Team:TelHai-Migal Israel/Parts

Parts overview

Registry Number Type Function Length
BBa_K2946010 basic Exon 1 of Mkate2 gene reporter gene + trans-splicing region 1 (TS1) variation 1. 526 bp
BBa_K2946011 basic Exon 2 Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 2 (TS2) variation 1. 761 bp
BBa_K2946013 basic Exon 1 of Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 3 (TS3) variation 2. 428 bp
BBa_K2946014 basic Exon 2 Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 4 (TS4) variation 2. 666 bp
BBa_K2946012 Composite Variation 1
Exon 1 of Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 1 (TS1)
Exon 2 of Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 2 (TS2)
Fully operated Mkate reporter gene fluorophore
1295 bp
BBa_K2946015 Composite Variation 2
Exon 1 of Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 3 (TS3)
Exon 2 Mkate2 reporter gene + trans-splicing region 4 (TS4)
Fully operated Mkate reporter gene fluorophore
1102 bp