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Our team has validated some characterization of existing parts.

Part number Name Type Despription
BBa_K1806005 T7+ ibPB RNA Thermometer + RFP Composite Regulateing the expression of RFP through temperature and ITPG
BBa_I712004 CMV promoter regulatory starting the expression of gene in eukaryon
BBa_I714891 EGFP coding Encoding the protein eGFP

Basic parts

Our team has built these basic parts, and you can click on the part number to see the details.

Part number Name Type Despription
BBa_K2942701 Riboswitches rbs Regulateing transcription, translation, splicing and the stability of RNA
BBa_K2942704 Carboxypeptidase G2 (CPG2) coding Encoding the protein CPG2 with flag tag
BBa_K2942703 Nitroreductase coding Encoding the protein nitroreductase with flag tag

Composite Parts

We combined the basic part including promoter and protein coding sequences, which are presented in the following table. You can click on the part number to see the details.

Part number Name Type Despription
BBa_K2942705 CMV promoter+eGFP Composite starting the expression of eGFP in eukaryon
BBa_K2942706 CMV promoter+ Riboswitches+eGFP Composite Starting and regulating the expression of eGFP in eukaryon
BBa_K2942708 CMV promoter+ Riboswitches+ CPG2+eGFP Composite Starting and regulating the expression of CPG2 in eukaryon
BBa_K2942707 CMV promoter+ Riboswitches+Nitroreductase+eGFP Composite Starting and regulating the expression of Nitroreductase in eukaryon

Improved Parts

Our team have improved nitroreductase sequences by Codon humanization and add a flag on it. The improved parts (in blue) and original existing parts (in red) are presented below. You can click on the part number to see the details.

Part number Name Type Despription
Nitroreductase coding human codon optimization on the original sequence and flag added

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