Team:Stony Brook/Wiki

iGEM SBU 2019


Our team implemented various technologies into the wiki to make a website that was not only aesthetically pleasing, but also responsive and lightweight.


Before we started coding the wiki, we worked on the overall theme of the website and the design of each page. We used Google Slides to draft each page so that the design could easily be changed and to have a point of reference when we actually coded the design.


Since we had multiple people writing wiki pages at the same time, a good way to keep track of changes and store the code was needed. We hosted our source code on our Github organization account and used Git for a version-control system. This made wiki writing efficient and headache-free.


We used Semantic UI for our front-end development framework, which saved us time writing CSS and made it easy to design sleek and responsive web pages. We also made use of jQuery and AOS (Animate On Scroll) library for animations on our site.

iGEM Stony Brook 2019

iGEM Stony Brook 2019