycerol
Store glycerol tubes in -80 °C freezer for future use
LB Broth
Weigh out 25g/1L of LB broth
Add nanowater to complete the liter
Autoclave under lab solutions setting for one hour
Yeast Extract
LB broth powder
Agar powder
Add the following quantities together in a 250 mL bottle for TB:
Yeast Extract: 6 g
Tryptone: 5 g
Glycerol: 1 mL
Nanowater: 225 mL
10X PBS should be mixed in before use: 25 mL
Add the following quantities together in a 250 mL bottle for LB broth:
LB broth powder: 6.25 g
Nanowater: 250 mL
Add the following quantities together in a 500 mL bottle for LB agar:
LB broth powder: 12.5 g
Agar powder: 7.5 g
Nanowater: 500 mL
Mix all the contents well
Place in autoclave with proper precautions on the lab solution setting for one hour
PCR tubes
10x buffer
KOD Polymerase
Autoclaved Nanowater
DNA parts
Create the primer mixtures by combining the following components:
1 μL forward primer
1 μL reverse primer
8 μL autoclaved NanoWater
Create DNA templates by combining the following components:
1 μL stock pBAD+GarKS+NSP4 template (100 ng/μL)
9 μL autoclaved NanoWater
Create a 50 μL PCR mixture by adding the following components to a PCR tube:
32.5 μL autoclaved Nanowater
5 μL dNTPs
5 μL 10x Buffer
3 μL MgSO4
2 μL DNA template
1.5 μL Primer Mix
1 μL KOD Polymerase
Be sure to add the KOD polymerase last; the order of the other components can be changed
Open the thermal cycler and select the KOD protocol
Modify the time for the 70 °C cycle to match the length of the template
Set time to 18 seconds for the two garvicin parts
Plate both PCR tubes in thermo cycler, close the lid, and press start
Autoclaved nanowater
NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix
PCR tubes
Chemically-competent cells
SOC media
Chloramphenicol plates
Culture beads
37 °C incubator
37 °C shaker
Hot water bath
Ice bath
Obtain parts, vector, nanowater, master mix, and PCR tubes
Thaw and vortex master mix thoroughly and keep on ice
Calculate amounts needed for a vector:insert ratio of 1:1 and a total fragment amount of 0.2 - 0.5 pmols (found in calculations section)
Dilute each part with 10 µL of autoclaved nanowater to make an approximate concentration of 100 ng/µL
Add the following quantities to the PCR tube (total of 20 µL):
Insert: x
Vector: x
Autoclaved nanowater: x
HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix: 10 µL
Incubate samples in a thermocycler at 50°C for 60 minutes. Once completed, store on ice or at -20°C
Once completed, use right away or store at -20°C. Thaw chemically-competent cells on ice when ready to use the samples.
Add 2 µL of the assembled product to the competent cells. Mix gently by pipetting up and down or by flicking the tube 4-5 times. Do not vortex.
Place the mixture on ice for 30 minutes. Do not mix.
Heat shock at 42°C for 30 seconds. Do not mix.
Transfer tubes to ice for 2 minutes
Add 950 µL of room-temperature SOC media to the tube
Incubate the tube at 37°C for 60 minutes. Shake vigorously (250 rpm)
Warm chloramphenicol plates to 37°C
Add 100 µL of cells to the plate, and use beads to spread out the cells
Incubate overnight at 37°C
Improved frag1=1.01pmoles→Dilute w/10 µL→~100ng/µL and 0.10pmols
Improved frag2=1.40pmoles→Dilute w/10 µL→~100ng/µL and 0.14pmols
Improved frag3=1.64pmoles→Dilute w/10 µL→~100ng/µL and 0.16pmols
pSB1C3 = 25ng/µL → 4µL = 100ng & 0.07 pmol
Total mix = 7µL, 1:1 ratio in ng, 0.47 pmol < 0.50 pmol
DNA sample
Sequencing tube
2 µM Forward primers
(100 M) (x) = (2 M) (50 L) x = 1 L primer stock
Combine the following components into each tube: 12μL total
DNA: (280ng)(1μL/xng)
4 µL of 2 µM Forward Primer
Autoclaved Nanowater(8µL - volume of DNA)
Send tube to Eurofin for sequencing
Autoclaved Nanowater H20
Combine the following components in 500 mL of autoclaved nanowater H20:
5.00 g tryptone
2.5 g NaCl
1.25 g agarose
Autoclave media for 20 minutes at 120°C
Qiagen Resuspension Buffer (Buffer P1)
Qiagen Lysis Buffer (Buffer P2)
Qiagen Neutralization Buffer (Buffer P3)
Qiagen Neutralization Buffer II (Buffer N3)
Qiagen Binding Buffer (Buffer PB)
Qiagen Wash Buffer (Buffer PE)
Qiagen Elution Buffer (Buffer EB)
Pellet 1–5 ml bacterial overnight culture by centrifugation at >8000 rpm (6800 x g) for 3 min at room temperature (15–25°C).
Resuspend pelleted bacterial cells in 250 μl Buffer P1 and transfer to a microcentrifuge tube.
Add 250 μl Buffer P2 and mix thoroughly by inverting the tube 4–6 times until the solution becomes clear. Do not allow the lysis reaction to proceed for more than 5 min. If using LyseBlue reagent, the solution will turn blue.
Add 350 μl Buffer N3 and mix immediately and thoroughly by inverting the tube 4–6 times. If using LyseBlue reagent, the solution will turn colorless.
Centrifuge for 10 min at 13,000 rpm (~17,900 x g) in a table-top microcentrifuge.
Apply 800 μl supernatant from step 5 to the QIAprep 2.0 spin column by pipetting. For centrifuge processing, follow the instructions marked with a triangle. For vacuum manifold processing, follow the instructions marked with a circle. Centrifuge for 30–60 s and discard the flow-through, or apply vacuum to the manifold to draw the solution through the QIAprep 2.0 spin column and switch off the vacuum source.
Recommended: Wash the QIAprep 2.0 spin column by adding 0.5 ml Buffer PB. Centrifuge for 30–60 s and discard the flow-through, or apply vacuum to the manifold to draw the solution through the QIAprep 2.0 spin column and switch off the vacuum source.
Note: This step is only required when using endA+ strains or other bacteria strains with high nuclease activity or carbohydrate content.
Wash the QIAprep 2.0 spin column by adding 0.75 ml Buffer PE. Centrifuge for 30–60 s and discard the flow-through, or apply vacuum to the manifold to draw the solution through the QIAprep 2.0 spin column and switch off the vacuum source. Transfer the QIAprep 2.0 spin column to the collection tube.
Centrifuge for 1 min to remove residual wash buffer.
Place the QIAprep 2.0 column in a clean 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube. To elute DNA, add 50 μl Buffer EB (10 mM TrisCl, pH 8.5) or water to the center of the QIAprep 2.0 spin column, let stand for 1 min, and centrifuge for 1 min.
If the extracted DNA is to be analyzed on a gel, add 1 volume of Loading Dye to 5 volumes of purified DNA. Mix the solution by pipetting up and down before loading the gel.
CaCl2 2H2O (F.W. 147.01) - 1.18 g per 100mL solution
MnCl2 4H2O (F.W. 197.91) - 0.4 g per 100mL solution
MgCl2 6H2O (F.W. 203.30) - 0.2 g per 100mL solution
Potassium acetate (F.W. 98.14) - 1mL of a 1 M(pH 7.0) per 100mL solution
Redistilled glycerol- 10 mL per 100mL solution
Note: It is absolutely critical to maintain sterile conditions throughout the procedure.
Mix the materials together.
Dilute to 100mL solution with Autoclaved nanowater
Adjust the final solution to pH 6.4 with o.1 N HCl.
Filter the CCMB solution through 0.2 μm filter and kept at 4°C.
CCMB Solution
Colony of strain of interest
Day One
Inoculate 5mL of LB with a single colony of the strain of interest.
Grow the culture overnight at 37 * C with shaking.
Day Two
Adjust the temperature of a floor shaker to 30°C. It is absolutely critical to maintain the temperature no higher than 30°C. Prior to proceeding to the next step, the chamber temperature should be stabilized for no less than 30 min.
Inoculate 100 mL of LB containing appropriate antibiotic with 1.0 mL of the overnight culture.
Grow the cells at < 30°C with shaking until the
of the culture reaches 0.4-0.6. Depending on the strain, this step normally takes more than two hours.
While the cells are growing, chill the CCMB stock solution on ice. Also turn on the centrifuge and chill the rotor to 4°C. Label 40 of 1.5 mL sterile microtubes with the name of the strain and chilled them in the freezer. It is absolutely critical to have cold instruments and solutions for successfully carrying out the procedure.
When the
of the cell culture reaches the desired value, collect the cells by centrifugation at 5,000 g at 4°C for 10 min for two times in a 50 mL sterile centrifuge tubes.
It’s absolutely critical to maintain the cell pellet cold for the rest of the procedure. Quickly pour away the supernatant and try to remove as much the residual medium as possible using pipet.
Keep the cell pellet on ice, add 1 mL of chilled CCMB solution and resuspend the cells. Collect the cells by centrifugation at 5,000 g at 4°C for 10 min.
Quickly remove all the supernatant using a pipet.
Completely resuspend the cell pellets in 4 mL of cold CCMB solution.
Transfer aliquots (0.1 mL) of the competent cells to sterile, labeled, chilled 1.5 mL microtubes. Leave the competent cells on ice for half an hour. Then transfer the tubes into a storage box and store the cells at -80°C. The transformation efficiency is boosted after one cycle of freeze. Check the transformation efficiency of the freshly made competent cells (This method normally yields transformation efficiency
cfu/μg DNA). Cells prepared using this method maintain competency for at least 6 months.
Return the CCMB solution back to the fridge for storage.
E. coli strain UU2685 (ΔcheZ)
pBAD + CheZ DNA construct
pBAD + CheZ + YbaQ DNA construct
85 mm Petri dishes
37 °C shaker
30 °C incubator
Streptomycin (50 µg/mL)
Prepare diffusion plates
Mark empty plates with a 15 mm line
Place a small dot in the middle of the 15 mm line
Create approximately 600 mL of tryptone agar for plates
All agar should contain 1% tryptone, 0.25% agarose, and 50 µg/mL streptomycin
Add 0.02% arabinose to a 120 mL portion of agar
Add 0.2% arabinose to 180 mL portion of agar
Pour the following plates:
6 plates 0% arabinose
6 plates 0.02% arabinose
9 plates 0.2% arabinose
Prepare directionality plates
Mark empty plates with a 15 mm line
Place a small dot in the middle of the 15 mm line
Draw two 15 mm boxes on each end of the 15 mm line
Label one box “Tryptone” and the other box “Arabinose”
Create tryptone agar for plates
Agar should contain 1% tryptone, 0.25% agarose, and 50 µg/mL streptomycin
Pour 21 plates
Prepare cells
Transform the following DNA constructs into E. coli strain UU2685 (ΔcheZ):
pBAD + CheZ
pBAD + CheZ + YbaQ
After transformation, prepare three inoculations each for the following cell types using LB media:
UU2685 from stock (no transformation)
pBAD + CheZ from transformed colonies
pBAD + CheZ + YbaQ from transformed colonies
Place inoculation in a 37 °C shaker at 250 rpm overnight
The following day, measure the OD of the inoculations and dilute with LB to an OD of 0.05
Allow the cultures to grow to an OD of 0.5
Remove cultures from shaker; plate cells for diffusion and directionality assays
Diffusion assay
Plate 5 µL of UU2685 onto a 0% arabinose plate. Place the cells on the dot labeled in the middle of the plate.
Allow the cells to dry
Place the plates in a 30 °C incubator overnight
Repeat steps 1-3 for all cell cultures to create the following plates:
Three 0% arabinose plates
Three 0.02% arabinose plates
Three 0.2% arabinose plates
pBAD + CheZ
Three 0% arabinose plates
Three 0.02% arabinose plates
Three 0.2% arabinose plates
pBAD + CheZ + YbaQ
Three 0% arabinose plates
Three 0.02% arabinose plates
Three 0.2% arabinose plates
Plate 5 µL of UU2685 onto the dot in the center of the plate
In the box labeled “Tryptone,” place three 2 µL aliquots of tryptone in equally spaced increments
In the box labeled “Arabinose,” place three 2 µL aliquots of water in equally spaced increments. Use water as the 0% arabinose condition
Allow the cells, tryptone, and water to dry.
Place the plates in a 30 °C incubator overnight
Repeat steps 1-5 for all cell cultures to create the following plates:
Three 0% arabinose plates
Three 0.02% arabinose plates
Three 0.2% arabinose plates
pBAD + CheZ
Three 0% arabinose plates
Three 0.02% arabinose plates
Three 0.2% arabinose plates
pBAD + CheZ + YbaQ
Three 0% arabinose plates
Three 0.02% arabinose plates
Three 0.2% arabinose plates
The next day
Use the 15 mm lines marked on the plates to determine the radius of growth
BBa_K1022100 cells
BBa_K3191101 cells
BBa_K3191102 cells
BBa_K206000 cells
Autoclaved NanoWater
LB Media
1x PBS
Plastic culture tubes
Plate reader
Flow cytometer
Remove inoculated cultures from shaker and test the OD600 using 100 µL and the plate reader.
Perform a dilution for each sample into 13 individual tubes (triplicates of 4 conditions per sample and 1 tube to monitor OD growth) with more LB to OD600 0.05 and let culture until 0.1. The new volume should be 1 mL. There should be 52 tubes total. Antibiotic should be added also.
x = volume from culture
After OD600 is 0.1, add the correct amounts of AIP and 20% L-arabinose for each condition:
AIP & arabinose:
AIP: 4 µL
20% arabinose: 5 µL
AIP: 4 µL
20% arabinose: 0 µL
AIP: 0 µL
20% arabinose: 5 µL
AIP: 0 µL
20% arabinose: 0 µL
Remove 300 µL from each of the cultures; these is the hour 0 samples
Place the cultures in the shaker at 250 rpm and 37 °C for 8 hours
Wash and resuspend the hour 0 cells in PBS for initial measurement
Centrifuge at 5,000 g for 10 minutes
Cool centrifuge to 4 °C
Use plastic culture tubes
Discard supernatant
Add 300 µL of PBS and resuspend
Put 100 µL from each of the cultures into a clear 96 well plate and a black 96 well plate to find the OD600 and fluorescence with the plate reader
Remove 300 µL from each culture after 8 hours and wash and resuspend with PBS
Centrifuge at 5000 g for 10 minutes
Cool centrifuge to 4 °C
Use plastic culture tubes
Discard supernatant
Add 300 µL of PBS and resuspend
Put 100 µL from each of the cultures into a clear 96 well plate and a black 96 well plate to find the OD600 and fluorescence with the plate reader
Save the rest of the cultures for flow cytometry
Place samples in 4 °C refrigerator to halt growth
Place cultures on ice and transport to flow cytometry lab
Prepare culture tubes with 5 mL M9 broth, 5 μL kanamycin
Inoculate GarKS strains and pSB3K3 negative control from glycerol stock into culture tubes
Grow to an OD equal to or greater than 2.0
Check OD with a spectrophotometer using a 1 mL M9 broth as the blank and a 1:10 dilution of culture. Dilute using M9 broth.
Place the entire culture into a 1 L flask containing 250 mL of M9 broth
Incubate the large flasks in a 37 °C shaker at 250 rpm until OD reaches 0.5
Induce with L-arabinose to create a 0.2% concentration in culture medium
Allow cells to grow to OD of 2.0 following induction of L-arabinose
Pour the cell culture into a 250 mL centrifuge bottle
Harvest cells by centrifugation at 5500 rpm for 10 minutes at 4 °C
Pour the supernatant into new 250 mL centrifuge bottle
Use 5 mL of supernatant to resuspend the cell pellet in the original bottle
Transfer pellet resuspension to a 50 mL conical tube
Centrifuge the 50 mL conical tube at 5500 rpm for 10 minutes at 4 °C
Pour the supernatant back into the 250 mL centrifuge bottle in step 10
Store the cell pellet at -80 °C and store the supernatant at 4 °C for later use
Pour the supernatant into a 1 L round bottom flask
Rotovap the supernatant to decrease the volume to approximately 7 mL
Pour the supernatant into a new 50 mL conical tube
Rinse the round bottom flask with three 1 mL portions of autoclaved nanowater and add the rinse to the 50 mL conical tube. This creates a total volume of 10 mL
Store the conical tube at -80 °C for future analysis
Thaw the supernatant in the 50 mL conical tube and aliquot 3 mL into a 25 mL or 50 mL round bottom flask
Rotovap to dryness
Create 10 mL of the 50% acetonitrile, 5% formic acid, 45% H20 solution
Add 500 µL of acetonitrile/formic acid solution to dissolve the protein
Incubate at room temperature for 1 hour; store at 4 °C for Bradford assay or other analysis
Bio-Rad protein assay
96 well plate
Plate reader
Prepare the following standard solutions with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and autoclaved nanowater:
0 mg/mL BSA
0.125 mg/mL BSA
0.25 mg/mL BSA
0.50 mg/mL BSA
0.75 mg/mL BSA
1.0 mg/mL BSA
Dilute the protein sample with autoclaved nanowater to create the following dilutions:
1:30 dilution
1:20 dilution
1:10 dilution
5:5 dilution
Prepare a sample for the assay by adding 5 µL of the desired sample to 250 µL of Coomassie Blue dye. Pipet to mix.
Create three samples for each standard solution and 3 samples for each protein dilution to allow triplicate measurements
Place the samples in a 96 well plate and incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes. Keep the sample in the dark during the incubation period.
After 10 minutes, place the 96 well plate in a plate reader to measure the OD at 595 nm
Use the absorbance values for the BSA standards to generate a standard curve of absorbance vs. concentration
Use the equation of the standard curve and the absorbance value of the protein sample to find the concentration of protein in a given dilution
Use the dilution values to calculate the concentration of protein in the undiluted sample
L-arabinose powder
Sterilized syringe
Sterile filter for syringe
50 mL conical tube
Sterilize workbench and ignite flame
Disolve 10 g of L-arabinose powder in 50 mL of nanowater
Load a sterilized syringe with appropriate sterile filter and remove syringe plug
Load the solution into the syringe.
Once filled, take syringe plug and push the solution through the filter into a couple 50 mL conical tubes
Autoclaved Nanowater
Add the following quantities into a 1 L bottle:
32g Na2HPO4-7H2O
7.5g KH2PO4
1.25g NaCl
2.5g NH4Cl
500 mL nanowater
Autoclave the solution
1M MgSO4 solution
1M CaCl2 solution
M9 salt solution
0.3M Leucine (in 1M HCl solution) (filter sterilized)
Autoclave the MgSO4, CaCl2, and M9 salt solutions
Add the following quantities together:
2 mL of autoclaved 1M MgSO4 solution
100µL of autoclaved 1M CaCl2 solution
20 mL of glycerol
200 mL of autoclaved M9 salt solution
0.5 mL of 0.3M Leucine (in 1M HCl solution) (filter sterilized)
T4 buffer
T4 ligase
Autoclaved Nanowater
Look for the insert size removed from the plasmid and subtract it from the plasmid size to determine the new plasmid size after digestion
Insert construct size: _____________bp
Plasmid size: ____________ bp – insert size=______________ bp
Determine the insert 3:1 ratio using the following formula:
insert size bp⁄digested plasmid bp * 3 = insert bp 3 : 1 ratio * 1 μL= x μL
Using the results from the mentioned formula determine the nanograms needed for a concentration of 50 ng µL-1
x μL⁄1 * 50 ng⁄1μL = x ng
Determine the volume needed from the construct (insert) using the following formula:
x μL⁄1 * 1 μL⁄concentration of ng µL-1 = x μL of construct needed
determine the volume needed from the plasmid (vector) using the following formula:
50 μL⁄1 * 1 μL⁄plasmid concentration ( ng µL-1) = x μL of plasmid needed